Elder Mu looked serious and not angry and self-assured: “What the hell is going on?” Xiaoye, you say. ”

Ye Fei smiled, “Elder Mu, it’s just a small thing, and it can’t alarm your old man.” ”

Elder Mu narrowed his eyes, “, you see the wound on your hand, can this be a trivial matter?” The bruises on Ye Fei’s hands had not yet subsided, although for Ye Fei it was only a skin injury, but it still looked very frightening from the outside.

Elder Mu had been getting along with Ye Fei for a while, and he really regarded himself as Ye Fei’s elder, so he was very concerned about Ye Fei’s injury.

“It’s a small thing.” Ye Fei seemed reluctant to mention more, “Elder Mu doesn’t have to mind, I just had a skirmish with Chen Luo.” ”

Mu Lao saw Ye Fei insist on not saying, his eyebrows were locked, and his power was even stronger.

Although the old man is full of silver hair and deep wrinkles, he can still faintly see the majesty of the battlefield that year, and the momentum is amazing.

Mu Lao has long been in the upper position, and the momentum is extraordinary.

Mu Zizhen opened his mouth and smiled, “Grandpa, don’t blame Ye Fei for not telling you, I see the contradiction between Ye Fei and Chen Luo, you are also responsible.” ”

Mu Lao’s eyebrows were even tighter: “Zi Zhen, you mean…”

Mu Zizhen’s eyes were like water, and she said softly: “Chen Luo is a small-eyed person, you did not choose him but chose Ye Fei to heal you, and he is afraid that he has long been jealous of Ye Fei.” ”

Elder Mu shook slightly, his face remained unchanged, and he said in a deep voice: “Xiaoye, is this really the case?” ”

Ye Fei waved his hand: “In fact, it is not exactly like what Zi Zhen said, and I was also a little conflicted with Chen Luo before.” ”

Elder Mu snorted and said, “You don’t have to excuse Chen Luo, you didn’t expect that the disciple of Wu Shen Doctor was so narrow-minded.” Thanks to me, I still thought that he was good at it, and it seems that Wu Shenyi’s vision of picking apprentices is very general. ”

Elder Mu’s impression of Chen Luo plummeted, and he was very dissatisfied with Chen Luo.

When Ye Fei saw this, he couldn’t help but sigh in his heart. Mu Zizhen This is really a god assist, whether this girl intentionally or unintentionally, it makes Mu Lao’s impression of Chen Luo become very poor.

Although Ye Fei did not want Elder Mu to help, as Elder Mu, if he had no good impression of Chen Luo, it would also be very beneficial to Ye Fei.

At least in the future, when he clashed with Chen Luo, the Mu family would most likely be on his side!

Mu Zizhen’s face was flooded with a shallow smile, and his flexible eyes were even more beautiful. She winked at Ye Fei, and those big eyes seemed to be able to speak.

Ye Fei immediately understood that Mu Zizhen was taking the initiative to help him.

This woman Bingxue was smart, and her words made Mu Lao’s impression of Chen Luo plummet, helping Ye Fei.

Elder Mu turned to Ye Fei and said in a deep voice, “Ye, this matter has wronged you, if Chen Luo dares to trouble you, I will manage this matter to the end!” ”

Ye Fei said, “Elder Mu, don’t worry, in fact, this time Chen Luo is looking for me. Instead, I suffered a loss, and I was only a minor injury. ”

Ye Fei didn’t want to bother Elder Mu to help him now, and when he needed Elder Mu’s help, it would be a final decision, so that Chen Luo could never turn over!

Mu Zizhen also said on the side: “Yes, Grandpa, don’t be angry, Chen Luo is asking for bitter food this time…” Saying, Mu Zizhen briefly talked about Ye Fei and Chen Luo’s hand-to-hand combat, and incidentally also talked about the current situation on the Internet.

Hearing Mu Zizhen’s words, Elder Mu was really a little interested, and he also looked at the video of Chen Luo and Ye Fei fighting, and was surprised: “It’s really good kung fu, Xiaoye, your kung fu is more powerful than I imagined, and it is not bad compared to Ziyuan.” ”

Mu Zizhen smiled slightly, “Yeah, I want to talk to Ye Fei.” ”

Elder Mu smiled and said, “You young people should communicate more.” Elder Mu sighed slightly and said, “Xiao Ye, I won’t mix much between you and Chen Luo this time, and if Chen Luo troubles you again, you can tell me at any time.” ”

“Well, thank you Elder Mu.” Ye Fei thanked him.

Elder Mu waved his hand: “Polite or not, I still let Chen Luo hate you, and this old man of mine is also responsible.” ”

Elder Mu really thought that he was the fuse of the contradiction between Ye Fei and Chen Luo, and he still felt a little sorry for Ye Fei in his heart.

Ye Fei was about to answer, but Elder Mu said, “I went to the backyard to water the flowers and grass, and you two young people talked, so I won’t bother.” ”

With that, Elder Mu smiled and got up, leaving room for Ye Fei and Mu Zizhen to be alone.

Ye Fei was dumbfounded, and Elder Mu seemed to be matching Ye Fei and Mu Zizhen in a vague way, which was a bit interesting.

Ye Fei and Mu Zizhen looked at each other and smiled in the courtyard, and Ye Fei did not thank Mu Zizhen for her help just now.

Sometimes things are just a matter of knowing it yourself, and it is not interesting to say that it is broken.

“Do you have a better stomachache?” Ye Fei took the initiative to ask.

“Well, it’s basically fine, in fact, this is an old problem in the past, and it hurts occasionally.” Mu Zizhen said softly.

Looking at the pretty face in front of him, which was facing the sky but still falling into the city, Ye Fei could probably guess the cause of Mu Zizhen’s stomach disease.

Mu Zizhen had previously served in the military, and his training, work and rest in the military were all high-intensity, and he also required fast eating, and it was indeed easy to get stomach problems.

Ye Fei said, “Let me help you see, although the stomach disease is small, it must also be taken seriously.” ”

Ye Fei guessed that Mu Zizhen’s stomach disease should not be light, otherwise with her personality and endurance, she would not be unable to sleep.

“Okay.” Mu Zizhen lightly tapped the head of the mantis, and the snow white slender goose neck was exquisite and moving.

The courtyard was not suitable for Mu Zizhen to see a doctor, and Mu Zizhen led Ye to her residence.

Mu Zizhen’s residence is also a small courtyard, but it is more exquisite and elegant, and Mu Zigen’s room is also classical and generous.

But what’s a little special is that in her room there are no cosmetics, or designer jewelry, bags, and other things that girls love.

No cosmetics, luxury rooms.

Ye Fei secretly sighed in his heart, this woman is really good to feed.

“You sit down first, and I’ll help you take the pulse.” Ye Feidao.

“Okay.” Mu Zizhen sat next to Ye Fei and reached out to let Ye Fei help her diagnose her pulse.

Ye Fei’s face appeared serious, and he examined Mu Zizhen’s pulse.

After about a few minutes, Ye Fei frowned slightly, “Your stomach disease is very serious, haven’t you seen a doctor before?” ”

Mu Zizhen’s stomach disease was more serious than she thought!


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