“What does Ye Gongzi mean?” Wu Shen Doctor stared at Ye Fei and asked in a deep voice.

Ye Fei said lightly, “I mean, Wu Shen Doctor, you don’t know your precious apprentice at all, Chen Luo behaved extremely well in front of you, and even obeyed you, but this is not the real Chen Luo.” ”

“Then tell me, what is the true appearance of my evil disciple?” Doctor Wu asked coldly.

Ye Fei immediately replied, “In order to deal with me, Chen Luo did not compromise his means, even at the expense of implicating innocent people. Some time ago, there was a fire in Yandu Newhao International Hotel, presumably Wu Shen Doctor you have heard of it, right? The arsonist behind this fire is Chen Luo! He had been planning for a long time, deliberately targeting me, and in order to kill me, he even kept asking the whole hotel to give me a funeral! ”

“This fire is so severe that it has injured at least fifty people and killed more than six.”

“Chen Luo is the culprit in this matter, and even Duan Qizheng doesn’t know it.”

“Otherwise, why do you think Chen Luo agreed to fight with me for life and death?” The reason is very simple, because I grabbed his handle, Chen Luo had to promise to fight with me for life and death, otherwise the hotel arson case was exposed, and he could not live if he wanted to! ”

Ye Fei stared closely at Wu Shen Doctor and said coldly.

Ye Fei ruthlessly punctured Chen Luo’s deeds.

All that Chen Luo did was indeed quite disgusting, and it had killed many people.

Ye Fei confided in everything.

Because Ye Fei knew Wu Shenyi’s personality very well, he also clearly knew Wu Shenyi’s weakness.

To be fair, Dr. Wu Shen is indeed a very upright person, his medical skills are profound, his character is also very good, and his appearance is consistent.

For human life, Dr. Wu Shen attaches great importance to it.

But what Chen Luo did was completely against the wishes of Dr. Wu Shen!

Wu Shenyi was a little hard to believe, because this matter had also been kept secret by Ye Fei.

The Wei family did not know much about the beginning and end of the arson case, and Duan Qizheng was equally unclear.

No one mentioned this to Dr. Wu.

Now that Ye Fei had said this, Wu Shenyi’s brow suddenly tightened.

Wu Shenyi’s voice was a little hoarse: “Ye Fei, do you have credentials for you to say this?” ”

Ye Fei said lightly: “Of course, I have evidence in this matter, Chen Luo’s bank card transfer records, as well as audio recordings, plus the people he sent out have also been caught by me, and the human evidence and physical evidence are complete.” ”

With that, Ye Fei took out a voice recorder.

He casually played the recordings, including some conversations between Chen Luo and several of his men chatting in code language.

Although these dialogues are code words, they can still infer some general content through words.

After the contents of the voice recorder play, the crows are around.

Elder Wei and Dr. Wu Shenyi were both frowning tightly, especially Dr. Wu Shenyi, who was blue in color and showed a deep disappointment.

The human evidence and physical evidence are complete, and Ye Fei is so bottomed, it is absolutely not like falsification.

Ye Fei could even show Chen, which was enough to show what kind of big thing Chen Luo had committed!


Wu Shenyi’s voice was filled with anger, and he was obviously extremely dissatisfied with Chen Luo.

Only then did Dr. Wu Shenyi know that in order to retaliate against Ye Fei, Chen Luo had endlessly implicated ordinary people and caused such an amazing incident as the arson case of Yandu Newhao International Hotel.

Wu Shen Doctor sighed and resented Chen Luo, mourning his misfortune and angering what he had done.

“Doctor Wu Shen, do you recognize Chen Luo now?” He is a good apprentice in front of you, one set in front of you, one set behind his back, he is very powerful. Ye Fei said lightly.

Dr. Wu squeezed his fist and sighed.

And Wei Lao, Wei Dongqing, including Ling Shiyun, Duan Qizheng and others, were even worse at Chen Luo’s senses.

Especially Ling Shiyun, she had previously thought that as a closed disciple of Wu Shen Doctor, Chen Luo’s life should be like Wu Shen Doctor, which was praiseworthy.

But now that she saw it, Chen Luo was simply disgusting, and her impression of Chen Luo was also greatly reduced, and she felt that Chen Luo was completely unworthy to be a disciple of Wu Shen Doctor.

Ling Shiyun was disappointed.

Ye Fei looked at Wu Shen Doctor and said, “Wu Shen Doctor, the medical skills I respect also respect you as a person.” I have heard of your deeds many years ago, and I know that you were famous as Yandu at that time, relying on a unique medical skill, curing diseases and saving people, not only healing the rich and rich, but also healing the poor. ”

“Unfortunately, although your medical skills are superb, and although your character is high, you cannot teach a disciple of the same integrity as you.”

“Doctor Wu, if you really want to get justice for Chen Luo, I am ready to accompany you.” Unfortunately, I was very disappointed with the Wu Shen Doctor who was named Zhen Yandu at that time! Ye Fei said loudly.

Murderous curse!

Ye Fei’s words were all sharp words, completely cursed words, which made Wu Shen Doctor silent for a while.

Dr. Wu Shen was speechless about this.

“Cough cough.”

At this time, Elder Wei coughed softly and said, “Xiao Ye, don’t say so, I see that Chen Luo is indeed very problematic, but Old Friend Wu also knows people and knows his face, and this matter cannot blame him.” ”

Elder Wei excused Doctor Wu.

Although Elder Wei was ostensibly helping Wu Shen Doctor speak, he was actually speaking to Ye Fei.

After all, Elder Wei’s meaning could not be more obvious, he chose to believe what Ye Fei said, that is, he believed that all this was Chen Luo’s doing!

Dr. Wu was always silent.

However, Ye Fei stood up and said to Elder Wei, “Elder Wei, I have already understood your kindness today, but I have no shame in Chen Luo’s matter, Chen Luo wants to get rid of me, I can’t wipe my neck and let him do it.” It’s not me who is at fault, it’s that it’s stalemate. I thank Elder Wei for helping me mediate with Wu Shen Doctor today, and if Wu Shen Doctor wants to do something to me, I will accompany him at any time. ”

Ye Fei’s attitude was very tough.

Because Ye Fei knew that the tougher his attitude was, the more confident he became, and Wu Shen Doctor would believe what he said!

Sure enough, only to see Wu Shen Doctor sigh and remain silent for a long time, he finally raised his eyelids and said to Ye Fei: “Ye Gongzi, I will verify this matter again, if it is really as you said, I will personally come to the door at that time.” ”

That’s it!

Hearing Dr. Wu Shen say this, Ye Fei knew that this matter was developing in the direction he imagined!


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