Chapter 497

At this moment, that heavy chain actually locked the king’s head of Netherworld Black Tortoise, and directly helped it escape Ning Tian’s sword!

Although the lock of heaven and earth imprisoned it.

But… also saved it at this moment.

Even the Netherworld Black Tortoise was stunned. It didn’t expect that the lock of heaven and earth that had been trapped for thousands of years saved its life, and he was a little surprised: “Don’t… those guys don’t want me to die?”

“It’s a headache.”

Ning Tian rubbed his head helplessly. This told him how to drink Wang Batang and how to add a few more hours.

“Hey, what, pharaoh, hold out your head and let me chop it off.”



Netherworld Black Tortoise was taken aback, and then three question marks popped up on his head. Did he stick his head out for you? Do you treat me stupid? However, when it looked at Ning Tian, ​​it happened to see Ning Tian looking at it like a fool.


This is really silly!


“As long as I hide in the locks of heaven and earth, this heavenly body can’t do anything about it.”

Netherworld Black Tortoise snorted in his heart, apparently making up his mind. If the enemy doesn’t move, I won’t move.


“I have to force me to do it, I’m so kind, I don’t want to kill.”

Looking at the pair of Netherworld Black Tortoise, Wang Baao looked like me, Ning Tian shook his head and sighed, a gentle smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and then a black light flashed in his eyes, facing Netherworld Black Tortoise. Raise your hand.


He murmured softly.

Then, the power of the law surged.

Somewhere on the Netherworld Black Tortoise, a black glow flashed, and then the skin became necrotic, and the flesh inside began to turn black, obviously losing its vitality, even with the restoring power of the Netherworld Black Tortoise, it was of no avail!

“Death… The Law of Death!”

Netherworld Black Tortoise’s eyes widened, and that piece of skin several meters in size on his body was completely necrotic, and he didn’t feel it at all, as if he didn’t belong to it!

“Death is only a few meters at a time. It seems that it will take a year and a half to kill you.” Looking at the damage caused by the Law of Death, Ning Tian frowned slightly, and then continued to show his death.

Although the damage range is small, it is extremely insulting and strong.

Slowly grind you to death.

“Uncle…I was wrong, Little Turtle knows it was wrong!”

At this moment, the Netherworld Black Tortoise was silent for a long time, and then the old tears burst, and the longer they lived, the less afraid of death. After all, it was enough to live, but it was different. It was the Netherworld Black Tortoise!

One of the most living creatures in the world!

For thousands of years, it is still very young!

As soon as it was born and just got it, it was trapped here on a horse. It didn’t even taste like a mother and the bastard, and died like this. Wouldn’t it be too awkward?


The method of death is extremely humiliating!

“Little turtle…”

Hearing this, the faces of all the people present all turned dark. This bastard is not wanting face. He has lived for thousands of years and claimed to be a little tortoise.

Three women: “Oh.”

“Chuck, as shameless as her husband.” Su Yueyao giggled.


Ning Tian slowly raised a question mark, when was he shameless? Patriarch is not shameless, well, it seems that this little wife should be trained again.

“Compared to Little Tortoise, I still like Pharaoh Ba.” Ning Tian smiled playfully at the corner of his mouth.


Nether Black Tortoise finally bowed his head to the evil forces.

“Ning Fellow Daoist, you don’t have to play it anymore. You can’t kill it, even I can’t kill it in its heyday.” At this moment, I saw the death bell in Bai Liu’s arms, projecting a Daoist shadow, and then that The voice of Samsara Taoist sounded.


“Damn, old man, you dare to come out as a fraud?”

Seeing the figure projected from the dead clock, Ning Tian suddenly rolled his eyes. If it weren’t for your star, he said that this old man is only a few kilometers in size. Is he so embarrassed?


The Taoist Samsara gave a dry cough and explained: “The last time I saw it, it was indeed only a few thousand meters in size. That should have happened millions of years ago…”

“Millions of years!”

Not far away, the expressions of Di Wuji and the others changed, looking at the old man who came out suddenly, their expressions were suddenly serious.

It’s a million years to open your mouth and shut your mouth…

And… Original God!


I’m afraid it is also a great figure, how did the Patriarch know so many powerful people?

Di Wuji was very puzzled.

“Old man Dao, let me tell you that you don’t compensate me for a good thing. I’ll never finish this matter with you.” Ning Tian chattered, and he never let go of any chance to cheat others.


Samsara was silent, and shook his head with a wry smile.

He seemed to be able to see the scene of Ning fellow daoist evacuating his Taoist tomb, and it suddenly felt painful.

“So, Ning Fellow Daoist should release this Netherworld Black Tortoise. It can’t die. At least, it can’t die now. Even the power of God’s Domain can’t kill it. Ning Fellow Daoist can do this. To the point, it is already a miracle.”

Tao God Samsara said slowly, with a trace of emotion in her eyes looking at Ning Tian.

I’m afraid those guys in God’s Domain didn’t expect that Netherworld Black Tortoise would be violently beaten in Nine Domains. After all, the strength of Netherworld Black Tortoise is really not weak.


Hearing the words of Taoist Samsara, Netherworld Black Tortoise was moved by tears. It was not that it was able to live, but that it was finally called its name. It was not easy.

“Let it go?”

“This is not good, I still have tortoise whip.”

Ning Tian refused without even thinking about it.

Hearing this, somewhere in the Netherworld Black Tortoise was cold and shivering, and Samsara also shook his head helplessly: “Ning fellow daoist, Netherworld Black Tortoise is yin, even if you eat it, not only will it not make up, but it will even speed up… such as morning. …”

“Stop it.”

Before Samsara finished speaking, Ning Tian interrupted him and looked at Nether Black Tortoise fiercely. This guy’s tortoise whip was actually poisonous!


“Then I need your tens of thousands of years Blood Essence.”

If you don’t get any benefits, just let this old man go. It’s not Ning Tian’s style of acting: “Oh, yes, I still need a piece of your tortoise shell, and the scales of your red python, and…”


Ning Tian said a lot, anyway, he never let go of the things that can be used on Netherworld Black Tortoise.

Nether Black Tortoise heard this, and the corners of his mouth suddenly twitched, dare to feel that this master has pulled himself out completely? But in order to survive, it can only do it. Although Ning Tian can’t kill it, if he is too idle and slowly grinds to death, it would be too shameful, right?

“I’ll give you everything, can you let me go now?”

Netherworld Black Tortoise trembled, looking at the smiling Ning Tian in front of him, he suddenly felt panicked, it seemed to have understood something, this god body smiled, there must be nothing good!


“Of course it’s okay, but…before you leave, I will stamp you.”

A smile appeared on the corner of Ning Tian’s mouth.


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