When Ye Fei saw Lu Lingjun, who was covering his forehead in front of him and his face was slightly aggrieved, he couldn’t help but smile.

This future song queen is really not an ordinary silly cute.

Lu Lingjun also saw Ye Fei at this time.

Her water-cut eyes looked at Ye Fei, a bright color appeared in her eyes, and she couldn’t help but say, “It’s you…”

Lu Lingjun still remembered Ye Fei helping her show her the way.

“Yes, it’s me.” Ye Fei smiled.

Zhang Minle was stunned, he did not expect that his boss actually knew Lu Lingjun, what was the situation?

However, Zhang Minle was also very knowledgeable and did not ask much, but introduced to Lu Lingjun: “Introduction, this is the boss of our company, Mr. Ye Feiye.” ”

Ye Fei turned out to be the boss of Brilliant Entertainment? Lu Lingjun covered her head, she was a little incredulous. Gently rubbing the door of his head, Lu Lingjun then said, “Hello Ye Zong, thank you for helping me last time.” ”

Lu Lingjun’s voice is very light and smart, and he belongs to the type that can attract people just by sound.

Her voice is like a bird whispering ethereal, and like a clear spring, it sounds extremely beautiful, and the soft voice makes people feel enjoyable.

Lu Lingjun looked at Ye Fei carefully, and suddenly felt that Ye Fei was a little familiar, not only that night of meeting, but also seemed to have seen Ye Fei on some occasion.

However, Lu Lingjun couldn’t remember it for a moment.

“Miss Lu is here today to sign the formal contract, right, the contract is ready, let’s talk about it.” Ye Feidao.

In fact, this kind of contract has long been negotiated, just a formality.

Lu Lingjun nodded slightly, and she said, “Good Ye Zong.” ”

“Don’t be so polite, just call me Ye Fei.” Ye Fei shrugged and let Lu Lingjun into the office.

Zhang Minle did not disturb Ye Fei, and he did not enter the office very wisely.

Ye Fei took out the contract and asked Lu Lingjun to sign it.

In fact, the star contract terms that Ye Fei came up with were very relaxed, he signed a five-year contract with Lu Lingjun, and during this five-year period, the contract between the two sides was stipulated to divide the terms, and Ye Fei also had to devote resources to Lu Lingjun.

Five years later, Ye Fei had the right of first renewal to Lu Lingjun.

Lu Lingjun signed the contract very happily and wrote a line of Xiujuan font, which was very beautiful.

After signing the contract, both parties were happy.

At this time, Ye Fei opened his other computer and copied more than a dozen good high-quality classic songs on this computer.

Ye Fei looked at Lu Lingjun and said, “Miss Lu, I have more than a dozen songs here, how many can you pick as the title song of the next album?” ”

Hearing Ye Fei say this, Lu Lingjun was slightly embarrassed and looked at Ye Fei with a little curiosity.

The title song of the next album?

Lu Lingjun is a little skeptical, in fact, her next album is already in production, and Lu Lingjun is very confident in several songs on her album.

But now Ye Fei actually took out the song to pick for her. As the title song of the album?

Of course, Lu Lingjun would have some doubts, she suspected that Ye Fei’s eyes on choosing songs had passed such a thing, and she was not good at saying clearly, Lu Lingjun thought that if Ye Fei chose ordinary songs for a while, she would have to refuse.

Her standards for music have always been very strict.

Ye Fei turned on the computer’s audio playback soft, Lingjun played.

Lu Lingjun clicked on curiously, and she saw a made audio with “I Do” written on it. Click on the audio of “I Do” and you will hear the sound coming.

“Thoughts are a very mysterious thing, like a shadow.”

“Silent and breathless haunts the bottom of my heart, in the blink of an eye, engulfing me in silence…”

Hearing this melody, Lu Lingjun first shuddered, and then his eyes showed a look of shock and surprise.

This piece of music…

With Lu Lingjun’s connoisseurship ability, of course, you can hear that this song is a classic song, an absolute classic song!

“What about this song?” Ye Fei asked with a smile.

“Very good, very good.” As a professional singer, Lu Lingjun gave the answer while hearing this song.

Judging by her connoisseurship, this piece is definitely a golden song!

If only this song could be the title track of her new album, that’s great!

Lu Lingjun’s eyes were shining.

“You listen to other tunes.” Ye Feidao.

Lu Lingjun ordered the next song, and she now had a feeling of surprise, it felt like digging for treasure. Of course, Lu Lingjun does not expect all the songs to be as classic as “I Do” just now.

After all, a song of this level of “I Do” is already a well-deserved classic in Lu Lingjun’s view.

Lu Lingjun clicked on the next song, the song was called “Later”, and then the song also came:

“Later, I finally learned how to love.”

“It’s a pity that you have long since disappeared into the sea of people.”

Later, I finally understood in tears. Some people, once missed, are not there. ”


As soon as the lyrics and melody of this song came out, Lu Lingjun was even more shocked.

Lu Lingjun opened his small mouth, and his bright eyes looked at Ye Fei in disbelief: “This song… It…”

“Would you like to listen to the next one?” Ye Fei had a faint smile hanging from the corner of his mouth.

Lu Lingjun clicked on the next song, called “Encounter”, a song of Sun Tianhou in the past life.

Click on this song, while hearing the melody, Lu Lingjun was even more frightened, and she was completely stunned.

It is another song that is so beautiful and graceful, and the key lyrics are also good and touching people’s hearts.

After Lu Lingjun listened, he subconsciously clicked on the next song, which was coincidentally Zhou Dong’s “Blue and White Porcelain”.

Hearing the song “Blue and White Porcelain”, Lu Lingjun was already completely stunned.

She was surprised to find that each of the dozen or so songs that Ye Fei had asked her to choose was actually a classic! From her connoisseur point of view, any song in this is only a classic song, even in the albums of those first-line singers, it is definitely the title song level.

But these top songs are like rotten streets for her to pick at will?!

These songs, is it really random for her to choose?

Lu Lingjun looked up at Ye Fei, and she said softly, “Mr. Ye, did you write these songs?” ”

Ye Fei smiled and denied, “These songs were just accidentally obtained by me. ”

Lu Lingjun didn’t know, so she looked at Ye Fei carefully and suddenly thought about what happened to her familiarity with Ye Fei just now.

Lu Lingjun sounded several piano videos he had seen, and the protagonist in the video was Ye Fei!

“Moonlight”, “Dream Wedding”, “Adina by the Water”…

Lu Lingjun immediately understood.

She couldn’t help but blurt out, “Ye Zong, I remember, you are the creator of those songs of “Adrina by the Water”? ”

It was recognized.

Ye Fei shrugged, “Sort of.” ”

“You also composed these musical pieces, you are the most powerful musical genius I have ever seen!” Lu Lingjun whispered, her eyes were shining, she was completely shocked by Ye Fei’s talent, and she felt heartfelt feelings. _

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