It’s on fire!

Moreover, the fire was extremely large, Ye Fei saw the billowing smoke, and felt the ferocity of the fire.

This Western restaurant was instantly chaotic, and the whole restaurant was in a mess!

The fire spread rapidly, and the flames around the restaurant also spread out, and the smoke continued to rise, and the flames were raging.

Around the restaurant, the staff and guests all looked like crazy, all frightened by the scene in front of them.

Immediately afterward, they rushed out in a frenzy, all heading for the safe passage.

Screams, cries and cries for help followed.

In an instant, the restaurant became a hell on earth.

Everyone was in a state of madness, the fire didn’t know where it started, and the fire started outside the hotel.

The main burning floor seems to be dominated by these 30 floors, and the fire engulfs everything in the blink of an eye and burns rapidly.

Although there are some emergency measures in the hotel, it is completely insignificant in the face of this fire.

The flames also burned the hotel’s façade, and from the outside and inside of the hotel burned almost simultaneously, and suddenly the fire surged forward.

The fire was fierce.

Many people who come to this hotel are rich and expensive, but at this moment they have long lost their former elegance, and one by one they are panicked, fleeing in all directions, running wildly.

The pungent smoky taste is still spreading rapidly.

The crimson flames engulfed everything, and the carpets, wooden tables and chairs, and even the ceiling of the restaurant were all combustibles, fueling the fire madly.

In such a situation, the fire is burning and going crazy.

At this moment, the hotel seems to have become a hell on earth.

People flocked to the frenzied escape, some even panicked to take the elevator to escape, and many more people flocked to the safe passage.

However, the restaurant and the hotel are connected together, so the number of people is very large, and it is the peak of the number of late meals, which leads to stampedes.

Flames engulf everything.

Ye Fei saw the scene around him at this time and realized that the situation was not good!

The current situation is really dangerous!

Ye Fei bounced off his seat almost as soon as he sensed the spread of the fire, realizing how critical the situation was.

However, he did not escape, but went to find Mu Zizhen!

Mu Zizhen is still in the bathroom!

Ye Fei rushed to the bathroom and found that the outside of the bathroom was also full of people at this time.

Ye Fei looked around and did not see any trace of Mu Zizhen, but he did not have time to think too much, immediately took off his coat, used his coat to catch water in the toilet sink, wet the whole coat, and then used the wet jacket to make a simple towel and cover his mouth and nose.

In the case of fire, the most feared thing is not fire, but thickness

The smoke of the fire contains a large amount of harmful gases such as carbon monolithic, and inhalation into the lungs is easy to cause poisoning.

Ye Fei covered his nose and mouth while searching the crowd for traces of Mu Zizhen.

The fire is getting bigger and bigger.

Ye Fei searched around for Mu Zizhen’s figure, and after half a ring, he finally found Mu Zizhen!

Mu Zizhen was in the location of the hotel of the two just now!

Obviously, the moment Mu Zizhen discovered the fire, he went to find Ye Fei for the first time.

She and Ye Fei both had the same idea, thinking of each other’s dangerous situation for the first time!

Seeing this, Ye Fei quickly rushed to the front of Mu Zizhen.

Mu Zizhen was also surprised to see Ye Fei: “Ye Fei, are you okay?” ”

Mu Zizhen said as she frowned and coughed slightly.

“I’m all right, you cover your mouth with this dress first!” Ye Fei tore the clothes in half, and the wet clothes covered Mu Zizhen’s mouth, allowing Mu Zizhen to adapt.

Mu Zizhen took the clothes and covered his mouth, feeling slightly more comfortable.

Then Ye Fei whispered, “Now that the fire is getting bigger and bigger, let’s take the fire passage and get out quickly, otherwise it will be too dangerous.” ”

Between life and death, Mu Zizhen did not hesitate, she hugged Ye Fei tightly and nodded vigorously.

The injuries on Mu Zizhen’s body were not yet completely healed, and Ye Fei took Mu Zizhen’s hand and quickly ran towards the location of the safe passage.

The two were together and quickly went downstairs.

But the thing is, the fire downstairs is even bigger!

The fire came from downstairs!

The floor where Ye Fei and Mu Zizhen are located is the 30th floor.

At present, the flames were soaring into the sky, Ye Fei felt that the central floor of this flame was on the 28th floor to the 0th floor, and the smoke was billowing, only to see that even some people had begun to be unable to support it and fell to the ground.

The glass of the building outside was even burned, and the glass fell directly from the 30th floor, and the sound of glass breaking continued continuously.

Ye Fei pulled Mu Zizhen through the crowd, and the two of them quickly walked downstairs.

Fortunately, Ye Fei and Mu Zizhen’s physical strength was extraordinary, plus Ye Fei wet his clothes, allowing Mu Zizhen to cover his mouth and nose, and the two finally quickly went downstairs.

However, the safe passage downstairs is too congested, and there are more and more people.

“Can’t go ahead, the fire is too fierce!”

“No, you can’t get by!”

Ye Fei noticed that the exit of the safe passage in front of him had been blocked by the fire and it was difficult to go downstairs.

Noticing this scene, Ye Fei looked at the safe passage door next to him, and he didn’t have time to think about it too much, so he directly kicked open the safe passage door, intending to go downstairs from the other side of the safe passage.

Ye Fei flew up, and the safe passage door was slammed out of a large hole by him, and then Ye Fei kicked two more feet to completely kick the door open.

“Go this way!” Ye Fei also reminded the others in passing.

Then Ye Fei hugged Mu Zizhen, and the two rushed out of the safe passage, found another fire passage in the hotel and quickly walked down.

Race against time!

The smoke was getting heavier and heavier, but fortunately, Ye Fei’s first aid measures were done well, and he always maintained a tiny breath.

Mu Zizhen’s face was slightly pale, her injuries had not yet healed, and now after intense exercise, she couldn’t help but cough and feel a little uncomfortable.

“I carry you!” Ye Fei didn’t say a word and immediately carried Mu Zizhen downstairs on his back.

Mu Zizhen felt Ye Fei’s strong arms and broad back, and for a moment she was extremely relieved, and she hugged Ye Fei tightly.

The last time she pushed Ye Fei away from the bomb, this time it was Ye Fei who carried her and quickly escaped the fire.

The two quickly went downstairs, Ye Fei and Mu Zizhen were the first of almost all the victims to go downstairs, not only that, Ye Fei also took others to follow him to escape.

Soon, Ye Fei and Mu Zizhen finally reached the safe floor.

Ye Fei had no time to think about this fire at this moment.

This fire is by no means simple, and there is a good chance that it is related to Chen Luo!


3 more

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collection, recommendation,

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