Fu Hongyu completely fell to the ground and was grabbed by Ye Fei.

More than half of the 206 bones in his whole body were broken, all the muscles of important parts were extremely seriously damaged, and the meridians were shattered by Ye Fei’s force.

Fu Hongyu’s screams could barely be suppressed at first, but then they grew louder and louder, full of cold sweat, and his face was miserable.

The battle between Fu Hongyu and Ye Fei in the ring is also a battle of life and death.

In particular, the seven martial arts masters that Fu Hongyu had challenged before were also sent to the hospital by him, and they were beaten by him half of their bodies.

Among them, the two internal strength masters of the Hongshan Martial Arts Hall were even rescued by Fu Hongyu who are still in the hospital, half dead.

In this kind of ring battle, Ye Fei did not intend to keep his hand, and he did not want to let go of Fu Hongyu!

Fu Hongyu’s own attitude was arrogant, and there was nothing worthy of sympathy, not to mention that because of Li Yunfeng, the protagonist, Ye Fei and Li Yunfeng were born enemies of life and death, and there was nothing that could resolve the contradiction.

Destroy Fu Hongyu first!

Between Ye Fei and Fu Hongyu’s hand-to-hand combat, he saw Fu Hongyu lying heavily on the ground, spitting out blood, looking weak, and covered in cold sweat, as if he had just been fished out of the water.

Fu Hongyu’s eyes flashed a thick color of terror, his eyes were full of blood, he slowly closed his eyes, and finally fell.

“Ding, congratulations host, get 500 experience points.”

Hearing the reminder of the system’s experience points, Ye Fei squinted his eyes slightly, standing confidently on the stage.

500 XP!

This experience point is really quite a lot, directly increased by 500 points.

Ye Fei now has a total of 300 experience points, as long as he destroys Chen Luo again, he can completely exceed 5000 experience points, which is enough for him to upgrade his skills.

Fu Hongyu fell.

The audience was silent for a while.


Ye Fei won?!

Ye Fei defeated Fu Hongyu with a thunderous momentum!

Only to see that the iron cages in the ring around the ring were all deformed, and the power of Ye Fei and Fu Hongyu’s battle was evident.

In the eyes of ordinary people, the masters of internal strength are indeed similar to those chivalrous guests in martial arts novels, far beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

There was no sound in the audience, only Ning Yufei’s beautiful eyes flashed a touch of surprise, she had thought that Ye Fei would win, but she did not expect Ye Fei to win so crisply.

Mu Zizhen was also slightly relieved to see this scene offstage.

Ye Fei won really beautifully.

“He is Ye Fei… Isn’t it said to be the heir of the Ye Group? How can there be such strength? ”

“This Yandu Martial Arts Realm is about to change, it’s really surprising, at a young age, it is already the peak of internal strength…”

“Not only that, but also proficient in Wing Chun Inch, Shape and Meaning, Tan”

“The Ye family’s prince is very strong, and he actually has the arrogance of a grandmaster in his years, which is really incredible.”

“Grandmaster? This…”

Everyone around them whispered, turning their heads and talking about the battle just now.

Especially the people in the martial arts world, each one was deeply shocked.

In the martial arts world, strength is respected.

The strength that Ye Fei had just shown had already shocked them.

At the same time, most people in this Yandu martial arts community had a feeling of raising their eyebrows and exhaling!

After all, Ye Fei was also a person in the Yandu Martial Arts Realm, and Fu Hongyu was an outsider.

Fu Hongyu picked seven people in the Yandu martial arts community in a row, turning the Yandu martial arts community upside down, and the Yandu martial arts community had long held its breath, hoping that someone would come out and teach Fu Hongyu a lesson.

Just at this moment, Ye Fei was born!

Fu Hongyu was defeated by Ye Fei with a thunderous momentum, and the martial arts moves used by Ye Fei were even more flexible and changeable, simply vaguely with the aura of a master, and even more extraordinary.

Ye Fei is so strong that everyone in the audience is amazed!

Prior to this, Ye Fei’s strength had not spread throughout the Yandu Martial Arts Community.

But from today onwards, Ye Fei will definitely move the name of Yandu and the entire Yandu martial arts world!

The ring opened, and a medical staff member came up from outside the octagonal cage in the ring and dragged Fu Hongyu out.

Fu Hongyu was still in a state of fainting, his breathing was weak, even close to stagnation.

Ye Fei glanced at Fu Hongyu, Ye Fei’s hands were very ‘measured’, now Fu Hongyu’s situation is very bad, even if Yan Du’s top hospital treats Fu Hongyu, his best end is a vegetative person, which is definitely more uncomfortable than killing him.

Ye Fei squinted his eyes slightly, he would not be soft on the enemy.

Fu Hongyu was dragged away, and Ye Fei looked at the audience below, taking in everyone’s expressions.

Noticing Ye Fei’s gaze sweeping, although Ye Fei’s gaze was not cold, he had a momentum of his own, plus the appearance of him just defeating Fu Hongyu was too deeply rooted in people’s hearts, so everyone did not dare to look at Ye Fei.

Ye Fei was in a good mood.

Destroying Fu Hongyu is equivalent to breaking Li Yunfeng’s arm!

Not only that, but this was also the beginning of Ye Fei and Li Yunfeng’s formal declaration of war.

Li Yunfeng was more difficult to deal with than Chen Luo, because he not only had a higher strength value than Chen Luo, but also was a big man in the overseas Hongmen and one of the several big dragons in the overseas Hongmen.

This battle meant that Ye Fei did not shy away from it and formally clashed with Li Yunfeng!

Before this, Ye Fei’s behavior in Yandu was not high-profile.

The reason was simple, Ye Fei felt that his strength was still insufficient, and he planned to hide his strength.

But from today on, it’s completely different.

Ye Fei destroyed Fu Hongyu first, and then killed Chen Luo, he had enough experience points to redeem skills and upgrade martial arts skills!

Ye Fei’s martial arts strength was already close to that of the Sect Master, and after he upgraded his skills this time, he would definitely be able to go further and reach the Sect Master!

Looking at the entire Xuanhuang Kingdom, how many masters could there be?

What’s more, with Ye Fei’s age, he could be called the youngest master of Xuanhuang Kingdom.

Therefore, Ye Fei did not shy away from it, even if he acted in a high-profile manner.

From today onwards, he will be named Yandu!

Ye Fei stood above the ring, and he did not immediately step out of the ring, but turned his gaze to somewhere.

Chen Luo is there!

After Chen Luo signed a life and death agreement with Ye Fei, he stayed at the Hongshan Martial Arts Hall.

These two days, Ning Yufei was nominally protecting Chen Luo, but in fact she was preventing Chen Luo from escaping.

Chen Luo’s mobile phone and other communication tools were all taken away, and he himself could not escape.

Under such circumstances, Chen Luo was also secretly and spontaneously, and he carefully prepared for a battle with Ye Fei until this moment!


1 more for everything_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collection, recommendation,

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