Between Ye Fei and Cen Qingxuan’s small talk, Cen Qingxuan noticed that Lu Lingjun’s big eyes had been fixed on Ye Fei’s body, and he couldn’t help but be a little surprised.

Although he recognized Ye Fei’s talent, Cen Qingxuan still liked Lu Lingjun very much.

Cen Qingxuan likes women, but Cen Qingxuan is not that kind of casual personality, she really has excellent senses for Lu Lingjun, and only then pursues Lu Lingjun.

Therefore, as far as the current state is concerned, Cen Qingxuan is Ye Fei’s love enemy.

Lu Lingjun blinked her eyes and seemed to sense that something was wrong with the atmosphere, she picked up the wine glass in front of her and prepared to take a sip of red wine, but was stopped by Cen Qingxuan.

Cen Qingxuan softly rushed to the landing Lingjun: “Lingjun, you are unwell today, don’t drink red wine, drink my cup.” ”

With that, Cen Qingxuan picked up the drink in her hand.

Ye Fei noticed that this was a cup of brown sugar ginger tea.

Ye Fei: “…”

If Ye Fei guessed correctly, Lu Lingjun had come to the moon today, so Cen Qingxuan specially prepared this cup of brown sugar ginger tea.

This is also too attentive…

Ye Fei was speechless for a moment.

Although in the original book, Lu Lingjun really liked Cen Qingxuan, and there were also some descriptions in the original book. But the original book is also two or three chapters with it, so Ye Fei personally experienced it in such detail?

Cen Qingxuan was really good to Lu Lingjun.

Lu Lingjun’s face was slightly red, and he was a little embarrassed to take the brown sugar ginger tea and said, “Thank you.” ”

Lu Lingjun blushed because Ye Fei was around, and when Cen Qingxuan said this, the time of her menstrual affairs was not exposed…

Cen Qingxuan said softly, “You’re welcome.” By the way, I have some throat pieces here, you have been singing a lot lately, pay attention to protect your throat. ”

With that, Cen Qingxuan took out a throat piece of candy and handed it to Lu Lingjun.

It could be seen that Cen Qingxuan was meticulously prepared.

Lu Lingjun: “…”

Ye Fei: “…”

Lu Lingjun took the throat candy prepared by Cen Qingxuan and was a little moved, but also a little embarrassed.

Cen Qingxuan, an international star, cares so much about Lu Lingjun, and asking for warmth is indeed touching to her, and her heart can’t help but feel strange.

But despite this, Lu Lingjun’s orientation was very normal, and she still had a good feeling for Ye Fei, so she felt a little overwhelmed.

Lu Lingjun blinked a pair of big eyes, and looked at Ye Fei pitifully, as if he was asking for help.

Lu Lingjun was also the first time to encounter this situation, and he didn’t know what to do at all.

Don’t say Lu Lingjun, Ye Fei is a bit nothing

However, seeing Lu Lingjun’s big innocent eyes, Ye Fei quietly whispered to the back of her hand, signaling her not to worry.

Isn’t it Cen Qingxuan?

Ye Fei still can’t deal with one?

Ye Fei gave Lu Lingjun a slightly restless look, which made Lu Lingjun feel a little settled.

However, Cen Qingxuan rushed to the Lingjun again: “By the way, Lingjun, are you planning to go to the movie recently?” It’s good to have a new romance movie…”

Cen Qingxuan was full of enthusiasm and aggressive.

Listening to Cen Qingxuan say this, Ye Fei was even more speechless, Cen Qingxuan was a star of the film queen, she actually wanted to accompany Lu Lingjun to see what love film? This is obviously the drunkard’s intention not to drink.

Cen Qingxuan’s attack made Lu Lingjun a little overwhelmed, after all, Cen Qingxuan was Lu Lingjun’s predecessor, and he was also quite good to Lu Lingjun, which really made her unable to refuse.

Cen Qingxuan also did not shy away from Ye Fei, Cen Qingxuan’s performance is not out of line, after all, girls and girlfriends are often so good, and even go to see movies together, which is also a very normal thing.

Even Ye Fei had no right to interfere.

Lu Lingjun was helpless, only to get up and hurriedly said, “I, I’ll go to the bathroom first.” ”

Lu Lingjun blushed and excused himself to go to the bathroom.

Lu Lingjun left, and Cen Qingxuan shook the coffee in his hand with a spoon to watch Lu Lingjun leave temporarily.

When Ye Fei saw this scene, he couldn’t help but sigh in his heart, Cen Qingxuan was really crazy.

“Miss Shum.” Ye Fei smiled lightly, “You seem to like Lingjun a lot?” ”

Cen Qingxuan’s hand holding the coffee cup couldn’t help but pause, “I like it a lot, I don’t think there are many juniors in the music world, especially Ling Jun’s singing skills and skills are excellent…”

Cen Qingxuan covered it up with some kind words.

Ye Fei smiled, he opened the door to the mountain, directly punctured, anyway, there is no Lu Lingjun around, Ye Fei does not have to worry: “I mean not the predecessors’ love for the younger generations, but the love of love.” ”

Ye Fei stared straight at Cen Qingxuan.

Cen Qingxuan was slightly flustered, she didn’t expect Ye Fei to be so direct, her eyes didn’t even dare to look at Ye Fei.

However, this only lasted for a few seconds, and soon, Cen Qingxuan raised his head and said to Ye Fei seriously, “Yes, I like Lingjun.” ”

Cen Qingxuan admitted.

After all, she is an international film queen, only a moment of hesitation, and then decisively admitted.

I have to say that Cen Qingxuan is full of aura, and other women have been poked by Ye Fei to break such a private secret, and they have long been in turmoil.

Ye Fei smiled and said, “I didn’t expect that the shadow queen Cen Qingxuan actually liked women, if this matter is passed out, tomorrow’s news headlines will definitely explode.” ”

“Mr. Ye, are you threatening me with this?” Cen Qingxuan suppressed his voice, but his momentum did not diminish in the slightest.

Ye Fei shrugged his shoulders and said lightly, “Miss Cen, relax, I am not so bored, using your private life as a threat.” ”

Cen Qingxuan relaxed slightly, and looked at Ye Fei quite unexpectedly.

Ye Fei really surprised her.

In fact, in the big dye vat of the entertainment industry, Cen Qingxuan has seen more men who are driven by the desire for money. Cen Qingxuan had thought that Ye Fei knew such a big secret and would definitely take the opportunity to blackmail her, but Ye Fei just smiled and passed.

Ye Fei then smiled, “Of course, in fact, I am still a little curious, are you attacking or suffering?” Ye Fei’s last words were lowered and did not let Cen Qingxuan hear them.

Cen Qingxuan looked at Ye Fei in confusion.

And Ye Fei knew that don’t look at Cen Qingxuan’s aura is very strong, a strong woman’s appearance, but she is actually very well-behaved in front of the people she likes, very well-behaved, especially gentle.

In other words, she… You know.

“Miss Cen, I know you like Lu Lingjun, but I’m sorry, she’s my woman.” Ye Fei was also straightforward and domineering in declaring sovereignty.


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