Bai Ruo Creek.

She was attracted by Ye Fei’s “Moonlight” and took the initiative to go downstairs.

Only to see Bai Ruoxi wearing an ivory white modified cheongsam, exquisite and elegant, very charming.

The qipao was once the iconic clothing of the women of the Yanhuang Kingdom, which can perfectly show the charm of women.

However, the traditional qipao also has some defects because of the times, and Bai Ruoxi wears a modified qipao, which is more sophisticated in production and more reflects the figure of women.

Ordinary women are not very afraid to wear cheongsam.

Because the cheongsam is too challenging for women’s body requirements, if there is excess flesh in places such as the lower abdomen and arms, wearing the cheongsam will be particularly obvious.

But this cheongsam was worn on Bai Ruoxi’s body, but it was just right.

Graceful figure, almost perfect S-shaped lines, her classical and gentle temperament, full of spirit, just suitable for wearing such a cheongsam.

Bai Ruoxi’s cheongsam exposes tender lotus-like arms and finely shaved smooth calves, which are actually very conservatively dressed, but they are very eye-catching.

Ye Fei couldn’t help but compare Bai Ruoxi with Mu Ziyuan, Luo Weiyu, Su Qingzhu and other women.

In terms of appearance alone, the four women can be described as comparable, but the temperament is completely different.

Luo Weiyu belongs to the leading girl, Su Qingzhu is an iceberg beauty, and Mu Zizhen is not eating human fireworks, and everyone is estranged and distant.

And Bai Ruoxi, is the standard classical beauty, beautiful and graceful, graceful.

The appearance of Bai Ruoxi also made the eyes of the whole audience focus on her body.

Ye Fei’s gaze also paused slightly on Bai Ruoxi’s body, and then he smiled lightly and said, “The moonlight of this night is very beautiful, and this song is now the moonlight of the night, called “Moonlight”. ”


Hearing the name of this piano song, the crowd was slightly silent, as if they were still recalling the piano song.

Bai Ruoxi said softly, “A good name is indeed like moonlight, hazy and beautiful, pure and flawless.” ”

“Thanks for the compliment.” Ye Fei smiled.

“Ding, congratulations host, Bai Ruoxi’s impression of you has increased, and the experience point has increased by 100 points.”

The system prompt came from the ear, and Ye Fei was in a good mood.

Bai Ruoxi blinked his eyes and cut the water, “I have seen a video on the Internet, that song “Adrina by the Water’s Edge” is also Ye Gongzi’s masterpiece, right? ”

Bai Ruoxi looked at Ye Fei’s eyes with a hint of curiosity.

A pianist who can play “Adrina by the Water” and “Moonlight” is definitely a master pianist.

Although there are only two songs, each is a classic.

Especially this “Moonlight”, she especially likes.

“Yes, I played it, I can’t think of Miss White.” Ye Fei was slightly surprised.

Why did he play the “Adi by the Water” video to spread the fire so much? Even Bai Ruoxi had seen it.

In fact, Ye Fei wanted to fork, he played “Adilina by the Water” This video is not widely circulated, but only in the music circle a small range, after all, not everyone has the ability to appreciate the piano.

However, Bai Ruoxi especially likes piano music, so he saw this video.

“It’s also a song that can be called a classic, and I’ve never heard of Ye Gongzi’s talent in this area before, and it’s really hidden.” Bai Ruoxi said another word, and she slowly walked down the stairs and smiled softly.

Originally, Bai Ruoxi did not intend to go downstairs.

It’s just that she was completely attracted to this piano piece and unconsciously walked out of the room.

Ye Fei got up from the piano stool and put away the microphone.

Bai Yu was the first among the people to react, he clapped his hands violently, and said, “Sleeping Groove, Ye Fei, you are really a god, your piano skills are so strong?” Real cow! ”

Compared with Bai Ruoxi’s praise, Bai Yu’s praise was simple and rude.

Listening to Bai Yu’s praise, Ye Fei suddenly thought of a sentence: I have no culture, and I am lying in the groove to walk the world.

The corners of Yang Zimo’s mouth twitched slightly, seeing that the whole limelight was snatched away by Ye Fei, and even Bai Ruoxi went downstairs because of Ye Fei, Yang Zimo couldn’t help but smile bitterly in his heart.

People are more popular than dead.

Who knew that Ye Fei was actually hiding such a hand!

Although Ye Fei was in the limelight, Yang Zimo did not hate Ye Fei, just a little jealous. Good villains are mixed up in a circle, and it is just a piano song, and Yang Zimo does not need to have a vendetta against Ye Fei because of this.

Everyone else was also full of admiration for Ye Fei’s “Moonlight”, even if some people did not understand the piano music, at this time, seeing so many people marveling and appreciating, they also had to pretend to understand very well, frequently nodding their heads, and praising Ye Fei.

Ye Fei just smiled faintly.

These people’s praise Ye Fei did not take it to heart, he played this piano song, just to attract Bai Ruoxi downstairs.

The reason why Bai Ruoxi was let go downstairs was because Ye Fei had something he wanted to say to Bai Ruoxi.

To be precise, Ye Fei wanted to make a deal with Bai Ruoxi.

Now Ye Fei’s purpose had been half successful, and Bai Ruoxi had gone downstairs.

Although Bai Ruoxi went downstairs, she really didn’t like too noisy and lively places, she sat quietly on the sofa in the corner, holding her cheeks and thinking, frowning slightly, not knowing what she was thinking.

At the scene, many brothers saw Bai Ruoxi sitting far away and thinking intently, and they all hesitated and did not dare to come forward to disturb and talk.

If they were ordinary women, they would be fat. However, in the face of a woman like Bai Ruoxi, many male brothers are discouraged.

Even Yang Zimo was like this, hesitating and hesitating, not daring to come forward.

Ye Fei couldn’t help but smile when he saw it.

As far as Yang Zimo and others are concerned, it is strange that they can catch up with a goddess like Bai Ruoxi. To put it ugly, this is the licking dog mentality, hesitation, too much scruples.

In fact, the goddess is also a person, although the goddess has an aura, but they are still women, the same to be hungry to eat, sleepy to sleep.

If you always look at the goddess as a goddess and feel that you can only look at it from a distance and cannot be blasphemed, then the goddess can really only be a goddess.

Therefore, it is most important to take the first bold step.

Ye Fei saw that these sons and brothers were hesitant to come forward to talk, Ye Fei walked idly and walked forward with a smile.

“Miss Bai, do you have time to talk?” Ye Fei sat silently beside Bai Ruoxi.

The position where Ye Fei sat was very clever, one position away from Bai Ruoxi, not too far, but not too close.

This distance belongs to the category of safe distance, and exceeding this distance is easy to make people feel vigilant.



Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, recommend, and score

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