[ps: The third more, and the fourth more, flowers, votes are all forcefully voted! ] 】


A knight beside him looked at the three deserters kneeling below, and he remembered the Los army that was still outside the city, and his scalp was numb.

Too fast.

Generally, it takes two weeks to even march through the entire territory of the Nord Kingdom, but now…

In less than a week, all the towns and cities in Norde fell except for the capital.

Could it be that the people of Los are all great knights and magicians?!

The dozen or so knights present felt very puzzled and fearful.

Such a Los army, how could they possibly prevail.

“Needless to say, deserters will be beheaded!”

Etiman’s tiger eyes flashed.

“The old man has led troops for decades, and he has failed many times, and now the Nord Kingdom has reached a very critical juncture, and there must be manpower to save the Nord Kingdom!”

“There are five thousand defenders in the city, but only two thousand enemies, how can we not hold the city!”

Atiman shouted a reprimand to the knights around him.

His words are full of confidence in his abilities.

Yatiman is in his sixties this year, has led troops to war for decades, and naturally has sufficient experience, and he also has this qualification and confidence.

Not to mention two thousand people, even with an army of 20,000 people, Yatiman can hold the city wall, and may even turn defeat into victory.

He has this ability and this confidence.

But today’s war has long exceeded Atiman understanding.

“General, we can’t win!”


The three deserters shouted frantically and were pulled down.

And Yatiman stared.

He didn’t believe it.

He really didn’t believe that he couldn’t hold the walls.

Not everyone in the army of Los is a great knight, and not everyone is a magician.

How can a garrison force of five thousand people lose to a siege force of only two thousand people?!

Therefore, not only does Artiman not believe that he cannot hold the city wall, but even feels that his troops are superior, but he can also look for an opportunity to counterattack a wave and completely defeat the two thousand siege of the city of Los troops!

Outside the city, after another fruitless persuasion, Rotis’s eyes became cold.

His Majesty the King (Guyuan) gave him an order to take the entire territory of the Nord Kingdom within a week, and now it is the last day, and only the last city remains.

It can’t be dragged on, and the order given by His Majesty must be completed perfectly!

“Artillery battalion!”

Rotis looked at the ten-meter-high walls of Tino City in the distance and ordered.

The 120-mm PM-38 mortar was used as artillery support at the platoon level, one for each platoon.

Each regiment had a separate artillery battalion, with more than 60 120-mm PM-38 mortars arranged in formation, pointed at the city of Tino.

“North, change your defense.”

The handover of two groups of patrols on the city wall is taking place.

One of the squad leaders squinted at the distant Los army camp from the city wall.

Unconsciously, he sneered in his mouth: “Two thousand troops.” ”

“No matter how powerful the people are, they can’t break through our walls of 5,000 with a force of 2,000 people.”

Squad leader North’s tone was full of disdain, he was an arrogant Nord who looked down on everyone in the surrounding countries.

Among the current wall guards, except for some Nord soldiers who learned about the previous battle through various channels and were afraid of the Los army.

Most of the Nord soldiers, like General Arteman, believed that it was impossible for the Loths to break through the walls they were guarding with 5,000 men.

After all, five thousand versus two thousand, or defending the city, people who can’t do arithmetic should know the difference.

“General Artiman is a very great general, the military god of my Nord Kingdom, he will definitely lead us to…”

The other squad leader’s tone was full of adoration for Atiman, but before he could finish his words, a sharp roar in the sky attracted their attention.


“What sound?”

The soldiers on the city wall all looked up at the sky in confusion.

Nothing? Where does the sound come from?

All the soldiers defending the city were very puzzled, and North sneered and said, “It is estimated that those timid Loths made some kind of movement, and actually camped a large camp three thousand meters away from the city wall…”


A loud bang exploded at the head of the city, completely interrupting his words.


A burst of fire splashed, the entire city wall shook and shook, rubble splashed everywhere, and the screams of several Nord soldiers instantly sounded and ended instantly.

“What is that!!”

The mournful shouts rang out, but this was only the beginning.

Countless explosions, flames exploded at the head of the city, under the city walls, within the city walls, and even in the city, countless black smoke, screams appeared.

North was shaken on the city wall and could not stand at all, countless fires around him, and the deafening explosion also made his ears ring.

He looked around blankly and screamed, becoming a companion of the fragments.

The next moment an explosion sounded around him, and he was instantly blown away, and by the time he fell to the ground, his legs had turned into debris and spread all over the ground.

A bitter scream came out of his throat.

An eagle soared in the sky, and inside and outside the city wall below, countless fires exploded, black smoke filled the air, and those Nord soldiers were torn apart in an instant like ants.

“What’s going on!”

“What happened?!”

Atiman roared and walked out of the military hall with more than ten knights.

“General! Walls! Walls! ”

A knight pointed in shock to the tall wall not far away.

I saw that the city wall finally couldn’t bear the pressure and collapsed in the last explosion!

Countless Nord soldiers were crushed to death, rubble was splashed everywhere, and smoke and dust were everywhere.

“City walls….. collapsed…..”

This section of the wall collapsed, and the faith in Atiman seemed to collapse in an instant along with the wall!

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