Ye Fei held the bottle of Ice Muscle Jade Bee Water in his hand, and a cotton swab in the other hand, ready to smear Mu Zizhen.

Ye Fei glanced at Mu Zizhen and saw that she was lying on the hospital bed with her back to him.

Mu Zizhen was lying on his stomach on the hospital bed, his head was completely buried in the pillow, his long dark and beautiful hair was scattered, and the curve between his back and waist and hips was soft and beautiful.

Mu Zizhen’s face covered the pillow, a hot red halo covered his cheeks, and there was a faint sense of shame in those cold eyes.

In front of Ye Fei, Mu Zizhen had always been very natural, but now he felt that his body was hot.

Mu Zizhen bit her lip, facing the Wan Kun explosives she could keep calm and not change color, but at the moment she was a little nervous.

Even the most arrogant woman will have another side in front of the man she likes.

Ye Fei took off Mu Zizhen’s coat, and he helped Mu Zizhen apply ice muscle jade bee water. Ice muscle jade bee water only has a very light taste, this smell is the taste of Chinese medicine mixture, not unpleasant, but also not good.

Ye Fei smeared several wounds on Mu Zizhen in front of him.

Mu Zizhen’s skin is delicate, almost silkier than a baby’s skin, like satin, and extremely elastic.

Several wounds on her back had also scarred, and after Ye Fei applied it with a cotton swab, a cool feeling came from Mu Zizhen’s skin wound, but it was very comfortable.

Ye Fei’s action of smearing the wound was very slow and meticulous, making Mu Zizhen feel like there were feathers tickling on her back, and the itchy feeling on her back made her face even more red.

Mu Zizhen suppressed the strangeness in her heart, and she quietly changed the topic: “By the way, in a few days it will be Elder Wei’s 85th birthday banquet, and then the Wei family will definitely invite Chen Luo…”

Mu Zizhen knew the contradiction between Ye Fei and Chen Luo, and she took the initiative to remind Ye Fei.

Ye Fei’s hand smeared ice muscle jade bee water for Mu Zizhen slightly.

“Well, the Wei family has a great relationship with Master Chen Luo, and it is normal for Chen Luo to get close to the Wei family recently.” Ye Fei said lightly.

The old man of the Wei family is about to celebrate his 85th birthday.

Ye Fei was also very clear about this.

Old Master Wei was an innumerable protégé in Yandu, and his influence was top-notch, and he was the top pillar of the Wei family.

Old Master Wei was going to live a long life, which was definitely a feast for the upper circle of Yandu.

In fact, when the time comes, it will not only be Chen Luo, but also the rich family of Yandu at that time, they will give Old Master Wei this face and go to the door to celebrate his birthday.

Even if you don’t go to the door to celebrate the birthday, there must be a congratulatory gift.

“Elder Wei will also invite me to celebrate his birthday, and when the time comes, let’s go together.” Mu Zizhen said softly.

Mu Zizhen said ‘let’s be together’, and the meaning could not be more obvious. On such an occasion, Ye Fei and Mu Zizhen stood together, which was enough to explain Mu Zigen’s attitude.

And Mu Zizhen represents the Mu family.

Mu Zizhen was helping Ye Fei in his own way.

Ye Fei heard the tenderness in his heart, and Mu Zi was indeed full of heart.

Ye Fei responded with a smile, “Good. ”

“That’s it.”

In fact, Ye Fei had long been planning the birthday banquet of the old master of the Wei family.

The birthday banquet of the old master of the Wei family is also a very important plot in the original book, precisely because of the birthday banquet of the old master of the Wei family. Chen Luo made a big splash at the birthday banquet, so that Chen Luo got the support of the Wei family.

In the original book, Chen Luo relied on the support of the Wei family, the Mu family and another top giant, the Zheng family, which led Chen Luo to finally uproot the Ye family and completely destroy the Ye family.

Among them, the Wei family’s birthday banquet is a major node.

This was also the reason why Ye Fei upgraded his master-level medical skills in advance, when he upgraded his master-level medical skills, Ye Fei’s medical skill level had already surpassed Chen Luo’s, as long as he was also at the Wei Family Birthday Feast, even Chen Luo could not set off a storm!

Ye Fei retracted his thoughts, and intently rubbed the ice muscle jade bee water for Mu Zizhen, and the skin on Mu Zizhen’s back was crystal white and warm to the touch, just like the white jade of mutton fat.

Mu Zizhen’s cheeks were crimson.

After half a ring, Ye Fei finally finished wiping the ice muscle jade bee water.

Mu Zizhen pulled on his clothes and skimmed his gaze away from Ye Fei.

Ye Fei took her hand and smiled, “I also brought you stomach medicine, and you also remember to eat it during this time.” ”

“Got it.” The corners of Mu Zizhen’s mouth cocked, obviously in a good mood.

Ye Fei smiled lightly, “In the future, I will help you wipe the Ice Muscle Jade Bee Water once a day for a week.” ”

“Everyday?” Mu Zizhen’s eyes widened, and his beautiful eyes looked at Ye Fei.

Do you want to rub ice muscle jade bee water once a day? One more week?


Today, Ye Fei wiped the ice muscle jade bee water for her for ten minutes, which was almost the longest ten minutes that Mu Zizhen felt.

The result is also to rub once a day for a week.

Ye Fei was straightforward: “Of course, the Ice Muscle Jade Bee Water has to be wiped for a week to take effect, and I am the inventor of the Ice Muscle Jade Bee Water, I will still lie to you?” ”

Mu Zizhen saw Ye Fei’s sincere face and reluctantly believed Ye Fei’s words.

After accompanying Mu Zizhen in the hospital room for a while, Ye Fei left.

When Ye Fei left, Mu Zizhen quietly opened his mobile phone, searched for ‘Ice Muscle Jade Bee Water’ and inquired about it, and saw the instructions for Ice Muscle Jade Bee Water in the official flagship store on the Internet.

Only to see the ice muscle jade bee water instructions written very clearly: this product once a day, new wounds only need to be applied for three days to have a significant scarring effect.

Mu Zizhen saw the instruction manual, and couldn’t help but blush slightly, and suddenly understood that Ye Fei was deliberately deceiving her.

However, although Mu Zizhen was deceived by Ye Fei, her mood was not bad, the corners of her mouth were upturned, she turned off the mobile phone page, and picked up the thick “One Hundred Years of Solitude” and read it again.


At the same time, the board of directors of Qizheng Group on the other side has also made progress.

On the board of directors, Duan Qizheng thought that he had an absolute advantage, but the next scene made him dumbfounded.

According to the regulations of Yanhuangguo, all major decisions of the company must be agreed by more than two-thirds of the directors in order to take effect.

Therefore, in Duan Qizheng’s mind, Li Xiangyun could not remove him through the board of directors no matter what.

However, the actual situation made Duan Qizheng stunned, because there were ten directors on the scene, and more than half of them all supported Li Xiangyun!

For a moment, Duan Qizheng and Chen Luo both showed shock.


2 more ~ ~ ~ ask for everything_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, recommend, and score

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