This night, Ye Fei slept very soundly and fragrantly, and slept until dawn.

But there are many changes in the outside world, and this night, many people in Yandu have not slept all night.

Ye Fei first destroyed Fu Hongyu and then killed Chen Luo, and this matter spread throughout Yandu!

Almost all the people in the upper circle of Yandu got this news, and the reaction of the Yandu family was also extremely fierce.

Fu Hongyu died, involving Li Yunfeng, an overseas Hongmen tycoon.

Li Yunfeng is powerful and is one of the controllers of the overseas Hongmen.

There are three major groups of heaven, earth and man in the overseas Hongmen, and the controllers of the three major groups of heaven, earth and man are known as the ‘dragon head’.

Li Yunfeng was the dragon head of the earth character, and the wind was majestic.

Not only that, Li Yunfeng is also the founder of the mercenary dragon’s tooth, once had a prominent reputation in the mercenary industry, had several years of mercenary career, he quit the mercenary world, took over the overseas Hongmen Di group, became the leader.

Therefore, Fu Hongyu’s death is a big news.

However, Li Yunfeng is far overseas after all, and it is not certain that he will return to China, so although this incident has caused a sensation, it is not an earthquake.

What really caused the Yandu Giants to shake was that Ye Fei killed Chen Luo!

But in contrast, Ye Fei’s killing of Chen Luo caused a stronger sensation!

After all, before Chen Luo, he had frequent actions in Yandu, and the Zheng family, the Wei family, the Lei family and other families had a good relationship with Chen Luo.

However, these three families would not come to Ye Fei for trouble.

For example, the Zheng family, before fighting with the big man in the Central Courtyard, the Zheng family was even more protective of Chen Luo, and the relationship between Zheng Ruzhu and Chen Luo was also extraordinary.

It’s just that during this time, the Zheng family and the big man of the Central Courtyard were close to the end, and the Zheng family was grabbed by someone, suffering heavy losses, and even serious injuries.

It is said that the Zheng family has been closed for several days, and it seems that they have been dormant for a long time.

In contrast, the attitude of the Wei family, the Lei family and other families towards Ye Fei was also very delicate, and because Ye Fei saved Wei Lao last time, only Wei Dongqing and other Wei families had a good relationship with Ye Fei, and the Wei family maintained a neutral attitude.

As for the Lei family, that’s not to mention.

Now Lei Yiming and his father were the principals, and both of them were extremely close to Ye Fei.

Even Ye Fei was the savior of Lei Yiming’s father, Lei Jin.

Therefore, the Zheng family, the Wei family, and the Lei family would not bother Ye Fei, but in addition, there were some families in Yandu who had also received the favor of Wu Shen Doctor.

It’s just that now that the Ye family is strong, even if the other families in Yandu have the heart to protect Chen Luo, they may not want to offend the Ye family.

Of course, if Dr. Wu Shen came forward, it would be absolutely different.

At present, Yan Du can be said to be concerned about Chen Luo’s death in the upper circles of the city, and likewise, the news of Chen Luo’s death should reach the ears of Wu Shen Doctor as quickly as possible.

It is foreseeable that the next thing Ye Fei will be Wu Shen Doctor.

Early in the morning, Ye Fei woke up and received several phone calls, namely Su Qingzhu and Bai Ruoxi, including Yang Zimo, Lei Yiming and others.

These people were all asking Ye Fei about the specific situation.

Seeing the situation, Ye Fei also responded to everyone one by one, and his heart was warm.

In Yandu, Ye Fei’s friends and confidants with red face are many.

After communicating with everyone and hanging up the phone, Ye Fei had breakfast.

Breakfast was carefully prepared by Luo Weiyu, after making this breakfast, because Chen Luo was dead, Ye Fei did not have to worry about Luo Weiyu’s safety, so he sent Luo Weiyu to the flower shop.

On the way to drive Luo Weiyu, I only saw that she was in a very good mood, she hummed the song “Encounter”, and the corners of her mouth showed a sweet smile.

Ye Fei saw the situation and couldn’t help but laugh: “Do you like the song “Meet”? ”

“Well, it’s Lu Lingjun singing, her singing voice is very good, and I especially like this song, I want to use it as a mobile phone ringtone.” Luo Weiyu couldn’t help it.

When Ye Fei heard this, he suddenly smiled: “There is really a reason.” ”

“What’s the reason?” Luo Weiyu raised her face, and those pure eyes looked at Ye Fei inexplicably.

Ye Fei smiled, “Nothing, there is a chance to show you Lu Lingjun.” ”

Ye Fei thought that if Luo Weiyu met with Lu Lingjun, it must be very interesting.

“Do you still know Lu Lingjun?” Luo Weiyu’s small mouth opened slightly, and she couldn’t help but be surprised.

Seeing Luo Weiyu’s cute look, Ye Fei couldn’t help but squeeze a handful on his cheek, “Of course, Lu Lingjun is my singer.” ”

Luo Weiyu then remembered that Ye Fei did have an entertainment company.

Luo Weiyu, the industry owned by Ye Fei, did not know too much, but only knew that Ye Fei had such an entertainment company.

Even the hottest singer Lu Lingjun is owned by Ye Fei Entertainment Company?

Luo Weiyu had a general understanding of Ye Fei’s industry.

If Luo Weiyu knew that the song “Encounter” was taken out by Ye Fei to Lu Lingjun, I was afraid that Luo Weiyu would feel that her world view had been subverted.

Ye Fei smiled and sent Luo Weiyu to the flower shop, taking advantage of the fact that Wu Shen Doctor had not yet come to Yandu, Ye Fei was still relatively idle during this time.

“Then I’ll go to the flower shop first.” Luo Weiyu was ready to get out of the car, her eyes were gentle as water, and she looked at Ye Fei.

Ye Fei smiled, “Well, I’ll pick you up in the afternoon.” ”

“No, no.” Luo Weiyu was ashamed in her heart, but she also shook her head and refused: “You are busy with yours, you don’t have to come to pick me up on purpose.” ”

Luo Weiyu’s heart was sweet, in fact, if Ye Fei could have this heart, she was already extremely satisfied.

“Anyway, I’ll come to you in the afternoon, so you go first.” Ye Fei touched Luo Weiyu’s head and smiled.


Luo Weiyu obediently got out of the car, boldly kissed Ye Fei’s face when she got out of the car, and quickly ran away.

Seeing the situation, Ye Fei also showed a smile at the corner of his mouth, this girl, the time spent with her is always so comfortable.

After Ye Fei sent Luo Weiyu to the flower shop, he went to the central city to buy stomach medicine, which was specially brought to Mu Zizhen.

Ye Fei and Mu Zizhen also made an appointment to meet today.

The place where the two date was set to be in a teahouse, and when Ye flew to the teahouse, he found that Mu Zizhen had arrived.

Mu Zi Zhen Su was facing the sky, still without makeup, she held up her delicate chin, looked at Ye Fei with a smile and groaned, and said, “You were famous for Zhenyan last night, and even this morning my grandfather was talking about this…”


2 more ~~~_

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