Li Xiangyun left the headquarters building of Qizheng Group, then took out his mobile phone and silently sent a text message to Ye Fei.

At this moment, Ye Fei was driving to the Su family.

I haven’t been to the Su family villa for a few days, Ye Fei went to the Su family to find Su Qingzhu.

Since he was going to deal with the Qizheng Group, how could he not inform the Su family?

After all, Su’s is also a pharmaceutical group, and there is a competitive relationship with Qizheng Pharmaceutical, and the two companies are competing in a variety of drugs.

What’s more, Chen Luo also took the lead in taking the Su family before the knife, and the two families had a deep grudge against the old and the new, so it was of course indispensable to deal with the Qizheng Group.

Before entering Su’s house, Ye Fei received a text message from Li Xiangyun.

Ye Fei glanced at the content of the text message, and he knew that Duan Qizheng had already begun to take action, and he had a bottom in his heart.

Everything was as he expected, the corners of Ye Fei’s mouth drew a trace of curvature, and he turned and walked into the Su family.

Ye Fei walked into the courtyard today wearing a cashmere coat, dark blue casual trousers at his feet, and a Vacheron Constantin collector’s watch.

Su Family Villa.

Under the leadership of the butler, Ye flew to the Su family lobby.

Su Qingzhu and her grandfather Su Xiaokun were both in the villa.

“Little fly is coming, sit down.” Su Xiaokun greeted Ye Fei very warmly.

When Su Qingzhu saw Ye Fei coming, her long autumn eyes looked at Ye Fei with a hint of joy. Su Qingzhu is not wearing professional clothes today, but the wear of ordinary life.

Su Qingzhu’s upper body is a small crescent white coat, wearing an aqua blue hip skirt, and a pair of black silk on the legs, wrapped in slender jade legs. At the same time, she pulled her long hair up to reveal her delicate little ears.

On the slender white neck, a jade necklace is worn, which reflects the skin like snow, which is bright and incomprehensible.

Su Qingzhu knew that Ye Fei was coming, so he dressed up carefully.

As the saying goes, women are the ones who please themselves, and this is not false at all.

Seeing Su Qingzhu so beautiful, Ye Fei looked at it with admiration.

Su Qingzhu poured a cup of coffee for Ye Fei and personally brought it to Ye Fei.

Ye Fei first greeted Su Xiaokun, then took Su Qingzhu’s coffee and winked at her as a greeting.

Su Xiaokun smiled, “Xiao Fei, do you want to stay here and eat at night?” I asked the maid to prepare the meal. ”

“No need for Elder Su, I eat outside with Qingzhu Jinye.” Ye Fei said busily.

He did make an appointment with Su Qingzhu to eat at an outside restaurant.

Su Xiaokun was stunned, and then smiled happily: “Look at my old man, he has forgotten this stubble.” I won’t bother you young people, you guys have fun, come back at night.”

“What do you say, Grandpa?” Su Qingzhu’s face was slightly red, and she then said, “Ye Fei and I have serious things to talk about.”

Ye Fei had previously had a video call with Su Qingzhu, and Ye Fei told Su Qingzhu about his targeting of the Qizheng Group, and the two were indeed talking about serious matters.

Su Xiaokun smiled, “Whether it’s a serious matter or not, anyway, the two of you are together, my old man is at ease.” Forget it, I won’t bother you here, so let’s go. ”

Su Xiaokun said with a smile, and as he spoke, he got up and returned to the room, leaving the villa hall to Ye Fei and Su Xiaokun.

Su Xiaokun’s assist is simply amazing.

“Since it is Lord Su’s special approval, let’s go on a date.” Ye Fei smiled at Su Qingzhu.

Su Qingzhu’s face was slightly red, and she said, “Aren’t you busy with the Qizheng Group, and are you still so idle?” ”

Su Qingzhu is very concerned about Ye Fei, of course, she has also seen a lot of negative news about the Qizheng Group on the Internet, and knows that Ye Fei has done something to Chen Luo.

Su Qingzhu was quite amazed at this, Ye Fei’s wrist was more powerful than she thought.

In just half a day, Ye Fei found the deadliest death pit of the Qizheng Group, leaving the Qizheng Group on the cusp of the fishing ship.

This poison capsule incident is like finding the weakest point on the commercial fortress of Qizheng Group, and carrying out targeted blasting with incomparable precision.

Chen Luo will also shed his skin this time without dying.

Ye Fei’s performance far exceeded Su Qingzhu’s expectations, and he could only be described as turning his hand into a cloud and covering his hand as rain!

Su Qingzhu’s eyes were as bright as water, and he looked at the man in front of him, revealing his sincere appreciation.

“Qizheng Group is now under the pressure of fishing vessels, and you Su Shi can take the initiative to attack and seize the opportunity to seize the pharmaceutical market of Qizheng Group.” Ye Fei said simply.

Su Qingzhu said, “Well, thank you for telling me the news in time, I have let the company’s people do it, and this time Su Clan will definitely gain a lot.” ”

As the heir of the Su Group, Su Qingzhu certainly has the right to formulate the strategy of the Su Group. Now that Qizheng Group has no time to take care of itself, Su’s initiative will definitely make a profit!

This time against the Qizheng Group, Su Qingzhu also actively contributed to help deal with the Qizheng Group and deal with Chen Luo.

Of course, Su has also benefited from this, and it is definitely a win-win situation to successfully seize the pharmaceutical market from the hands of Qizheng Group.

Ye Fei smiled and said, “Let’s go to dinner and talk while eating.” ”

“Okay, I know a good restaurant, I’m entertained today.” Su Qingzhu smiled lightly, obviously in a very good mood.

Su Qingzhu took the initiative to hold Ye Fei’s arm, Ye Fei smelled a girl’s fragrance, and saw the exquisite face of the lady who was close at hand, and the corners of his mouth drew a trace of curvature.

Su Qingzhu was opening his heart more and more in front of Ye Fei.

At this moment, Su Qingzhu is like a girl in ordinary love, and she can’t see that she suffers from misogyny. In front of Ye Fei, although her temperament was still cold, there was always a clear admiration in her eyes.

Of course, belonging to the side of Su Qingzhu’s little woman, only Ye Fei could appreciate that in front of other men, she was always cold.

Su Qingzhu took the initiative to invite Ye Fei to dinner, and she took Ye Fei to a high-end restaurant, which was a top French restaurant.

Ye Fei is actually not too cold to dishes other than Chinese food, but French cuisine is also first-class in Western food, and Ye Fei is not afraid of it.

The restaurant location is secluded and not in the central city of Yandu.

Su Qingzhu chose a window seat on the first floor to sit down, and after the two ordered the dishes, Su Qingzhu said: “I see that the net fishing wheel is very beneficial to you, but the Qizheng Group will definitely take measures next, how do you plan to deal with it?” ”

Ye Fei picked up the mobile phone and smiled lightly: “You pay attention to the news, you will know in a moment.” ”

Hearing Ye Fei say this, Su Qingzhu was even more curious.


3 more, please subscribe to everything ~~~~_

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