[ps: It’s all this point, today is definitely more endless, continue to update tomorrow, the author went to do other things during the day, good Nima is tired, this chapter is strongly written. ] 】

Decades ago, an unprecedented geological catastrophe destroyed our civilization and nearly wiped out the creatures of the earth.

And a floating fortress survived this catastrophe because of its particularity, and the survivors in the sky named it “lighthouse”, which means “illuminating the last future of mankind”.


On the east side of the new continent of Osia, a huge lighthouse-like building floats in the sky, and countless container-like buildings are hanging from the outside of the lighthouse, and its internal structure is unknown.

In the deserted Gobi, more than a dozen off-road vehicles constantly hummed, driving forward, dragging countless smoke and dust behind.

On the off-road vehicle, a red-haired girl looked into the sky behind her.

The shadow of the lighthouse in the sky is very clearly visible at this distance.

“Red Cole, are you afraid?”

At this time, a short-haired young man next to her looked at her and said.

“Although they are all coming out for the first time to participate in the mission, there is nothing to be afraid of, the training is usually trained, dawn, don’t tell me that you are afraid now.”

Red Cole stretched as he sat on the SUV and yawned, while raising his eyebrows to look at Dawn.

“I’m afraid, how come, at most a little nervous.”

Xiaoxiao was stunned for a moment, waved his hand to cover up.

“Hmph, if you are afraid, you can say it, Miss Ben will protect you, after all, you are comrades who participated in training together, just don’t pee your pants when the time comes.”

Red Cole snorted softly, leaned over and patted Xiaoxiao’s shoulder, and said with a big grin.

“Come on, don’t say that you seem to be much older than me, aren’t you the same as me, only sixteen years old.”

Xiaoxiao waved his hand helplessly and said.

“Okay, the task is not a child’s play, there will be life danger at any time, we are almost to the target point, all ready.”

At this time, Captain Elon, who was driving, suddenly spoke.

“Understood, Captain Elon!”

Red Cole and Dawn immediately shut up and responded.

There are more than 30 hunters who came out this time, there are more than a dozen off-road vehicles, and there are not many heavy three-dimensional, only five.

MU-2 White Shark heavy three-dimensional power armor.

It is a power armor based on the power armor of the old world.

However, because of the limited technology, too bulky is a big problem.

And because Red Cole and Dawn are newcomers, they are currently not qualified to start heavy three-dimensional armor.

Their target was the site of a makeshift military base named R-13.

The lighthouse is constantly floating and moving, and this detection of this site is also accidental.

The ruins, R-13, are a temporary military base for armaments, according to some intelligence data left over from the Old World.

The base is not large, it can only accommodate about two thousand people, and the weapons and equipment will certainly not be as many as regular military bases.

But for the current lighthouse, which has a population of only tens of thousands, the military materials in such a small military base are very sufficient.

And their targets are not only the munitions of military bases, but also the central computer chips in military bases.

According to their guess, there should be some information on weapons stored in the ruins of the military base.

The lighthouse is just a floating lighthouse with nothing missing on it, and if they can obtain some of the weapons information, it will be very helpful for the weapons research on their lighthouse.

Moreover, it may play a great role in improving the heavy three-dimensional and enhancing the combat performance of the heavy three-dimensional on the lighthouse.

Soon, the lighthouse’s team of hunters was outside the site numbered R-13.

In order not to alarm the polar devouring beasts that could exist inside, the off-road vehicle stopped without driving too close, and a team of more than thirty hunters arrived at the gate of the base site under the leadership of Captain Elon.

The gate of the military base is open, the high gray wall that fences it looks so dilapidated, and the objects blocked by several roads at the entrance are also very dilapidated.

A gust of wind blew through, and a plastic bag stained with dried ash slammed on the only remaining door of the military base, making a “pop” sound.

When I entered the military base, I saw a deserted scene.

No one has been here for decades, and the weeds on the ground are piled up one after another, and many corpses hidden among the weeds on the ground can be seen.

The bodies were soldiers from the former military base.

The corpses all take on the texture of incomparably decaying trees, just like trees decaying on the ground.

It is also covered with moss.

Decades have passed since the disaster occurred, and these corpses have not turned into dry bones, but into dry corpses with the texture of rotting trees.

The further you go, the more you can see that there are more and more corpses with the texture of those decaying trees, and from the very beginning of lying down, they have also become standing, and even retain the last movement before death.

Whether laughing, crying, joy, anger and sorrow, life is varied, and all these lives and deaths seem to be frozen on the corpses of that moment.

And Hongkou held the rifle in his hand, and he was constantly vigilant around, although he said that he didn’t care, but after all, it was the first time to go on a mission, and his heart was inevitably nervous.

And the quietness around is too eerie.

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