Wu Shen Doctor apologized to Ye Fei, his posture was extremely low, he took the initiative to apologize to Ye Fei, and his performance was even very earnest.

Ye Fei was silent, but Wu Shen Doctor surrendered his hand to Ye Fei and continued, “Ye Gongzi, Chen Luo’s incident may indeed be that the old decay has wronged you, and I hope you don’t care, my apprentice Ling Shiyun’s illness may really only be saved by you…”

Wu Shen Doctor said earnestly again.

Ling Shiyun stared at Ye Fei, biting her mouth, wanting to stop talking.

Ling Shiyun has lived in the shadow of illness since she was a child, she often coughed up blood when she was young, and she was even more afraid that she would die of illness one day, and this disease and torture made Ling Shiyun always be covered by great fear.

The torment of the disease made Ling Shiyun full of yearning for the treatment of the disease, but she did not want to whisper to Ye Fei.

Ye Fei saw Wu Shenyi’s sincere attitude, and noticed Ling Shiyun’s gaze, he frowned slightly, and said, “Wu Shenyi, it’s really not that I don’t want to help you, this matter is not so simple…”

As Ye Fei spoke, he approached Wu Shenyi, whispered a few words, and roughly said the Yellow Emperor’s Inner Scripture to treat congenital deficiencies, and then saw that Wu Shenyi’s expression changed slightly, and he was suddenly silent.

Doctor Wu learned that Ye Fei’s general treatment method of the Yellow Emperor’s Inner Scripture had changed slightly.

Ye Fei said lightly, “At the end of the story, if Dr. Wu Shen doesn’t want to trouble me, then I’ll go first.” ”

With that, Ye Fei took a deep look at Ling Shiyun and turned away.

Only Dr. Wu Shen and Ling Shiyun were left to stay where they were.

Ling Shiyun looked at Ye Fei who was leaving, and her heart couldn’t help but be full of doubts, and she whispered to Wu Shenyi, “Master, what did he say?” ”

Ling Shiyun was very strange, why did Ye Fei and Master say a few words, and Master was completely silent?

What exactly did Ye Fei say?

Wu Shenyi sighed, he looked at Ling Shiyun and said, “Shi Yun, you should not ask about this matter first, Master, I will definitely find a way to cure your illness as much as possible…”

Ling Shiyun was even more curious, and at the same time her heart was silent.

It was not the first time she had heard Dr. Wu Shen say this, every time Dr. Wu Shen said to try to cure Ling Shiyun’s illness, but in fact, if Ling Shiyun’s illness could be cured, she would have been cured a long time ago.

With the passage of time, even Ling Shiyun herself gradually lost confidence and did not report hope for her illness.

Ling Shiyun knew that Dr. Wu was just comforting her.

Ling Shiyun did not lose anything, did not complain, only calmly and a sigh, she whispered, “It’s okay, Master, I know, in fact, I am very lucky to have survived to this point.” ”

Ling Shiyun smiled lightly and bowed her head.

A smile gradually blossomed on her delicate face, and her smile was clear and moving, without the slightest resentment.

Seeing the situation, Wu Shenyi’s heart was light, thinking about what Ye Fei had just said, he was speechless for a moment.


Ye Fei didn’t care about what Wu Shen Doctor and Ling Shi were, because Mu Zizhen had already arrived.

Mu Zizhen arrived late and apologized to Ye Fei and said softly, “I’m sorry, I came too late, mainly because there are still some things to account for in the army…”

Mu Zizhen served as an instructor, and although her work was relatively simple and easy, it was only relatively speaking.

There is an unfamous rule in the martial arts world that as long as a warrior who has reached the level of internal strength or above, he can enter the army as an instructor.

Of course, the martial arts instructors are also divided into three, six, and nine, and Mu Zizhen, a master of internal strength, has a very high status.

“It’s all right.” Ye Fei waved his hand, of course, he didn’t care about this, smiled and pulled Mu Zizhen’s small hand, said, “Let’s find a place to eat first, right?” ”

Mu Zizhen blinked at the eyes of the Water Spirit Spirit, but he was a little spoiled to Ye Fei, “I think…”


Mu Zizhen pouted, tilted his head, and his expression was very cute: “I want to eat the food you made.” ”

Since the last time she had eaten Ye Fei’s cooking, she had been looking forward to it.

“No problem, it’s simple.” Ye Fei agreed and said, “Then go to my villa?” ”

“Okay, just take a tour.” Mu Zizhen had not yet been to Ye Fei’s villa, and she readily agreed.

Mu Zizhen gladly agreed to visit, and Ye Fei also showed a smile at the corner of his mouth, and immediately drove Mu Zizhen to the villa.

In fact, Ye Fei had been looking forward to this day for a long time, and he had been planning for a long time.

Ye Fei and Mu Zizhen had both met their parents, and the relationship between the two of them could be said to have been established long ago, and now it was even worse.

Logically, it should have been done a long time ago.

Ye Fei drove Mu Zizhen back to his villa.

In the villa, Ye Fei first let Mu Zizhen sit first and visit at will.

Mu Zizhen looked up and down at the layout of Ye Fei’s villa, spat out his tongue, and said, “You are really extravagant, many of the decorations of this villa are worth a lot.” ”

Mu Zizhen is not particular about material matters at all, she never uses brand-name bags, does not use brand-name cosmetics and jewelry, and even the furnishings of her room are simple.

Compared with Ye Fei, her boudoir can only be described as simple.

Therefore, Mu Zizhen would say that Ye Fei was luxurious.

Hearing Mu Zizhen say this, Ye Fei said with a straight face, “No way, as a rich second generation, I always have to do something that the rich second generation should do, right?” Losers are right. ”

Mu Zizhen couldn’t help but be overwhelmed.

“You wait, I’ll make you food, do you want to eat Chinese food or Western food?” Ye Fei asked.

“Chinese food, I like Chinese food.” Mu Zizhen smiled.

“Okay.” Ye Fei agreed.

Immediately afterward, Ye Fei went to prepare for food.

Ye Fei thought about it and simply made Sichuan cuisine.

Mapo tofu, saliva chicken, boiled meat slices, and a kung pao chicken cube.

These dishes are all dishes that can make people want to be appetizing.

A table of dishes made Mu Zizhen hold her chin even more, and she was quite fond of Ye Fei’s dishes and surprised, and her heart couldn’t help but glow with soft colors.

I don’t know what I remembered, Mu Zizhen’s face also glowed rosy.


2 more

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