The corners of Ye Fei’s mouth drew a hint of curvature.

He could guess what Lei Haoran was going to do.

It was nothing more than to teach Ye Fei a lesson to Yan Jing Sanshao.

Lei Haoran himself has a security company, specially trained a group of people who are very good at fist and foot kung fu, usually provide bodyguards to rich businessmen and powerful people, and are also Lei Haoran’s thugs.

In the original book, Lei Haoran once let his subordinates Yin Ye Fei once.

In the original book, Ye Fei was very miserable by Lei Haoran, but now…

Ye Fei was thinking about pit Chen Luo, and as a result, he ran into Lei Haoran calling, and he suddenly had an idea in his heart, and Lei Haoran could just take advantage of it.

After Lei Haoran finished calling, he took Chen Luo and a few people to leave the ‘Dark Night Rose’ bar, but he did not go far, ready to watch a good play.

Soon it was early in the morning.

The time is short, there are few people on the streets, but the bars are still bustling.

Ye Fei looked at the watch time and said, “I’ll be here today, let’s go.” ”

Yang Zimo was surprised: “Leave so early?” “The second generation of them are playing crazy, and they are not ready to leave until two or three o’clock.”

Ye Fei looked at Su Qingzhu beside him, in fact, Su Qingzhu was already full of tiredness, but he was still sitting next to Ye Fei.

Su Qingzhu’s schedule has always been very regular, she rarely stays up late, and basically goes to bed before eleven o’clock.

Su Qingzhuquan was like a little woman around Ye Fei, and even took the initiative to peel fruit for Ye Fei, still cold to other men, but his attitude towards Ye Fei was completely different.

Ye Fei smiled lightly, “Light bamboo, she seems to be sleepy, let’s withdraw first.” ”

Su Qingzhu was slightly shocked in his heart.

This was the first time Ye Fei had called her ‘Light Bamboo’, and a strange feeling surged up in her heart, her face was rendered by a red halo, and her heart was slightly sweet.

She has always hated men, and at this moment, she did not have the slightest disgust, but felt sweet.

“Sigh, Ye Dashao really pitied the beauty, then we will listen to you, withdraw and withdraw.” Bai Yu was very face-saving to Ye Fei, he waved his hand, let these Internet celebrities and celebrities around him disperse, and then walked out of the bar with Ye Fei and Yang Zimo.

The street outside the bar is deserted.

Although it is autumn, the night in Yanjing is already a little cold.

Ye Fei and the others parked their cars outside the street, so they had to walk some way to get the car.

Ye Fei and a few people walked to the intersection of the street, passing a small alley.

As soon as I entered this alley, a group of people suddenly appeared around me, about a dozen people, all of whom were powerful and powerful, tall and tall, with well-developed muscles, and all holding sticks.

The leader was a man with a face full of flesh and a full body, and this big man smiled at Su Qingzhu beside Ye Fei: “Yo, such a beautiful little chick, what a rare beauty, come and play with the buddies for a while?” ”

What a clumsy acting.

Ye Fei was sure that this group of people was definitely found by Lei Haoran, and their target was not Su Qingzhu, but Ye Fei and others.

Where are a dozen people with sticks waiting at the mouth of the alley in the middle of the night, but just to tease women?

Su Qingzhu’s face was cold, but his eyes were slightly flustered.

Yang Zimo and Bai Yu both sensed that something was wrong, and Bai Yu reacted quickly, and wanted to pick up his mobile phone and call the bodyguard at the first time.

Seeing Bai Yu pull out his mobile phone and prepare to call, the big man’s expression changed slightly.

This big man couldn’t care less about it, just thinking about completing Lei Shao’s explanation on the phone, he immediately shouted: “Move! ”

During the conversation, these dozen people were extremely fierce, and they took the stick and shot it.

Ye Fei and the others were quickly surrounded.

Bai Yu and Yang Zimo are just a little bigger, and their physique may be slightly stronger than ordinary people.

And these dozen people knew at a glance that they were practicing family members, how could they be opponents?

Bai Yu and Yang Zimo also encountered this battle for the first time, but although these two people were pale, they were also hard-bone.

“Cao, Ye Fei, Yang Zimo, let’s hold out for a while, I’ll call the bodyguard over right away!” Bai Yu shouted.

Yang Zimo also shouted, “Ye Fei, you protect Miss Su, don’t resist!” ”

Ye Fei was slightly surprised, Yang Zimo and Bai Yu were still quite righteous at the critical moment.

At this time, the first big man rushed over, he raised the stick in his hand and smashed it directly in the direction of Su Qingzhu.

The scene began to become chaotic, and the big man couldn’t care less and went straight to work first.

Since Su Qingzhu and Ye Fei were standing together, and Su Qingzhu’s position was closer to him, he first raised his stick and smashed it at Su Qingzhu.

Su Qingzhu’s face turned white, she subconsciously took a step back, and in the face of the sudden drop of this stick, she closed her eyes.

But the next second, the expected pain did not hit.

Su Qingzhu felt that he had been pulled by someone, and he saw Ye Fei blocking in front of her!

Then Su Qingzhu saw Ye Fei kick out, as fast as lightning, the momentum was strong and heavy, and the angle was sharp and fierce.


There was a loud bang in the air, and the big man was kicked out by Ye Fei’s foot for several meters, and the stick in his hand was also out of his hand.

That big man was solved by Ye Fei’s kick!

This scene made Yang Zimo and Bai Yu stunned, while Su Qingzhu was frozen in place, full of thoughts about the scene where Ye Fei had just blocked in front of her.

Extra secure.

“Stand behind me and don’t move, I promise this bunch of garbage won’t touch a finger of yours.”

At the same time, Ye Fei’s faint voice sounded in Su Qingzhu’s ear.

Hearing this, Su Qingzhu raised her head, and she subconsciously looked at the man’s back.

Ye Fei’s figure was not very large, just just right, but it gave Su Qingzhu an indescribable sense of security.

Su Qingzhu listened to Ye Fei’s words and obediently stood behind him.

Immediately after, she saw another amazing scene.

Ye Fei’s splitter snatched a big man’s weapon, and after having a weapon, Ye Fei became even more fierce, almost like a tiger entering a flock.

None of these people were Ye Fei’s opponents!

At this moment, Ye Fei’s strength value was not inferior to Chen Luo’s, and he was definitely a master. With his current strength value, even against special forces is more than enough, not to mention these half-bucket water guys.

With the crisp sound of broken bones in the night sky, followed by screams.

Ye Fei easily solved the three people, and then saw Bai Yu and Yang Zimo not far away in trouble.


2 more ~~~~~___

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