Seeing that Bai Yu and Yang Zimo hated Chen Luo so much that his teeth itched, and at the same time, Ye Fei’s experience value soared, and his mood was extremely comfortable.

Anyway, Yang Zimo and Bai Yu were pulled into the water by him.

This was completely in line with Ye Fei’s plan.

In fact, in Ye Fei’s view, the Ye family in the original book would be destroyed for two reasons.

The first is, of course, the protagonist aura of the original book, which is not to be mentioned.

The second is that in the original book, the Ye family has too few friends and too many enemies.

Chen Luo relied on his master’s huge connections and connections to win over many Yanjing magnates, such as the Lei family and other families, all of whom were Chen Luo’s allies.

In contrast, the Ye family was simply alone. Even if the Ye family had deep roots, it would be impossible to fight through the major giants of Yanjing, plus internal and external troubles, and eventually be tragically destroyed.

Of course, Ye Fei would not repeat the mistakes of the past.

What he has to do now is very simple, and he must win over anyone who can become an enemy of Chen Luo. Wherever an alliance can be made, he must also draw together and make friends.

Again, as long as Ye Fei made his friends more and more and his enemies less and less, he could easily win Chen Luo.

And now Bai Yu and Yang Zimo’s attitude towards Chen Luo’s resentment had reached Ye Fei’s goal.

Ye Fei comforted Bai Yu and Yang Zimo for a few words, and then said, “You go back first, you are all injured, hurry back to rub the medicine, these people will be handed over to me to deal with.” ”

Ye Fei pointed to the few thugs on the ground who had been subdued.

“Well, then please.”

“Ye Fei, I owe you today.”

Bai Yu and Yang Zimo both said that the injuries on their bodies were indeed not light, and it was time to hurry back to rub the medicine.

After all, the two men’s injuries were not light, and they hurried home to treat the wounds.

Ye Fei, on the other hand, called Hei Wu and asked him to come over and deal with the thugs who had been subdued.

Hei Wu quickly brought people here, he had always done things very safely, and Ye Fei was also assured.

At this point, tonight’s events are finally over.

It was late at night, and only Ye Fei and Su Qingzhu were left.

Ye Fei said to Su Qingzhu, “I’ll send you back.” ”

“Okay.” Su Qingzhu’s voice was exceptionally soft.


The other side.

Lei Haoran was in a tea house under his name, and he and Chen Luo were ready to watch a good play, just waiting to see Ye Fei and the three of them being harshly taught.

At this moment, Lei Haoran’s mobile phone rang, he answered the phone, and then said a few words, his face was cold.

“Brother Rei, what’s wrong?” Chen Luo had a bad premonition in his heart.

Lei Haoran’s face was low, and he hung up the phone and muttered to himself, “No, Ye Fei’s boy is so capable of fighting?” Did he hide a hand before? ”

“Brother Rei, what the hell is going on?” Chen Luo’s bad premonition was even stronger.

Lei Haoran said in a deep voice, “We failed.” My people told me that Ye Fei’s guy was very good at fighting, and a small half of the people I sent out were subdued by Ye Fei. ”

“What?” Chen Luo’s voice couldn’t help but raise an octave.

This fact made Chen Luo difficult to accept.

Chen Luo had never seen Ye Fei shoot out, but he had always felt that Ye Fei was just a small white face and an embroidered pillow. Although Ye Fei was indeed handsome in appearance, his physical fitness was weak and worrying, and he was not his opponent at all.

But now it seemed that Ye Fei’s strength value was actually quite terrifying.

Although the thugs sent out by Lei Haoran were not worth mentioning in Chen Luo’s eyes, they were more than enough to deal with ordinary people, and even if Ye Fei brought bodyguards, it was difficult to stop them.

After all, no matter how strong the bodyguard is, he can only deal with one or two people at most. It is said that two fists are difficult to defeat four hands, which is not a lie.

But Lei Haoran told him that Ye Fei was very capable of fighting, and the thugs sent out by Lei Haoran were not his opponents!

In this way, Ye Fei’s strength value was far beyond his imagination!

Chen Luo’s face became cloudy.

Chen Luo had always been very dismissive of Ye Fei, because in Chen Luo’s view, Ye Fei was just a lucky rich second generation.

It is nothing more than being reborn with a good father, what is so great about this kind of person?

But the facts told him that Ye Fei was also proficient in medical skills, and even the level of martial arts was extremely high, at least enough to threaten him.

Chen Luo was silent.

Lei Haoran was also flickering his eyes, he was slightly embarrassed, Ben also wanted to Yin Ye Fei, the result was that stealing chickens did not become erosion of rice, he also put in more than a dozen thugs, these people can not appear in Yanjing in the short term.

Especially after escaping from the thugs, Lei Haoran asked them to put a sum of money on their accounts and let them go to the countryside to avoid trouble.

Lei Haoran was also a yin face, this time it was a big loss, who knew that Ye Fei actually hid his strength.


Late at night.

Ye Fei sent Su Qingzhu home.

Soon, I arrived at the door of the Su Family Villa.

Su Qingzhu had been keeping her head down, and she secretly glanced at Ye Fei from time to time, and then quietly withdrew her gaze, not knowing what she was thinking.

Ye Fei parked the car in front of the Su Family Villa and said, “Miss Su, I have arrived.” ”

Miss Sue…

This title made Su Qingzhu bite his lip and feel slightly disappointed.

After hearing Ye Fei shout ‘light bamboo’, it had already made ripples in her heart, and she preferred the title of ‘light bamboo’.

Su Qingzhu gave a sigh, although she arrived home, she did not get out of the car immediately, plucked up the courage, and took the initiative to ask: “Ye Fei, can we talk?” ”

Ye Fei looked at Su Qingzhu’s clear eyes, “What do you want to talk about?” ”

“Thank you for blocking my way tonight…” Su Qingzhu’s voice was not loud, but Ye Fei heard it clearly.

Ye Fei said, “You can’t always watch you being bullied, and I invited you to the bar.” ”

Without getting the desired answer, Su Qingzhu’s eyes dimmed slightly.

Su Qingzhu whispered, “When you blocked in front of me, I felt very relieved, this feeling of being protected, I have never felt before…”

Ye Fei noticed that Su Qingzhu’s face was flushed, like a drunken blush, which was particularly bright and moving.

He also sensed that this iceberg beauty in front of him, the frost in her heart seemed to melt little by little.


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