In fact, Su Qingzhu and Luo Weiyu did not know that Ye Fei was taking the opportunity to change the topic, but the two women also simply let him go.

After Ye Fei changed the topic, he actually said it seriously, and after getting the permission of Su Qingzhu and Luo Weiyu, Ye Fei immediately made a phone call and contacted one of Yandu’s brothers.

This brother of Yan Du was also Ye Fei’s friend, but his background was more than one rank lower than Ye Fei’s.

This Gongzi brother’s name is Duan Xuan, he is the brother of the Duan family in Yandu, although the background strength is far inferior to that of the Ye family, let alone Ye Fei, who is now in the sky, but the Duan family is also quite extraordinary in some doorways.

Duan Xuan, the brother of the Gongzi, mainly does foreign trade exports, as well as the business of luxury clubs.

Many rich brothers in Yandu often go to Duan Xuanna to buy imported luxury cars. Not only that, Duan Xuan also often engaged in luxury yacht business in the Yalong Bay area, and also set up several luxury yacht clubs, Ye Fei this time is to contact through him.

Ye Fei called Duan Xuan.

Duan Xuan answered the phone almost in seconds, and on the other end of the phone, he was even more excited.

“Ye Shao, how come you have time to find me?” You’re a busy person and haven’t seen you in a long time. Duan Xuan’s slightly flattering voice came from the phone.

Ye Fei smiled and said lightly, “Yeah, I haven’t seen you for a long time.” I’ve been busy lately, by the way, I remember you set up a yacht club in Yalong Bay, right, I want to buy a villa with sea view, by the way to get a luxury yacht, I don’t know if you have a way out? ”

Hearing Ye Fei say this, Duan Xuan immediately smiled: “Ye Shao, you came to find me really looking for the right person, I told you, I just got a batch of luxury yachts, as for the sea-view villa, it is also simple, I have several good sets in Yelong Bay, the location is absolutely nothing to say, Ye Shao you look at that set of random picks!” ”

Duan Xuan is very bold and very talkative.

He also knew very well that Ye Fei was now a hot red man in the Yandu circle, and his elders had mentioned to him more than once that he wanted to befriend Ye Fei, but Duan Xuan had always suffered from no way out.

Now Ye Fei took the initiative to contact him, which made Duan Xuan excited.

“That’s okay, that’s going to bother you, I’m not here lately. It’s time to come back to you. Ye Fei smiled.

“Don’t be so troublesome, Ye Shao, send you the pictures and location maps of the villa, I also send you the yacht information, you need to take it to play first, and then pay for it.” Duan Xuan was very shrewd.

He wasn’t worried that Ye Fei would run the opposite, and if he could make Ye Fei owe others affection, it would be the best thing.

Hearing Duan Xuan say this, Ye Fei was a little surprised, but he did not refuse Duan Xuan’s kindness, saying: “Good, then it will trouble you.” ”

Seeing that Ye Fei agreed, Duan Xuan smiled and said, “Ye Shao is too polite, this aspect is my profession, if Ye Shao has needs, he can join our club…”

In the face of the olive branch thrown by Duan Xuan, Ye Fei did not refuse, and smiled: “Good, no problem.” ”

“That’s it.” Duan Xuan suppressed the joy in his heart and said with a smile.

For Duan Xuan, he was climbing Ye Fei’s relationship, and if he told his parents the news, his old man would probably have to drink one more cup of Maotai today.

Ye Fei hung up the phone, while Su Qingzhu and Luo Weiyu both looked at him.

Especially Su Qingzhu couldn’t help but sigh: “It’s Duan Xuan, his attitude towards you is really good and amazing, I heard that he is a very proud person.” ”

Su Qingzhu sighed darkly, and his heart was even more shaken.

Because the strength Ye Fei showed was indeed a bit shocking to her, especially this inadvertent performance, which made Su Qingzhu marvel.

Su Qingzhu understood that Ye Fei’s position in the Yandu circle was now so terrible.

You must know that although Duan Xuan is not as good as Ye Fei in the Yandu circle, and the Duan family is not as good as the Ye family, it is not bad, and Duan Xuan is also very good among his peers, and I heard that this Duan Xuan’s personality has always been relatively cold and arrogant.

But she had just heard the conversation between Duan Xuan and Ye Fei, and Duan Xuan was clearly extremely courteous to Ye Fei, and it was simply flattering!

This made Su Qingzhu more aware of Ye Fei’s position in the Yandu circle at this moment.


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