Hearing the system prompt, Ye Fei’s smile at the corner of his mouth was even more aroused.

Last time, Ye Fei let Yang Zimo and Bai Yu have hostile feelings towards Chen Luo, and now he made Lei Yiming have hostile feelings towards Chen Luo, and in the blink of an eye, Chen Luo was unaware of it, and there were a bunch of potential enemies.

Ye Fei was in a good mood, and his plan was going well.

With the help of Lei Yiming, the crisis of the Su Group has been lifted by a matter of certainty.

After all, Lei Yiming’s father was the core figure of the Lei family, that is, the person in charge of medicine in Xuan Huangguo.

Although the Lei family owes Master Chen Luo a favor, after all, Chen Luo is only an outsider, who has his own son who is important?

“Old Brother Ye, we will have to contact and cooperate more in the future.” But dare I ask, Old Brother Ye, where did you learn about this intelligence news? Lei Yiming couldn’t help but be curious.

Lei Yiming was not a curious person, but he was indeed curious about this matter. How exactly did Ye Fei know the news about Li Xueqin’s death, he checked for three years without success, but Ye Fei knew it all!

Ye Fei smiled mysteriously and faintly: “This is a secret.” ”

Lei Yiming also asked this question, and did not want to get an answer from Ye Fei.

Ye Fei took a sip of tea without hesitation and stood up, “Brother Lei, then I will take a step first.” ”

“Good, good, I’ll send you.” Thunder sounded continuously.

In Lei Yiming’s heart, Ye Fei had been put in a key position, and the two were not only partners, but also the most important allies!

Lei Yiming personally sent Ye Fei out of the box at the end of the world, and the few bodyguards outside the box were stunned when they saw the situation, and the boss actually personally sent the guest out, which was almost like two people with a look of hostility just now.

Ye flew out of the box at the end of the world, and then made a phone call to Su Qingzhu in the Yu Meiren box and asked Su Qingzhu to leave with him.

Su Qingzhu received the call and quickly came out of the box.

Su Qingzhu stepped on high heels, and the lotus step style stepped out of the Yu Meiren box, and saw Ye Fei and Lei Yiming coming side by side, Lei Yiming also bowed his head to Ye Fei and said something, and the two talked in a low voice, almost like friends for many years.

Seeing the situation, Su Qingzhu shook slightly, and his eyes overflowed with surprise.

How did Ye Fei do this?

When did he have such a good relationship with the Lei family?

Ye Fei waved at Su Qingzhu, and Su Qingzhu saw the situation and walked over to Ye Fei’s side.

Su Qingzhu green silk like a waterfall, eyebrows like the moon, willow waist slender, she walked to Ye Fei’s side, red lips lightly opened, concerned: “Things are good? ”

Ye Fei smiled slightly, and took the initiative to introduce: “Brother Lei, this is Su Qingzhu of the Su Group…” Ye Fei briefly introduced the two of them.

As soon as the words fell, Lei Yiming smiled and squinted: “Miss Su, I have also looked up to the daimyo for a long time, and these two days the ice muscle jade bee water is all over the cosmetics market.” ”

The men in Yanjing’s upper circle are all strangers to Su Qingzhu

After all, Su Qingzhu’s appearance is absolutely beautiful, and everyone is paying attention.

Of course, not only because she looks beautiful, but also because Su Qingzhu is a well-known iceberg beauty, and she does not fake color for any man.

Su Qingzhu heard Lei Yiming’s compliment, but only faintly bowed his head, which was a greeting to Lei Yiming.

Sure enough, as cold as the rumors, Lei Yiming silently sighed in his heart.

This woman is beautiful but beautiful, but this cold temperament refuses to let people go thousands of miles away, it is simply that no one is allowed to enter.

Lei Yiming was making such an evaluation in his heart, but he saw Ye Fei stretch out his arm.

Lei Yiming was still a little confused, what did Ye Fei mean by this outstretched arm?

The next second, let Lei Yiming’s eyes widen violently.

Only to see that the iceberg beauty recognized in the upper circle of Yanjing walked to Ye Fei’s side and actually took the initiative to hold Ye Fei’s arm!


The two men are talented and feminine, the man is rich and handsome, the woman’s face is absolutely beautiful and cold, and the pearls are combined, which is simply a natural pair.

Lei Yiming was stunned, and then he smiled bitterly, and he was inexplicably stuffed with dog food. And what surprised him even more was that Su Qingzhu, an iceberg beauty, could be so well-behaved to a certain man?

The shock brought by this scene to Lei Yiming was even no less than the shock he had when he heard Li Xueqin’s news.

Only to see Su Qingzhu’s cheeks red and glowing residue, soft and moist lips, bright eyes slightly shy, this is clearly like a woman who is deeply in love, where is the appearance of the iceberg beauty just now?

Lei Yiming sighed: “The appearance of the two talented women is very compatible, which is really enviable.” ”

Ye Fei smiled, “Brother Lei, then I will resign first.” ”

“Well, you can rest assured that the matter of the Su Group is entrusted to me.” Lei Yiming took a meaningful look at Su Qingzhudao.

Su Qingzhu heard the words, the hot of her cheeks receded, and she immediately raised her head and looked at Ye Fei. Only to see Ye Fei nodding slightly at her, the meaning was obvious.

The Su family’s business has been completed!

Su Qingzhu looked slightly embarrassed, although she guessed from Lei Yiming’s attitude towards Ye Fei, she was still surprised to hear Lei Yiming’s words.

The Su family’s troubles were solved so easily?

How exactly did Ye Fei convince Lei Yiming?

Moreover, Lei Yiming’s attitude towards Ye Fei was simply amazing, and he was very polite and respectful to Ye Fei!

Su Qingzhu was full of doubts and extremely curious.

Ye Fei pulled Su Qingzhu away from the Weizhuang Tea Restaurant, while Lei Yiming was not in a hurry to leave, he returned to the box, and there were still many things he wanted to be sure of.

Ye Fei got into the car with Su Qingzhu.

In the car.

Su Qingzhu finally couldn’t help but ask, “Ye Fei, how did you do it?” Lei Yiming’s attitude towards you seems to be very different…”

“I just let him owe me a favor.” Ye Fei smiled lightly, downplayed.

The explanation of these things was too complicated, and Ye Fei did not intend to say it.

Let Lei Yiming owe humanity?

What kind of human feelings can make Lei Yiming willingly help Ye Fei solve the affairs of the Lei family and the Su family?

Moreover, looking at Lei Yiming’s attitude, he obviously still felt that he owed Ye Fei.

Su Qingzhu couldn’t figure it out, Ye Fei’s means were really getting stronger and stronger, and the Su family’s crisis seemed to be in his hands from the very beginning!


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