When Bai Yu saw Ye Fei and Bai Ruoxi, he was surprised and confused. Ye Fei and his sister were missing all night, Bai Yu sensed that the two had an accident, he was extremely anxious, and sent dozens of people along the mountain forest to find Ye Fei and Bai Ruoxi’s tracks.

In addition, Bai Yu also sent more than a dozen people to explore the traces of the two from the foot of the mountain.

Because he saw the body of the killer in the mountain forest, Bai Yu did not dare to be careless, he did not alarm the relevant personnel, and all the people sent were his own.

Yang Zimo is also among them, and he has also contributed a lot this time.

When Ye Fei saw this, he gently put Bai Ruoxi down, and then said, “Bai Yu, you want to immediately summon the security personnel of the Bai Group, blockade Yandu Airport and various places, and track down suspicious people…”

Bai Ruoxi also nodded slightly, “Well, you leave us alone and do this first…”

Bai Yu saw that Bai Ruoxi and Ye Fei had serious faces, and he could only nod his head continuously.

Ye Fei lightly described some of the sniper’s problems and details, the killers of the Violet Organization were almost all from the East Sakura country, and as a killer, there were also some obvious features that could be recognized.

Only a night before the assassination, there is still a lot of hope in catching the killer.

Ye Fei also called his cheap father, and he asked Ye He to help, and dispatched the Ye family’s security personnel to check on the killer in the major areas of Yandu.

Yang Zimo saw the situation, and he also helped to mobilize the Yang family’s security personnel and some related forces.

The Ye family, the Yang family, and the Bai family are all three major business families united to lay down a heavenly net!

These three are well-deserved giants of Yandu, with deep roots, and the three of them together are enough to shake Yandu City.

Almost every Dongying Guoren who leaves Yandu will be strictly controlled and checked.

After doing this, Bai Yu quickly brought water and bread and let Ye Fei and Bai Ruoxi eat to pad their stomachs. Ye Fei and Bai Ruoxi were also hungry, and the two of them answered Bai Yu’s various questions while eating.

Bai Yu knew that his sister and Ye Fei had been assassinated.

Both Ye Fei and Bai Ruoxi were very tacitly silent about the Violet Organization, saying only that they had been assassinated.

While explaining the situation to Bai Yu, Bai Ruoxi took out a bottle of water and handed it to Ye Fei and said softly, “You are eating too fast, drink more water.” ”

The corners of Ye Fei’s mouth drew a smile: “Thank you.” “Just now Ye Fei climbed the mountain with his back to Bai Ruoxi, the physical exertion is indeed not small, plus he did not eat yesterday, so a meal of wolfing down is indeed a bit dry.”

Ye Fei drank the water, while Bai Yu and Yang Zimo looked at each other, and when they looked at each other, they both felt that something was wrong.

Especially Bai Yu, he was even more confused.

When did Ye Fei have such a good relationship with his sister? Bai Yu sensed that something was wrong when he raced this time, and looking at it now, Ye Fei’s relationship with her sister seemed to be close.

Yang Zimo also felt the same way, he saw Ye Fei back Bai Ruoxi on a shock, and then saw Bai Ruoxi take the initiative to hand water to Ye Fei, and his heart was suddenly cold.

Ye Fei and Bai Ruoxi This is…

Yang Zimo had been chasing the creek before, of course, Bai Ruoxi was in a state of disregard for him.

In Yang Zimo’s heart, Bai Ruoxi is a well-deserved goddess. Unfortunately, Bai Ruoxi has always been unpretentious about him, which has deeply hit Yang Zimo.

However, although Yang Zimo pursues to like Bai Ruoxi, he is also a playboy himself, and there is never a shortage of women around him. Therefore, after seeing the delicate relationship between Bai Ruoxi and Ye Fei, although Yang Zimo was lost, he could only accept it.

The good villain Ye Fei was also his friend, and even saved Yang Zimo’s life, Yang Zimo certainly did not have a grudge against Ye Fei.

However, Yang Zimo’s heart was still surging with envy, and he took advantage of the fact that others were not paying attention and pulled Ye Fei and asked, “Ye Fei, Ye Dashao!” I am completely obedient to you, there is Su Qingzhu in the front, and Bai Ruoxi in the back, your means are really high! You are really gifted with bubble girls, please teach me a few tricks! ”

Yang Zimo’s heart was almost about to worship.

Ye Fei had joked to Yang Zimo before that he had a talent called Bubble Girl.

At first, Yang Zimo still scoffed, but after seeing Su Qingzhu’s attitude towards Ye Fei, he was immediately stopped. Looking at the situation between Bai Ruoxi and Ye Fei now, this simply made Yang Zimo worship it.

Ye Fei shrugged, “Do you really believe that I have the talent to be a girl?” ”

“Believe, of course believe, I believe everything you say now!” Yang Zimo nodded firmly.

Ye Fei couldn’t help but wonder, “Actually, there is no secret to the girl, if you really want to say the secret, maybe it’s just a little.” ”

“What’s the secret?” Yang Zimo’s spirit was lifted.

Ye Fei blinked and teased, “As long as you look handsome, everything is not a problem.” ”

Yang Zimo immediately looked at Ye Fei with deep shock, sat on the side, and looked at Ye Fei with contempt: “Don’t bring such a bully.” ”

In fact, Yang Zimo was also very clear that although Ye Fei was handsome and right, Bai Ruoxi’s kind of woman could not be chased by her looks.

Yang Zimo’s eyes turned, leaned aside, and whispered to Bai Yu: “I said Bai Yu, you see, Ye Fei this guy is not rude, you treat Ye Fei as a brother, he treats you as a brother-in-law!” He wants to be your brother-in-law, Sima Zhao’s heart, everyone knows it! ”

Ye Fei cried and laughed as he watched Yang Zimo play with treasure.

Bai Yu glanced at Yang Zimo and said quietly, “I don’t know about others, but Yang Zimo, you have always wanted to be my brother-in-law, right?” Unfortunately you don’t have a chance. As for Ye Fei… Forget it, I can’t take care of my sister’s business. ”

Bai Yu looked at Ye Fei and wanted to say two harsh words, but suddenly shrunk his neck and carefully glanced at Bai Ruoxi.

Bai Yu was very afraid of his sister Bai Ruoxi.

Bai Ruoxi’s status in the Bai family was needless to say, he had no right to interfere in Bai Ruoxi and Ye Fei’s affairs.

Yang Zimo’s ‘provocation’ failed, and he immediately sat sadly on the side, looking lifeless.


At the same time, the investigation of the Violet killers by the Ye, Bai, and Yang families had also begun, and Yan Du was simply laying down a heavenly net.

In response to the clues provided by Ye Fei for the first-line violet killer, finally in the afternoon, there was intelligence news!

In the afternoon, Bai Yuxing rushed forward, “Ye Fei, that East Sakura Kingdom killer seems to have been found, our people have already controlled several suspects!” ”

Ye Fei and Bai Ruoxi were both in good spirits, and they were waiting for this moment!


Ask for all the support ~~~~_

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