[ps: Today’s third change, will soon be on the shelf, the author has to save some manuscripts, and when it is on the shelf, it will break out in one breath, so that all readers can see it cool, the author guarantees that after being on the shelf, it will still be seven changes every day, and please support all readers and lords! ! ] 】

For the next few days, Caroline didn’t know if it was because of shame or what, always hiding from Gu Yuan.

Faced with such a situation, Gu Yuan could only scratch his head, he was very innocent.

However, he still had a large number of government affairs to deal with, and at the same time had to recruit a group of troops to prepare for the coming war.

Previously, Gu Yuan’s army was expanded to 100,000 people, but Gu Yuan had ordered that the industrial machinery was in full swing, and weapons and equipment were continuously being manufactured.

“Our current frontal enemy is the Orc Empire, the Orc Empire’s vanguard force has about 100,000 people, and their follow-up troops, as well as the troops that have not been mobilized within their empire, are conservatively estimated at more than 2.5 million people.”

“And we also have a potential enemy, the Duke of the Golden Lion.”

At the military conference, the officers above the regimental level were here, and Gu Yuan sat at the top and listened to Rotis’s report.

These officers were basically all knights who were loyal to Guyuan in the former Kingdom of Los Yuan.

Some of the knights were formed into officers by Gu Yuan, while others formed a smaller number of special forces.

Now Guyuan has sixty regiments, that is, a total strength of 120,000 people, but most of them are recruits who have just been trained for less than a month.

“Is the Golden Lion Duke a big threat to us?”

Gu Yuan asked in a deep voice.

“The threat is not small, although they are cold weapon troops, but the Gutongs Alliance Empire is close to the end, and the Duke of the Golden Lion is one of the high-ranking people, and there are a group of full magician legions and wyvern knight legions under his hands.”

“There are three hundred thousand troops directly under the Golden Lion Duke, and there are twenty-three member states of the Gutonsi Alliance Empire affiliated with the Golden Lion Duke.”

“If the Golden Lion Duke is fully conscripted, he should be able to pull up an army of no less than two million people, and all of them are regular elites.”

Rotis reported.

“In this way, the combined strength of our frontal and potential enemies is close to five million.”

Gu Yuan pondered.

Five million people, what a huge number, and now the total population of their kingdom is only more than three million.

“Yes, Your Majesty, but we don’t have to worry about enemies uniting, the Orc Empire and any human kingdom are incompatible.”

Lotis said.

“We still have too few troops, an army of 120,000 people, and although I am confident that these loyal armies will defeat anyone on the battlefield, the enemy only needs to send a part of his forces to hold our main force and attack our kingdom from elsewhere.”

And the enemy also has a very large number of magicians and air troops.

These will undoubtedly cause varying degrees of damage to the Los army.

It can be seen that facing the army of the Gutonsi Empire in the future will be a tough battle.

The army of the Kingdom of Los is more effective than any army in this era, but the number is too small.

The number of enemies is huge, and they can completely divide their forces and detour and not engage in frontal battles with Guyuan’s army.

In order to prevent Gu Yuan’s people from stealing his home when he was at war with the Orc Empire, Gu Yuan had to expand his army.

“Expand the army, strictly recruit soldiers from the Nords to ensure their loyalty to the kingdom, this time the goal is to recruit 150,000 recruits.”

Gu Yuan gave the order.

The Nords have a population of three million, and they can recruit up to 300,000 troops in the case of one in ten.

However, the Nords’ most combative class and above are not loyal to the Kingdom of Los enough, so the target of recruitment in the Kingdom of Los is the ordinary Nord people who are loyal enough.

This is also no way, although the enemy’s combat effectiveness is not worth mentioning in Gu Yuan’s opinion, but the number is too much, in order to prevent the enemy from stealing his home, Gu Yuan can only expand his army again and guard the defense line in the direction of the Gutong Empire.

In this way, Guyuan’s army will be divided into two groups: the southern front and the eastern front.

The southern front army of the Kingdom of Los is 120,000 people, 20,000 veterans and 100,000 recruits, and the army of the eastern front of the Kingdom of Los is 150,000 people, all of which are recruits.

Guyuan’s total strength will also reach as many as 270,000 people, of which the number of Los people is only a fraction, but they all serve as officers at all levels to command.

“Population, population, population!”

Gu Yuan rubbed his temples, too small a population was still his disadvantage.

The total population of Germany in World War II was more than 80 million, and by the end of the war, including dead and newly recruited soldiers, there were 11 million real German soldiers, plus 15 million troops of surrounding dependent countries.

If you give Guyuan half of the population of Germany, it is not a problem for Guyuan to pull up a force of five million people, and then it will really mean where to fight.

But Ruth walked step by step, and the food had to be eaten bite by bite.

Gutons Alliance Empire, Golden Lion Principality.

In a luxurious castle, the great knights dressed in bright silver armor with bright gold and beautiful lion patterns on the armor patrolled back and forth with swords, and the cloaks of red and gold silk on their backs were also fluttering in the wind.

In the castle, a middle-aged man with a mighty figure, sideburns and a golden beard connected together, and golden hair on his head like a real lion sat at the dining table, he looked at the family who was eating, his deep eyes looked at a big knight next to him, and asked: “Sir Rusya has not returned yet?” ”

“Lord Duke, not yet.”

The great knight replied respectfully.

“Rusya has been gone for three months, is it so difficult for her to bring back the king of a small country?”

Duke Golden Lion had some impatience in his tone, and he said.

He didn’t expect that the first time he let Rusiya out of the mission, Rusya took three months and didn’t come back.

Bring back the kings of small countries that are about to be destroyed, let them become their own puppets under their control, and then send some troops to restore these small countries, usually after the king of these small countries recovers because of his support, the national strength will increase step by step, for the Duke of the Golden Lion, an additional vassal country can also increase his strength by one point.

“This….. Sir Rutha should have been delayed on the road, after all, the Kingdom of Los and our Golden Lion Principality are a bit far away. ”

The great knight thought for a moment and defended Rusya.

“The Kingdom of Los is next to the sea, in addition to the Kingdom of Los there is only the Orc Empire by the sea, we can’t go to sea from the Orc Empire, we can only take the Kingdom of Los , but now Rusya has even done this little thing for so long, you don’t have to justify Rusya, if Rusya does not return in another month, it will be considered a failure of her mission, and I will personally send troops to take the surrounding area of the Kingdom of Ross.”

Obviously, because of the proximity of the sea to the Los Kingdom area, it is very important to the Golden Lion Duke for some reason.

This is at stake in the success of his always great plans!

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