Su Qingzhu has always been in the image of an iceberg beauty, and she has never confided in men other than Ye Fei.

In front of Ye Fei, it was also the only time she confessed that she revealed her inner world.

But now, Su Qingzhu took the initiative to hold Ye Fei’s palm, gently confided to him, and even said to Ye Fei, ‘It’s good to meet you’.

Hearing this, the corners of Ye Fei’s mouth drew a trace of curvature, and he enjoyed the feeling of Su Qingzhu now.

What is it like for iceberg beauties to become gentle and lovely?

Ye Fei looked at Su Qingzhu, only to feel that the clear reflection in her eyes was Ye Fei’s shadow, this cold and proud woman, turned into his little woman.

Ye Fei deliberately teased, “Suddenly so gentle, are you planning to take the gentle route?” ”

Su Qingzhu’s face was slightly red, but he whispered, “I am serious.” ”

Of course, she was telling the truth, and with Ye Fei, Su Qingzhu could always feel safe.

Su Qingzhu is actually a woman who is particularly insecure.

Because of the shadow of domestic violence brought to her by her biological father since childhood, this made Su Qingzhu suffer from misogyny, not only disgusted and disgusted with men, but also very insecure.

But after contacting Ye Fei, Ye Fei turned the tide of her crisis every time, including saving Su Xiaokun and saving Hongyan Company and Su Shi in Chen Luo’s hands.

Then this time Ye Fei took the initiative to fight back, so that the Qizheng Group fell into the whirlpool of fishing wheels, and Ye Fei’s wrist made Su Qingzhu feel an unprecedented sense of security.

I don’t know when Su Qingzhu’s heart door was only open for Ye Fei alone.

That’s why she says: It’s good to meet you.

Su Qingzhu lowered her head, her hair was scattered, Ye Fei saw it, reached out and pulled her hair up, pulling the green silk behind her ear, revealing a small earlobe.

Ye Fei’s fingertips brushed Su Qingzhu’s delicate skin, causing Su Qingzhu’s white neck to glow a faint pink.

When Ye Fei saw this scene, he felt even more pleasing to the eye.

Su Qingzhu was ashamed, she only felt the man’s big hand across the skin of her cheek, as if it was itching, as if it was tugging at her heartstrings.

Su Qingzhu’s cheeks are hot and delicate.

The scene in front of you is like the melting of frost, which is particularly intoxicating.

Ye Fei showed a hint of a smile, feeling a great sense of accomplishment, and the feeling of conquering the Frost Beauty was indeed very comfortable.

After dinner, the two were ready to go shopping.

“Let’s go, I’ll take you to the mall night market.” Ye Fei said gently.

Ye Fei was not in any hurry about the Qizheng Group, and now it was Chen Luo and Duan Qizheng who should be in a headache, and he was fully prepared to deal with it, just watch the play.

The corners of Su Qingzhu’s mouth cocked, and his red lips lightly opened: “Well, good.” ”

The two came to the commercial street in the central district of Yandu and began to visit the night market mall.

It was also the first time she had visited the malls and night markets with men, and there was a sense of novelty.

Su Qingzhu took Ye Fei’s arm, and the two walked on the street, Su Qingzhu saw that the new and favorite things stopped from time to time to exchange a few words with Ye Fei.

Although the smile on Su Qingzhu’s face was not much, it was getting brighter and brighter, and in her starry eyes, there was only Ye Fei and no one else.

Ye Fei and Su Qingzhu are very eye-catching in the night market, after all, the combination of handsome men and beautiful women will attract attention wherever they go, especially the appearance of Ye Fei and Su Qingzhu is really too high.

Su Qingzhu walked to the night market stall, and she walked to a small stall selling jewelry.

Su Qingzhu was full of interest, and after careful selection, he chose a light blue lace hairpin and asked Ye Fei: “Is this good-looking?” ”

Ye Fei personally tried to put on Su Qingzhu, only to see that the light blue hairpin was like a butterfly on top of Su Qingzhu’s waterfall green silk, adding embellishment to Su Qingzhu, which was indeed very good-looking. He smiled and said, “Very good-looking, very suitable for you.” ”

Ye Fei asked the owner of the small stall: “Boss, how much is this hairpin?” ”

“Ten pieces a piece, pick at will, I am a small business, very cheap!” The boss replied busily.

This roadside stall stuff is cheap.

The corners of Su Qingzhu’s mouth were slightly cocked, obviously extremely satisfied with the hairpin of these ten dollars, and the price of the thing was secondary to her.

Ye Fei couldn’t help but shrug his shoulders when he heard this price, the girls around him seemed to be better than the other, Su Qingzhu, although the jewelry and accessories in his daily life were extremely expensive, but in front of him only needed a hairpin of ten yuan.

Ye Fei didn’t say a word, paid directly, and then said, “I’ll help you put it on.” ”


The corners of Su Qingzhu’s mouth hooked, and she turned her back to Ye Fei and tiptoed her feet slightly, letting Ye Fei put the hairpin on her.

Wearing the hairpin, she gently stroked the hairpin with her hand, although it was only worth ten yuan, it was the first gift Ye Fei gave her, and she decided to treasure it well.

Su Qingzhu took Ye Fei’s hand to go shopping, and as she walked, she whispered to Ye Fei: “I’ll go to the bathroom.” ”

“Go ahead, I’m waiting for you here.” Ye Feidao.


Su Qingzhu went to the nearby shopping mall bathroom, while Ye Fei stood where he was, playing with his mobile phone at will.

Ye Fei was playing with his mobile phone, and when he was bored, he heard a pleasant female voice coming from around him.

“Hello sir, may I ask you, is this Area A of Wanyu Commercial Street?”

When Ye Fei looked up, he saw a young girl of about twenty years old, wearing a small pink cotton skirt and jeans, outlining her good figure, a snow-white melon face, and canvas shoes at her feet, which looked delicate and cute, exquisite like a porcelain doll.

This young girl wears a duck-tongue hat that is pressed so low that ordinary people can’t see her facial features carefully without looking.

But Ye Fei was very close to her, but he could see that she was very beautiful, spent a very simple light makeup, her eyebrows were picturesque, her skin was like snow, even in Ye Fei’s eyes, it was also at least 9 points of superb beauty.

It’s just that her big eyes are slightly confused at this time, and she looks at Ye Fei very confusedly.

Looking at her expression, the girl seemed to be lost.

Ye Fei glanced at the young girl, this girl seemed to be a bit of a road fool plus natural stupid attributes.

“No, this is Area C of Wanwan Commercial Street, and Area A is straight to your right, about three hundred meters.” Ye Fei said lightly.

When the girl heard this, she looked grateful and thanked her very politely: “Oh, well, thank you.” With that, the girl bowed calmly, then confidently turned and walked to the other side.

When Ye Fei saw this, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and then he stopped the girl: “Wait! ”

“Huh?” The young girl paused and blinked her eyes at Ye Fei, a little confused.

Ye Fei pointed to the opposite direction of the girl’s walking and said, “That side is to the right, you have gone the other way.” ”

This girl is indeed a road fool.

Ye Fei saw the young girl’s good face, and then thought of her road obsessive attributes, and suddenly a thought popped up in his heart, it seemed that he had met an ‘acquaintance’!


2 more, ask for everything ~~~~

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