Ye Fei’s words completely attracted Wan Kun’s attention.

After learning that Ye Fei was actually Mu Zizhen’s man, Wan Kun was immediately overjoyed, feeling that this was simply a good opportunity for him to take revenge from heaven.

The biggest reason why Wan Kun took revenge on Mu Zizhen was that Mu Zizhen killed his woman!

And now, Mu Zizhen’s man actually appeared.

This made Wan Kun ecstatic, and he had even thought of the best way to take revenge on Mu Zizhen – that is, to kill Ye Fei and let Mu Zizhen also taste how painful it was to lose his lover!

Mu Zizhen knew Wan Kun’s thoughts, her delicate pretty face was full of worry, she knew that Ye Fei wanted to help her, and in addition to worrying in her heart, there was also a strong touch.

Especially when Ye Fei said the words ‘Mu Zizhen is my woman’, her heart was even more shaken, and the irrepressible ripples in her heart were rising.

Ye Fei said this on purpose, and he was going to use this sentence to attract Wan Kun’s attention.

Mu Zizhen dealt with Wan Kun alone, but if he added him, it would be completely different!

Especially Ye Fei is proficient in guns and martial arts, Wan Kun does not know Ye Fei, he is now the biggest variable on the scene!

Wan Kun said, “Very good, very good!” You said you were Mu Zizhen’s man, right? I have changed my mind now, you and Mu Zizhen two people come together, do not bring any weapons, this walkie-talkie will be held by you from now on, sigh…”

“I remind you again, don’t play any tricks, otherwise I will not hesitate to chop off Wen Xiaoting’s right hand instead of her fingers!”

Ye Fei and Mu Zizhen glanced at each other, and Ye Fei could see the worry in Mu Zigen’s eyes, but gave Mu Zizhen a look of believing in him.

Immediately, Ye Fei’s voice was calm, “Wan Kun, you don’t have to play tricks, Zi Gang and I can be exchanged hostages, but at the same time that Zi Zhen and I come over, you must release Wen Xiaoting, and the two of us will exchange her for one!” ”

Ye Fei put forward the conditions.

Wan Kun was slightly silent, and after a while he said, “Well, I promise you, at the same time that you come over, I will release Wen Xiaoting, and we will both act at the same time.” Hey hey, to be honest, I’m looking forward to seeing you, Captain Mu, who doesn’t eat human fireworks, actually has a man, which really surprises me. ”

Wan Kun promised to release Wen Xiaoting!

Ye Fei and Mu Zizhen’s chips were definitely heavier than Wen Xiaoting’s! This point is still very clear to Wan Kun.

Wan Kun put forward the conditions, provided that Ye Fei and Mu Zizhen entered the area of the house where Wan Kun was at the same time, and only then agreed to exchange hostages.

Hearing Wan Kun’s words, both Mu Zizhen and Xiong Zheng were slightly relieved, at least in this way, there was hope that Wen Xiaoting would be rescued.

Ye Fei and Mu Zizhen glanced at each other, Ye Fei made several gestures at Mu Zigen, and the two could only communicate with gestures in front of the walkie-talkie, so as not to be detected by Wan Kun.

Ye Fei was asking Xiong Zheng to find two pistols to come over.

Although Wan Kun did not allow Ye Fei and Mu Zizhen to be Pei, how could Ye Fei and Mu Zizhen not carry weapons? If he really didn’t carry weapons, it would be tantamount to letting him slaughter.

It’s just that carrying a weapon can’t be too clear. Only weapons such as pistols can be selected for easy wearing.

Xiong Zheng immediately found two Type 92 pistols and asked Ye Fei and Mu Zizhen to hide the pistols.

In addition, Xiong Zheng also arranged snipers to prepare to shoot in place.

After making all these arrangements, Xiong Zheng also looked at Ye Fei and Mu Zizhen with a worried face, although these arrangements were made, the problem was still very serious.

Ye Fei and Mu Zizhen had a very tacit understanding, and Ye Fei made a simple gesture, signaling Mu Zizhen to act with him at the same time for a while to deal with Wan Kun.

Mu Zizhen thought of Ye Fei’s excellent skill and shooting level, and her heart gradually calmed down.

Now that the matter is over, let’s just let it go!

Mu Zizhen was not the kind of woman who hesitated and procrastinated, since things could not be recovered, and Ye Fei had also been dragged into the water, the thing she had to consider now was how to minimize the danger.

Wan Kun’s impatient voice came from the intercom and said, “Have you come over?” Hurry up, our game should begin. ”

Wan Kun’s voice came over, and Ye Fei and Mu Zizhen also changed into body armor at this time and made the final protection.

Under such circumstances, Ye Fei faded out in a faint voice, “What’s the hurry, we’re coming, Wen Xiaoting?” ”

Wan Kun sneered, “Hmm, what are you anxious about, I Wan Kun speaks for words, as long as I see you, I will immediately release Wen Xiaoting!” ”

Hearing Wan Kun’s sneering laughter, Ye Fei and Mu Zizhen were finally ready to act.

Wan Kun repeatedly reminded in the walkie-talkie: “Captain Mu, you two should not play tricks, raise your hands, you two are not allowed to get too close…”

Wan Kun was very vigilant and repeatedly reminded Ye Fei and Mu Zizhen.

Ye Fei and Mu Zizhen raised their hands and approached Wan Kun’s house step by step.

Wan Kun was still quite trustworthy, and at the same time that Ye Fei and Mu Zizhen were getting closer, they saw that at the same time, Wen Xiaoting was also released by Wan Kun.

Ye Fei saw Wen Xiaoting from a distance.

Only to see that Wen Xiaoting looked particularly haggard at the moment, her eyes were red, her clothes were full of dust, and she looked particularly embarrassed.

However, Wen Xiaoting’s mental state was still relatively normal, which also made Mu Zizhen slightly relieved.

Don’t look at Mu Zizhen is indifferent to everyone, but in fact, she is a very emotional person, Wen Xiaoting as her only girlfriend, she of course attaches great importance to it.

Ye Fei took one more look at Wen Xiaoting’s hand, his limbs were sound and there was no problem.

Wen Xiaoting walked towards Ye Fei and Mu Zizhen.

At this time, Wan Kun could also see Ye Fei from a distance.

After carefully examining Ye Fei, Wan Kun’s voice came from the walkie-talkie again: “Sigh, I have just been curious about what kind of man Captain Mu has found, and he has been a small white face for half a day, although he looks very handsome, but it looks like an embroidered pillow.” I can’t imagine that Captain Mu, with your ability, would actually look at such a thin and useless man…”

Wan Kun couldn’t help but laugh.

Ye Fei’s appearance is very deceptive, clean and handsome, noble temperament, and he looks like a rich man. And after he put on his clothes, he couldn’t see the muscles inside the clothes.

Therefore, Wan Kun felt that Ye Fei was just an ordinary little white face, and the threat was insufficient.

Of course, Wan Kun was still very cautious, he just subconsciously looked down on Ye Fei a little and felt that Ye Fei Kong had a good skin bag.

Ye Fei and Mu Zizhen were getting closer and closer to Wan Kun, and Ye Fei knew very well that the next victory and defeat would be in a matter of seconds!

He and Mu Zizhen had to seize every opportunity before they could kill Wan Kun!


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