Mu Zizhen slowly closed her fists, her smooth forehead was drenched in perspiration, her face was rosy and lovely, and there was an indescribable sense of beauty.

Mu Zizhen also noticed Ye Fei at this time, and she smiled in her eyes: “Ye Fei, you are here.” ”

The butler had actually taken Ye Fei aside a long time ago, but Ye Fei admired Mu Zizhen’s boxing practice and did not make a noise to disturb him.

Elder Mu also smiled and greeted, “Xiao Ye sit fast.” ”

“Mu Lao, Zi Zhen.” Ye Fei also greeted the two of them, and then sat down on the side, saying, “Just now I saw Zi Zhen practicing boxing, rigid and soft, and flexible horses, which has quite the style of everyone.” ”

Mu Zizhen is proficient in martial arts, and with her current strength, she is not even inferior to the male protagonist Chen Luo.

Of course, because Chen Luo has the aura of the protagonist in the book, he opens and hangs all the way in the later stage, so he will not mention it.

Hearing Ye Fei’s evaluation, Elder Mu smiled: “Oh? Xiaoye also seems to be proficient in martial arts. ”

Ye Fei smiled, “Since the ancient medicine martial arts do not separate families, I do know a little.” ”

Mu Zizhen said from the side, “You will do more than a little.” ”

At the moment, Mu Zizhen smiled and told the scene where she and Ye Fei first encountered the robbery of the gold shop.

After listening to it, Elder Mu had a better impression of Ye Fei.

Elder Mu applauded, “Xiao Ye, you are very heroic, you still dare to see righteousness and courage in the face of those bandits, and there are not many young people like you now.” ”

Elder Mu felt a little more intimate with Ye Fei, and said with a smile: “Yes, much like me when I was young, I have blood and courage.” ”

Mu Zizhen covered his mouth and smiled softly: “Grandpa, why are you so exaggerated, you are clearly praising yourself?” ”

Mu Lao laughed.

Ye Fei couldn’t help but wonder, this old man was indeed a little interesting.

“Ding, congratulations to the host, the important person Mu Lao’s impression of you has increased, and the experience points have increased by 100 points.”

Experience again!

Elder Mu’s impression of him increased, and it even increased his experience.

However, it is also relieved to think about it, after all, Mu Lao is one of the few big guys in the original book, and he is definitely an important person. Moreover, Ye Fei’s move was also a chance to cut off Chen Luo, and it was normal to get experience points.

This is simply Mu Zizhen’s god assist.

Ye Fei’s mood was suddenly very good.

Elder Mu smiled again, “It is rare that you can also do martial arts Xiao Ye, it seems that you and Zi Gang will have a lot of topic.” Zi Zhen has loved martial arts since he was a child, you can talk more. ”

That’s a bit of a matchmaking.

Mu Zizhen was very generous, she smiled, and said, “Actually, I just want to invite Ye Fei, there is a martial arts competition next weekend, do you want to go to see it together?” ”

“Okay.” Ye Fei agreed.

After he crossed, although he also moved his hands several times, except for Mu, he had not yet encountered a truly powerful master.

This martial arts competition, perhaps, is a no.

“That’s it.” Mu Zizhen smiled shallowly, and his smart eyes were very attractive.

Ye Fei smiled and nodded, while looking at Mu again: “Elder Mu, it’s time for you to acupuncture.” ”

“Well, you’re in trouble, Xiaoye.” Elder Mu smiled and nodded.

Ye Fei was Mu Lao acupuncture, only to see that Ye Fei’s Otogi God Needle was more skillful.

The system also has the term proficiency.

In the system, according to the system’s evaluation of skills, it is divided into five levels: elementary, intermediate, advanced, master, and god.

Advanced skills are enough to hang ordinary people, enough to become the best in a certain field.

After the proficiency of advanced skills reaches 100%, it costs 300 million to improve to the master level.

Master skills, that’s a step further.

Ye Fei glanced at his medical proficiency, which was currently 20%, but it was still a bit far away.

Of course, advanced skills are sufficient at the moment.

Ye Fei acupuncture for Mu Lao for half an hour, for Mu Lao’s body Guan Yuan acupoint, Shen Que acupoint, middle cavity acupoint, qi sea acupoint four large acupoints, as well as other acupuncture points to adjust.

Half an hour later, Ye Fei said, “Elder Mu, it’s already good.” ”

“Xiao Ye, your medical skills are really powerful, reminding me of the Wu Shen Doctor in Yanjing.” Elder Mu sighed.

Ye Fei smiled, “That Wu Shen Doctor is indeed a high person. ”

Dr. Wu Shen was Chen Luo’s master, and Chen Luo’s biggest patron, and indeed a high-ranking person in the world.

Ye Fei’s current medical skills, of course, were not enough to be compared with that Wu Shen Doctor, and Elder Mu was polite to say.

Having said that, Ye Fei was not vain.

After all, medical skills are not omnipotent, not to mention that he still has systems and layouts, and it is not far to catch up with Wu Shenyi.

After acupuncture for Mu Lao, Ye Fei collected the needle and was about to speak, when Mu Zizhen came with a tea set.

She went to the room to change her clothes, but it was still a plain dress, and there was no powder.

Mu Zizhen brought tea and smiled, “Drink tea.” ”


Elder Mu also laughed at the side: “Xiaoye, you are blessed, and Zigen’s ability to brew tea is a must, but ordinary people can’t taste it.” ”

Mu Zizhen smiled shallowly, and she handed the teacup to Ye Fei.

Ye Fei took the teacup, and his fingers lightly touched Mu Zizhen’s fingertips, and a silky feeling suddenly lingered.

Ye Fei lifted the tea cup, took a sip, and then tasted the tea.

Tea is the best Ming Dynasty West Lake Longjing, tea cup buds stretched, flakes floating and sinking with water.

Ye Fei took a sip, and indeed his lips and teeth were fragrant, and the tea fragrance was overflowing. If Chen Luo were to change here, he would definitely have to pretend to be proficient and understanding of tea.

But Ye Fei said very directly: “It’s delicious, but unfortunately I don’t know much about tea leaves, and I can’t say so many tricks.” ”

Ye Fei knew that there was no point in forcibly pretending to be in front of a woman like Mu Zizhen, not to mention that he really didn’t know much about tea, so he told the truth.

Mu Zizhen smiled lightly, “This tea was originally used to quench your thirst, where is it so exquisite and twisting and turning.” ”

Mu Zizhen smiled lightly, compared with Chen Luo’s last triumphant evaluation of tea, Mu Zizhen obviously preferred Ye Fei’s answer.

Ye Fei put down the teacup, and the tea was fragrant, and the whole house was fragrant.

Mu Zizhen blinked and took the teacup away for Ye Fei.

The tea is light and elegant, and the beauty is like jade, all of which are a must.


1 more delivered, slightly embarrassed by the night. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, recommend, and score

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