Qizheng Pharmaceutical Group was instantly pushed to the cusp of the storm, which was almost pinched by Ye Fei, whether it was the direction of the fishing wheel or the exposure of this matter, which made Qizheng Pharmaceutical Group face a great crisis.

It was like two people fighting, Ye Fei’s every punch and every kick was aimed at the deadliest wound of the other party, punching to the flesh, that is, to kill the other party!

And Duan Qizheng and Chen Luo had not reacted at all!

Ye Fei asked Zhang Minle to contact nearly ten authoritative media and more than a dozen reporters to report and investigate the matter in a unified manner.

These reporters were also happy to help, on the one hand, of course, Ye Fei was generous and gave a lot of labor fees. On the other hand, this was originally a big news, and these reporters were like sharks smelling blood, and they all flocked to it.

The outbreak of the poison capsule incident of Qizheng Pharmaceutical Group spread throughout the network in just a few hours.

In Weibo, Tieba and other major online communities, they are full of discussions and questions about this matter, and news media reports emerge in an endless stream.

Not only that, but the families of those who took the poison capsules also protested wildly online, posting various photos and data given by the hospital.

For a time, Qizheng Pharmaceutical Group stood on the cusp of the fishing ship.

This is a rare opportunity.

Even if the Su family encountered trouble and crisis, it did not reach this level.

After all, the Su family only had a problem with the drug review, and there was no such extreme negative news. This extreme negative news is sometimes fatal.

For example, in the past life, Ye Fei once experienced that the vaccine produced by a pharmaceutical company was suspected of fraud, which caused a big problem and endangered the lives of tens of thousands of children.

As a result, overnight, the pharmaceutical company was pushed to the peak of the fishing fleet, and finally went bankrupt, which was deserved.

There is also a famous milk powder company in the past life, because of the quality of milk powder, caused a food safety problem melamine incident that shocked the country, resulting in a major reshuffle of the domestic dairy industry, and the company also suffered a tragic bankruptcy.

Facts have proved that in food and drug safety, there is absolutely no small matter.

Both the public, the media, and even the top will attach great importance to this.

Although the harm of the poison capsule incident of Qizheng Pharmaceutical Group is not so serious, after all, although there are safety problems and hidden dangers in excess of heavy metals, the number of patients is not large, and no one has paid for it.

However, Ye Fei let the media report publicly early on, and hyped up the incident to everyone.

The public naturally understands the beginning and end of this incident, and has no good feelings for Qizheng Pharmaceutical Group!

Ye Fei used Yang Mou.

He wanted to choke the throat of the Qizheng clique and kill it with one blow

Qizheng Pharmaceutical Group’s poisonous capsules, if there is no Ye Fei in it, hyped up the report, may soon be quelled, at most Qizheng Pharmaceutical apologized for losing money.

This matter in the past life was also solved in this way, Chen Luo came forward in time, gave a surprising compensation to those patients who were hospitalized because of the poison capsules, and used his personal connection department to say hello, so that Qizheng Pharmaceutical Group escaped the disaster.

But now, with Ye Fei fueling it, this matter is not so easy to solve.

Ye Fei was meticulously planned, how could he give Chen Luo the opportunity to struggle?

Ye Fei grasped the most important direction of the fishing wheel, that is, the media news media!

After the media reported on the incident in a big way, the poison capsule incident flooded the news media, and almost everyone knew about the incident.

Ye Fei took a look at the Weibo hot search, only to see that the hot search for the three keywords of ‘poison capsule’ is also rising, and now the popularity has surpassed those entertainment news, ranking third in the heat.

It won’t be long before the ‘poison capsule’ hot search can rush to the first!

At that time, that is really the topic of concern to the whole people, and then Qizheng Pharmaceutical Group will be really in trouble, and even without Ye Fei’s hand, the fishing wheel can crush him to death!

Ye Fei clicked on the hot search and took a look at the comments of these netizens, not to see or know, Ye Fei immediately smiled when he saw it.

The comments of these netizens are also very sharp, not only sharp in words, but also full of irony.

“Oh, some of the current pharmaceutical companies really don’t want their faces.”

“Qizheng Pharmaceutical Group, how is this company a little familiar, it seems that some time ago one of their executives was on the hot search?”

“Brother upstairs, are you talking about this emoji?” Take it! “Some netizens immediately sent out a stale nose and blue face swollen emoji, with the text ‘you want to pick a fight with me’?

“I really don’t want to face ah, ask for rectification of this pharmaceutical company, but also listed companies, too disgusting.” Some netizens immediately said.

Various comments came out in an endless stream, and Ye Fei just read a few of them and turned off his phone.

Ye Fei saw the wind direction of the Weibo fishing wheel and realized that the overall situation had been decided.

What makes Ye Fei feel interesting is that Chen Luo’s ‘fame’ this time is actually even greater, and many netizens still remember the last time Ye Fei and Chen Luo fought the video, knowing that Chen Luo is an executive of this pharmaceutical company.

After all, Chen Luo and Ye Fei fought a few days ago, and netizens still have fresh memories of Chen Luo.

Suddenly, Chen Luo’s emoji was on fire again.

On the Internet, the news about the fishing ship of Qizheng Pharmaceutical Group was simply overwhelming, and after the negative news broke, the news of course quickly spread to Qizheng Pharmaceutical Group.

This time the matter was so big that it involved the Qizheng Pharmaceutical Group, and it soon reached Duan Qizheng’s ears.

After Duan Qizheng learned of this incident, he was immediately shocked and directly stood on the spot.

Office of the Chairman of Qizheng Pharmaceutical Group.

Duan Qi was sitting on the mahogany sofa in the middle, while Chen Luo and several other Qizheng Group executives were sitting on the left and right sides, one by one, looking at Duan Qizheng with solemn faces and tight brows.

Chen Luo’s arm was bandaged, and the bruises and redness on his face had subsided, but there was still a long mark.

Chen Luo also realized the seriousness of the crisis, and his brow frowned.

Duan Qi was sitting in the center, he lit a cigarette with the world, took a sip, slowly spit it out, and then said solemnly: “Who the hell is behind this?” What the hell is going on? ”


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