Su Qingzhu and Luo Weiyu looked at each other, one person’s temperament was cold, like frost, and one person’s face was gentle and gentle like water.

“Sister Qingzhu, you are here too.” Luo Wei Yuming stared at Su Qingzhu and said softly.

Su Qingzhu gently bowed her head, she sat on the side of the table, and the two women said hello and then fell slightly silent.

For a moment, the atmosphere was slightly awkward.

Ye Fei saw this, gave Su Qingzhu a bowl of noodles, and said, “Let’s eat something while it’s hot.” ”


Su Qingzhu looked at the steaming soup noodles brought and suddenly asked, “Is this made by Wei Yu?” ”

“Well, yes, it may not be delicious…” Luo Weiyu said quietly.

Seeing Luo Weiyu’s somewhat embarrassed expression, Su Qingzhu smiled lightly, she tasted the noodles, and then opened her eyes and exclaimed: “It’s delicious, your craftsmanship is really good.” ”

Luo Weiyu’s cooking skills are indeed quite good, although they are not as good as professional chefs, but they also have a different flavor.

Luo Weiyu smiled sweetly and wanted to say something, but she didn’t know how to say it.

Su Qingzhu also seemed to see the awkwardness of the atmosphere at this time, and she suddenly rushed to Ye Fei: “Have you finished breakfast?” ”

“After eating, what’s wrong?”

Su Qingzhu glanced at Ye Fei: “When you finish eating, go upstairs first, and I will talk to Wei Yu alone.” ”

Su Qingzhu wants to talk to Luo Weiyu alone?

Shouldn’t these two women fight?

However, Ye Fei also knew Luo Weiyu’s gentle personality, and it was difficult for her to argue with others. Moreover, Su Qingzhu obviously had something to say to Luo Weiyu that if he stayed here now, it might not be appropriate.

“Okay, I’ll go upstairs and practice boxing, and you’ll talk.” Ye Fei said and went upstairs.

Only Su Qingzhu and Luo Weiyu were left in the restaurant.

Both women were silent for a moment.

At this time, Su Qingzhu looked at Luo Weiyu and said softly, “In fact, I have long wondered if I will meet you here one day, I haven’t touched you the first few times, and this time I finally met.” ”

Su Qingzhu’s words are undoubtedly also confessing the relationship between her and Ye Fei.

Luo Weiyu was slightly silent, lowered her head, and opened her mouth: “… Sorry Sister Light. ”

Su Qingzhu shook his head and grudgingly smiled: “It has nothing to do with you.” ”

In fact, although Su Qingzhu was uncomfortable in his heart, he was not difficult to accept.

Although Su Qingzhu’s feelings for Ye Fei have been extremely deep, because of the psychological problem of misogyny, she has no feelings for other men.

To put it bluntly, the relationship between her and Ye Fei is very complicated, not only love, but also mixed with many other complicated things.

“I should have thought that you couldn’t escape this guy’s clutches.” The last time you were in the hospital, your attitude towards him was so obvious that even I could see it. “Whisper.

Luo Weiyu’s face turned slightly red, probably remembering the scene when she was with Ye Yuan.

She looked down at her legs, and after she was healed, she couldn’t even see the scars, because it was Ye Fei.

Su Qingzhu looked at Luo Weiyu’s pure eyes again, “This situation now… What are you going to do? He’s more than a woman. ”

Luo Weiyu was slightly silent, and only after half a sound did she whisper, “I don’t know.” ”

“Don’t know?”

Luo Weiyu’s lips moved, and after thinking about it, she was still gentle like water, and her voice was not loud, but Su Qingzhu heard it very clearly: “In fact, I am a useless woman, and I can’t help Ye Fei anything.” It’s not like you’re proficient in business, and you can help him directly…”

“All I can do is make breakfast every day and cook him when he’s hungry. Or one day when he gets tired of it, he will learn the new dishes on the recipe to give him another taste. ”

“When he has a problem, I can only do my best to talk to him, and if he doesn’t want to talk to me, I will hug him…”

“I don’t have those complicated things, I can only wash his clothes and cook meals.”

“If he doesn’t give up, I’m willing to stay with him and share some things for him, even if it’s only a little.”

Luo Weiyu said softly.

This time, it was Su Qingzhu’s turn to be silent.

Luo Weiyu said these things, seemingly insignificant, but they were small things.

Su Qingzhu’s gaze couldn’t help but soften, she had just asked that question deliberately, just to know how Luo Weiyu would answer.

After hearing Luo Weiyu’s answer, Su Qingzhu didn’t know how to say good.

How can there be such a stupid person in the world?

Su Qingzhu was silent, but his heart was deeply touched.

At this time, Luo Weiyu said, “If one day he doesn’t need me, I, I will leave quietly by myself, without dragging him down.” ”

“Don’t you regret it?” Su Qingzhu asked in a low voice.

“No regrets.”

Luo Weiyu’s voice was not loud, but her tone was extremely firm.

She owed him and planned to pay it back for the rest of her life.

As for what he owes her, then keep it in his heart forever.

After speaking, Luo Weiyu asked Su Qingzhu, “What about you, what do you think?” ”

Su Qingzhu said softly, “My situation is a little more complicated than yours, but the result is the same as yours.” For Su Qingzhu, she only had Ye Fei’s one option.

The two women looked at each other, both understood each other’s thoughts, and the atmosphere eased up a lot.

Su Qingzhu stretched out, her look became lazy, and her graceful figure was fully revealed, and she said softly: “Speaking of cheap guy…”

Luo Weiyu smiled slightly.

The conversation between Su Qingzhu and Luo Weiyu made Ye Fei hear it very clearly.

Although Ye Fei was on the second floor, after he reached the inner strength, his hearing was amazing.

Whether it was Su Qingzhu or Luo Weiyu, his feelings for him were very deep, especially when he heard Luo Weiyu’s words, it made Ye Fei gush with emotion.

How lucky it is to have a woman like this.

Luo Weiyu and Su Qingzhu chatted almost perfectly, and Ye Fei went downstairs.

When Ye Fei went downstairs, he saw Luo Weiyu and Su Qingzhu stop talking, and both pairs of beautiful eyes looked at him.

One as cold as ice, one as gentle as water, just like the moment I first saw them.

Seeing that the atmosphere between the two women was not as awkward and stagnant as when they first came, Ye Fei was also slightly relieved.

At this time, Su Qingzhu changed the topic at the right time and asked: “I read the news announcement, Duan Qizheng he turned to you?” ”

Su Qingzhu’s search for Ye Fei also had a serious matter.


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Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collection, recommendation,

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