“Your Majesty, these half-orc maidens …. How to arrange? ”

Lotis asked.

“These half-orc maidens

Gu Yuan frowned.

If he used these half-orc girls as handmaids, with Gu Yuan’s always cautious character, he did not dare to put a group of half-orc slaves of unknown origin and did not know the details.

Well, sell, or…. As a plaything?

Lena’s big eyes concealed an obscure meaning, her petite body was locked in a cage, and she looked through the iron railing at a group of tall knights wearing full body iron armor.

Closing his eyes, his mind immediately appeared the bitter screams of his compatriot before he died and the rampant and evil laughter of the human killing squad.

Suffering, killing, destruction…

Why did all this befall them half-orcs.

Orthodox orcs do not welcome them, and humans take pleasure in capturing and killing them.

What the hell did they do wrong!

The silver teeth clenched, and the slender palm slammed on the iron railing, because the powerful palm began to turn blue and white, but the iron railing did not move at all.

What a weak force….

Because of their weakness, they were captured by human killing teams, and because of their weakness, they were constantly trafficked by humans like goods, and they were displaced all the way to a large human army.

But in the blink of an eye, the army was defeated, and they, once again, were treated as goods and reached the hands of the new victors.

“Then next time, there will definitely be a more powerful human army to defeat these people and plunder us like goods…”

Lena was in a cage, hanging her head, desperate in her heart, and whispered softly in her mouth.

The Central Magic Empire forbids trafficking in human endeavors, but how can anyone ever think that humans are life, and their half-orcs are also life!

“No, it won’t.”

Suddenly, a young and cold voice sounded in Lena’s ears.

Lena looked up sharply, her bright silver eyes with a faint but hopeful, but mostly fearful.

Fear of humans.

Gu Yuan squatted down, and a pair of dragon-like eyes stared at the little half-orc girl in front of him.

Gu Yuan suddenly felt that this half-orc girl seemed to be different from other half-orcs.

“No one will defeat me, let alone my army.”

“Nor will you be sold like goods.”

These words are so absolute, the identification is sonorous, and there is incomparable confidence in the tone.

“Rotis, arrange it, find some maids to take them, and they will stay in the court.”

Gu Yuan got up, turned away, and said to Rotis.

He is the king, and the life and death of these people are all between his thoughts!

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Rotis immediately bowed his head in response.

“This human being is different from everyone else…”

Lena grabbed the cage railing with both hands, and a pair of bright silver eyes on her pale and delicate face suddenly had some kind of light at this time, looking at the distant Guyuan behind the iron railing.

The half-orc family has believed in the Star God since ancient times, and she can see that Gu Yuan is really different from other humans.

The absolute confidence that naturally radiates from the depths of his heart, and his personal charm seems to be able to infect other people, making people can’t help but believe him.

“Your Majesty, that female knight has come to her senses.”

At this time, a knight came over and reported.

“Oh? She’s awake, take it and talk to her. ”

Gu Yuan took a step and walked towards the city wall again.

“You bastard, get me out of the way!”

As soon as Gu Yuan went up the city wall, he heard an angry shout.

Looking up, she saw that Rusya was still hanging from a tower, and the thick iron chains bound her, and the special iron chains could not break free even if it was a big knight.

“Gu Yuan, if you release me now, you still have a chance to survive, otherwise, you will wait for the iron hooves of my master’s army to break through your city gate and cut off your head with a sharp sword!”

Rusiya was suspended in the air, and her body wrapped in an iron armor was constantly shaking.

“The vitality of the great knight is really vigorous, and he can even roar at this time.”

Gu Yuan felt some novelty as he looked at the wound on Rusiya’s abdomen.

I was shot in the abdomen, but I didn’t expect that Rusya was not dead after such a long time, and she still had the strength to yell.

“Why is this…”

Rusiya was suspended in mid-air, she was a great knight, what did this Guyuan do, with less than two thousand troops, she easily defeated the 50,000 army of the Nord Kingdom!

Rusya naturally saw the countless corpses of the Nord Kingdom’s army that had not yet been cleaned up under the city walls.

What a mighty force this was, without the Sorcerer Battle Corps of hundreds of people, it would be impossible to cause such damage.

Rusiya wondered why the king of a small country had such strength.

“Stun her, put her in a dungeon, and from then on she will be a dead man, a great knight, and she is too loyal to the Golden Lion Duke to be of use to us, but what a good research material.”

Gu Yuan waved his hand and ordered.

“Your Majesty, the Golden Lion Duke’s side?”

A knight beside him said with some doubt.

“As far as I know, the Golden Lion Duke has always been a slow reaction, the Gutongs Empire is some distance away from us, and then react to the Golden Lion Duke, and when he finds that he is not right to send troops to fight, maybe half a year will pass, and half a year is enough.”

Gu Yuan smiled and stood in place and drew the long sword at his waist.

“Your Majesty, we are now at war with the Nord Kingdom, and we have just defeated their main force, but they still have many remnants of troops near our territory, and we will provoke the Golden Lion Duke at this time…”

There was great concern in the knight’s tone.

“You don’t understand, it’s all different, because of me! The Nord Kingdom is nothing, they will collapse at the touch of a button! I never considered them our opponents. ”

Looking at the cold light emitted by the sharp and bright long sword in the sun, a cold light flashed in Gu Yuan’s eyes.

“Our country is too small, and how vast is this continent?! How can all the population add up to tens of billions? And how much is the population of our country, only half a million! We need war, to expand our territory through war, and my plan needs at least a huge empire with a population of hundreds of millions to support. ”

The long sword flashed, and Gu Yuan threw the sword out violently, rubbing the knight’s edge with a “sonorous” sound and piercing deeply into the city wall!

The knight’s eyes widened, and he was shocked from his heart at His Majesty’s bold words.

His Majesty wants to use the power of one of them to plan the entire continent!

“Sword, it’s time to be eliminated.”

“This era is up to me!”

Gu Yuan’s departing back was deeply reflected in the depths of the knight’s pupils, and the powerful and confident words were also deeply reflected in the knight’s heart like a spiritual imprint!

“Swear allegiance to His Majesty the King!”

The knight knelt down on one knee and roared vigorously.

Their king, be so magnificent!

“Is the 98k rifle line starting to be installed?”

“During installation, please select the location of ten steam engines for installation.”

[The science and technology tree has officially opened, the dawn of industry has officially begun, people have an end, and science and technology have no end! ] Please Your Majesty continue to work hard, look forward to the country, everyone is like a dragon! 】

[ps: The author decided that in the future, 14,000 words will be updated every day, seven more!!! This is the first more today!! 】

[ps: The previous update conditions should be changed for the time being, see the support of all readers!!! 】

[ps: Please also support this book!!! 】

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