“What exactly is King Guyuan going to do? Summoned us in a hurry. ”

“Hmph, Gu Yuan’s kid is estimated to be at the end of his life, maybe we need to donate to him.”

In the palace reception room, several merchants with various postures sat at the table, one by one, dressed in gorgeous clothes and rich in size.

One by one, the people of this country are very thin and emaciated.

But they are very free.

“Hehe, today Gu Yuan asked me to buy a large number of things, those things are usually all pressed at the bottom of the box and can’t be sold, but I didn’t expect that Gu Yuan, the king, would buy it, I blackmailed a sum from him, enough fifteen thousand gold coins.”

A fat man with a beard on his face said with a smile.

There was not the slightest respect for the king Gu Yuan in his words.

Gu Yuan was the king, but in their opinion, the country of Los was almost over.

Although they are Loths, they are also successful businessmen with heads and faces in the surrounding countries, and they obtain a lot of wealth by dumping the resources of Los in the country.

In their eyes, the country of Los is about to die, if they can fish this sum, they can fish this one, and run away after fishing, what does the survival of the country of Los matter to them?

There are no national boundaries in their eyes, only money is their everything.


Hearing the fat-bearded businessman say this, everyone else burst out laughing.

“If Gu Yuan wants us to donate, that’s good, then the land will be exchanged.”

“Anyway, the country of Los is almost finished now, without our donations, Gu Yuan may not even be able to support this month, I am not afraid that he will not agree, there is a textile factory owned by the country of Los outside the city, it is a good business.”

Another skinny, slender-eyed merchant sneered.

“Yes, that’s how it should be.”

The other merchants also nodded, thoughtful, constantly calculating in their hearts how much profit could be exploited in the hands of the dying Los Kingdom.

“Guys, we are also considered to be Los people, wouldn’t it be too much to do this.”

A middle-aged businessman pondered for a moment and said to the others.

“The country of los, hmph, the nobles are in power, those people in the country of Los can treat people other than the nobles as people? With so many surrounding countries, I am afraid that the nobles of the Los Kingdom have exploited the commoners the most! ”

“I hate those nobles!”

The fat-bearded merchant had a look of hatred in his eyes.

“But I just heard that the king of Los has abolished all the privileges of the nobles in the country of Los and left only false titles.”

The middle-aged merchant groaned and said.


“How dare King Gu Yuan do this?!”

“He’s dead??”

As soon as this remark came out, the surrounding businessmen were shocked.

Protecting the interests of the aristocratic class is an unwritten rule that the Roryland continent does not know for many years.

Everyone who dares to move the interests of the aristocratic class will become the public enemy of the nobility of the Roland continent.

And Gu Yuan dared to abolish all the privileges of the nobility in the country of Los Land, although it was not the abolition of the nobility, but it was equivalent to the abolition of the nobility.

At this moment, I am afraid that some ancient noble kingdoms will not be able to bear this breath and directly wage war against the Kingdom of Los directly.

“Hmph, in this situation now, the country of Los is no worse than such an opponent.”

The fat-bearded businessman sneered.

The other businessmen also suddenly realized, too, at this time, the country of Los is about to die, and one more opponent is the same

“Sit and wait for the fall of the kingdom of Los to die, if we go to the Nord kingdom at this time to donate military expenses to Rag IV, do you say he will make me a viscount?” It is said that you can’t still get a fiefdom on the territory of the country of Los and become a nobleman in the future, hahahaha. ”

The skinny merchant laughed.

The battle with the Nord Kingdom’s army took place in the morning, and they only arrived in Los City in the afternoon, and the battle was fought too fast, so they didn’t know that the main force of the Nord Kingdom had been eliminated by Los.

“You want to be a nobleman in the Nord Kingdom? Well, you will soon be able to go down to accompany Rag IV. ”

Suddenly, a voice full of chill sounded, and all the merchants present couldn’t help but be agitated.

All the merchants looked towards the door, and saw Gu Yuan standing at the door in a gorgeous costume and looking at them with a sneer.

“Gu Yuan, don’t be too arrogant, I said what I just said, what can you do!”

A trace of disdain flashed in the slender eyes of the thin merchant, and he stood up and faced Gu Yuan directly.

“What can you, a king who is about to destroy the kingdom, do to me?”

“Good, are there any of you who think the same way as him?”

Gu Yuan walked in, and Rulong’s eyes scanned around coldly.

The other merchants did not speak, because they instinctively sensed that something was wrong, but there was a trace of disapproval in their eyes.

Just be cautious, they didn’t stand up like the skinny merchant.

“Merchant Clover McCauley, fornicating with the Nord Kingdom, betraying national interests, capital offense!”

Gu Yuan stood with his hands in his hands and said coldly.

The German Guard, armed with MP40 submachine guns, immediately broke in.

“Don’t think that the Nord army that temporarily retreated will be proud! Gu Yuan, you have the ability to move me to try! ”

“Just because these ordinary people who are not even knights want to take me?”

The skinny merchant sneered and glanced disdainfully at the soldiers of the German Guard.

The four knightly guards around him stepped forward and looked at Gu Yuan with a fierce glare.

Unaware of the outcome of the battle that had taken place in the morning, the skinny merchant thought that the Nord army had only been temporarily repulsed.

After all, Gu Yuan only had more than a thousand troops, while the main force of the Nord Kingdom had more than 50,000 people.

It is impossible to be completely annihilated by Gu Yuan.

Moreover, the industry of the thin merchant is mainly in other towns in the country of Los and those towns are still in the hands of the Nord Kingdom, and he is naturally not afraid of ancient origins.

“Guys, let me give you a gift.”

As soon as Gu Yuan beckoned, a guard soldier immediately took a box and opened it in front of everyone’s eyes.

The box opened slowly, and all the merchants’ eyes unconsciously moved over.

“Gu Yuan, you want to curry favor with gifts…”

Before the thin merchant’s words were finished, he suddenly saw what was inside the box, and at this moment his whole body was cold, and a chill rushed directly to his heart from his tail vertebrae!

“This…. How is this possible?! ”

The slender merchant’s slender eyes were filled with disbelief, and he shouted tremblingly.

In the box, it is none other than the head of King Nord, Rag IV!

Suddenly, all the businessmen felt cold in their hearts.

King Nord, killed by Guyuan!

The army of Nanoord….

“Yes, just this morning, the Nord army has been annihilated by our army!”

“This is the head of King Nord.”

Gu Yuan looked at them with a smile on his face.

It’s just that in their eyes, how terrifying the smile on Gu Yuan’s face is!

The next moment, a pistol suddenly appeared in Gu Yuan’s hand.

[ps: Ask for flowers! ] Ask for review votes!! Give more tickets! Dear readers! 】

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