[ps: Today’s sixth change, there is another change].

The kingdom of Chisi, bordering the orc steppe.

In the endless grassland, two camps are facing each other.

On one side was the human camp, the kingdom of Chisi, and the allied army of 800,000 troops from the sixteen member states of the Gutongs Alliance Empire such as Hecate, Stia, and Bandonka.

On the other side, there is the orc empire and several orc tribes composed of 500,000 orc legions.

The cold wind was bleak, and countless blades of grass danced.

The armies of both sides were lined with countless banners, spears were like forests, and the armor of knights shone in the sun.

The war horse snapped its nose and stirred restlessly.

The giant wolf under the Corrosion Wolf Knight’s seat is constantly dripping saliva, corroding the underground weeds into a wasteland.

800,000 human nations combined forces against half a million orc legions.

War drums beat! The horn blew, countless people on both sides moved in unison, and the heavy armored heavy cavalry of the human coalition army collided with the orc barbarian legion in an instant like a torrent of steel.

In the sky, a flying dragon more than ten meters long spewed flames downward, and the javelin in the dragon knight’s hand was instantly thrown downward, and the huge impact force penetrated a minotaur wearing heavy armor and up to two meters and five meters tall to the ground.

But the next moment, the flying dragon knight was instantly besieged by griffin orc wolf riders from all directions.

The battle lasted two whole days!

In the end, the battle ended with the victory of the Orc Empire.

The 800,000 human coalition army was defeated.

The fierce army of the Orc Empire divided into several groups and attacked several surrounding human countries.

Capital of the Kingdom of Chisi.

“Father, I’m not leaving!”

Countless people in the palace were busy packing their things.

A red-haired girl dressed in delicate iron armor and a long sword looked at her father, King Rath V of the Kingdom of Chisi, with tears on her face.

“Our army has failed, the legions of the Orc Empire will soon cross the border and reach our capital, you go quickly, go to the Kingdom of Los and find the king of the Kingdom of Los Guyuan!”

“Tell him the news that the Orc Empire has invaded! I heard that he has just defeated the army of the Nord Kingdom and is conquering the Nord Kingdom, and the Kingdom of Los has been friendly with us for generations, and his army will definitely be able to protect you!” Let him send an army to protect you to the Gutongs Empire! ”

Rath V violently pulled his daughter and drove her out of the palace gates.


The knights on both sides slammed them shut.

Listen to my daughter’s constant shouting over there and the sound of banging on the door.

Rath V closed his eyes.

I’m sorry daughter, I’m the king of the Qisi Kingdom, anyone can go, but I can’t go!


[Wars are raging, conquests are constant, and the rise and fall of countries is constantly playing out on this continent – Your Majesty the Nord Kingdom, and the army led by you has been destroyed. 】

[National Destruction Integration Kill Value Reward: 300,000].

[Get a five-star lottery once.] 】

The system prompt sounded in Gu Yuan’s mind, Gu Yuan was sitting on a high platform, on the left was Lena wearing a small black military uniform, black boots under her feet, a pistol pinned to her waist, a pair of furry ears on her head with a women’s military hat in the middle.

At this moment, she was holding her head high, holding her small chest, standing beside Gu Yuan and trying to make herself look more intimidating.

It’s a pity that no matter how you look at it, it is also a dull look.

On the right, Ya’er and Angelina, who are almost in the same attire.

Long blonde hair spread behind his back, and he wore a military hat with a large brim on his head.

It’s just that these two hats look bigger.

Angelina stood beside Gu Yuan, and there seemed to be only Gu Yuan in her golden eyes.

Ya’er, on the other hand, tilted her head sideways, looking very disdainful of Gu Yuan.

Below the high platform is another slightly higher platform.

At this moment, there are more than ten people tied up on the platform.

Below the platform stood densely packed with the common people of the Nord Kingdom and a considerable number of serfs.

“The trial will now begin, and the trial process will be supervised by our Venerable King of the Kingdom of Los throughout the process!”

Lotis stood up in a pitch-black military uniform and read aloud.

Now Gu Yuan is conducting a trial.

Tied below are the remaining more than ten nobles of the Nord Kingdom.

Most of them were nobles who exploited commoners, oppressed serfs, and only knew how to amass wealth.

Now it is up to Gu Yuan to judge them, which is also to win the hearts and minds of the people at the bottom of the Nord Kingdom.

“Kill them!”

“Viscount Mader of heaven killing, burn him!”

“Kill the damn vampire nobles!”

Many people in the audience were shouting loudly, and they waved their hands angrily.

“The first one, Viscount Mader, after investigation, in the five years you have committed the crime of rape, premeditated murder, nine, and three crimes of usurping other people’s property, in the five years you have in the territory of Linde Town, do you have anything else to say about these crimes?”

Lotis held a piece of paper in his hand and read to him.

Viscount Mader was tied, and he shouted loudly to Gu Yuan on the high platform: “Your Majesty, Your Honorable King Majesty, I am wronged, I am willing to donate all my property to you, I am really wronged!” ”

“Let’s start the execution.”

Only a faint voice came from the high platform.


Lotis shouted, and three soldiers came behind Viscount Mader with 98K in their hands.

Hearing the pulling sound behind him, Viscount Mad’s face turned pale and seemed to collapse.

“Bang bang!”

Three gunshots rang out, Viscount Mader was shot in the head, one in the left and right chests, blood splattered, and the body fell to the ground.

And the other nobles around them were trembling one by one, trembling incomparably.

An obese aristocrat even peed out in fear.

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