Ye Fei promised Wei Dongqing, he hung up the phone, narrowed his eyes slightly, and frowned thoughtfully.

On Ye Fei’s side, revealing a period of frost Saixue’s arm, gently surrounding him, it was Su Qingzhu.

Su Qingzhu couldn’t resist and came to find Ye Fei.

Su Qingzhu heard Ye Fei’s phone ring, and asked confusedly, “Who called?” So nightly…”

“Wei Dongqing, ask me to go to Wei’s house for dinner tomorrow, and Dr. Wu Shen is also here.” Ye Fei answered in a low voice and kissed Su Qingzhu’s delicate side face.

Su Qingzhu slept like a kitten, like curled up to sleep, and Ye Fei showed a smile.

When Su Qingzhu heard the words ‘Wu Shen Doctor’, his spirit was lifted and he whispered, “Wu Shen Doctor? ”

“Yes, it’s him, it’s finally going to meet.” Ye Fei said lightly.

Wu Shenyi is the hidden boss in the book “Genius Divine Doctor”, although Ye Fei successfully killed Chen Luo, but Wu Shenyi was still extremely threatening to Ye Fei.

After all, Dr. Wu Shen was a doctor and martial artist in the original book, and he had a wide range of contacts in Yandu.

I heard that just two days after Dr. Wu Shen entered Beijing, the people who came to visit Dr. Wu Shen broke the threshold, and famous doctors from all over the city went to visit Dr. Wu.

This is enough to prove how terrifying the prestige of Dr. Wu Shen is.

In addition, there are Wei families and other families who send invitations to Wu Shenyi to invite Wu Shenyi to the banquet.

Headed by the Wei family, several of the great magnates of Yandu were old to Wu Shenyi.

Tomorrow, the Wei family will feast on Ye Fei and Wu Shenyi, which will also be the first time the two will meet.

Su Qingzhu opened his eyes slightly, worried: “Then are you ready to go to the banquet tomorrow?” Of course, Su Qingzhu was also very clear that this was a Hongmen banquet.

Ye Fei said, “Of course, of course I have to go to the banquet.” ”

“Then you… Be careful. Su Qingzhu was silent for a while, she had wanted Ye Fei not to go to the banquet, but after thinking about it again, she still whispered a reminder.

Su Qingzhu also knew that sooner or later Ye Fei and Wu Shen Doctor would collide and meet, which was inevitable.

“Rest assured, I know, I have a measure.” Ye Fei smiled and touched Su Qingzhu’s face and said softly.

Ye Fei knew what Su Qingzhu meant, and he also knew that Su Qingzhu had always cared about himself.

“Sleep, let’s rest.” Ye Fei smiled, slipped into the quilt, and hugged the body that looked like jade gelatin.

The two hugged each other tightly.



Early in the morning, Su Qingzhu quietly left Ye Fei’s villa and went to work for the Su Group.

Because Su Xiaokun’s old master was not in good health, Ye Fei helped to raise it, but Su Xiaokun had gradually let go of the affairs of the Su Group and handed over the affairs of the Su Group to Su Qingzhu.

Therefore, Su Qingzhu is now very busy

Su Qingzhu left, while Ye Fei went to the Bai Group.

Inside the Bai Group, Bai Ruoxi was right there, and Ye Fei quietly broke into his office.

Due to the close relationship between Ye Fei and Bai Ruoxi, Bai Ruoxi’s female secretary did not dare to stop Ye Fei, but let Ye Fei easily break into her office.

Bai Ruoxi seemed to feel something, and as soon as she looked up, she saw Ye Fei looking at her with a bright smile.

Forcefully suppressing the surprise in his heart, Bai Ruoxi suppressed his smile and said with a straight face: “Why does Ye Dashao have time to come to me today?” I am not your three palaces, six courtyards and seventy-two concubines, and if you come and go, you will go. ”

Bai Ruoxi knew the relationship between the women around Ye Fei, in fact, so far, there was still a very delicate situation between Ye Fei and Bai Ruoxi.

Because Bai Ruoxi was calmer than the other women around Ye Fei, she was not like Su Qingzhu, who was doomed to entangle with Ye Fei due to misogyny and could not give up.

Unlike Luo Weiyu, she was healed by Ye Fei for her foot injury and felt indebted to Ye Fei.

Moreover, Bai Ruoxi wanted to let go of his feelings with Ye Fei when he knew that Ye Fei had Mu Zizhen and other women around him, but he could not do it and eventually fell.

The two are like a boyfriend and girlfriend relationship, but not like a boyfriend and girlfriend relationship.

“Good vinegar flavor~. When Ye Fei heard Bai Ruoxi’s words, a smile rose from the corner of his mouth and he said teasingly.

Bai Ruoxi heard the words, his face was even slightly red, and he glanced at Ye Fei.

Ye Fei teased a little bit, she was jealous.

Since the last time the two were together, Bai Ruoxi and Ye Fei hadn’t seen each other for several days, and Bai Ruoxi really had a little taste in his heart.

Ye Fei smiled and took out the small gift he had prepared, which was a skin care product specially prepared by Ye Fei for Bai Ruoxi, which was different from the cosmetics given to Mu Zizhen’s mother, He Qin, which was specially prepared by Ye Fei for Bai Ruoxi and designed according to Bai Ruoxi’s skin type.

Ye Fei smiled and said, “Send yours.” ”

Seeing the skin care products sent by Ye Fei, Bai Ruoxi’s mouth smiled, but he still deliberately said with a straight face: “You still have a heart.” ”

Bai Ruoxi often stays up late for work, although he is born beautiful, he can’t help but be busy at work.

Ye Fei’s skin care products can perfectly solve this problem.

Bai Ruoxi felt Ye Fei’s concern, and joy welled up in his heart.

Not for skin care products, but to feel Ye Fei’s concern, which is what Bai Ruoxi cares about most.

Bai Ruoxi immediately gave Ye Fei a ‘reward’, she hooked her hands around Ye Fei’s neck and gave Ye Fei a big fragrant kiss.

Ye Fei chatted with Bai Ruoxi for a while, and only then did he leave the Bai Group, and it was already noon.

Ye Fei sorted out a little and immediately went to Wei’s house.

The Wei family’s feast was at noon.

Ye Fei asked the driver to drive to the Wei family compound and called Wei Dongqing.

Wei Dongqing personally came out to greet him, and when he saw Ye Fei, he patted his shoulder and whispered, “Ye Shao, you can be counted as coming, Wu Shen Doctor arrived first, my old master and Wu Shen Doctor talked for a long time, the specific content I don’t know.” But I listen to my grandfather’s tone, Dr. Wu Shen has a bad impression of you…”

Ye Fei shrugged his shoulders and said indifferently, “Doctor Wu Shen has a good impression of me, then it’s strange, let’s go, I would like to meet this one.” ”

Ye Fei knew that Wei Dongqing was reminding him in good faith, and he also accepted Wei Holly’s human feelings.

The two walked into the lobby side by side, and Ye Fei finally saw Dr. Wu.

There was not only Wu Shen Doctor, but also Wu Shen Doctor’s disciple, the young girl Ling Shiyun.

At the same time, Duan Qizheng is also among them!

Ye Fei saw several people and squinted his eyes slightly.


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