[PS: It’s going to be on the shelves tomorrow!] Please also support all readers!! 】

[ps: This picture is the Type 58 14.5mm high-level dual-purpose machine gun used in China’s self-defense counterattack war against Vietnam, which is a copy of the ZPU-2 twin-mounted 14.5mm high-level dual-purpose machine gun, anyway, the two are exactly the same. 】

[ps: The larger the caliber of the anti-aircraft machine gun, the longer the range, and the use of this 14.5 mm anti-aircraft machine gun by our army in the Vietnam War completely crushed the Vietnamese army using the 12 mm anti-aircraft machine gun, and they once collapsed! ] 】

“You’ve found the camp of those damn human armies!”

Tanergu slammed the table, joy in his eyes.

“Legion Commander, I found those human army camps, but they shot arrows at me, I can only take a cursory look, I estimate that they are almost tens of thousands.”

The orc with the head of a hideous bird replied respectfully.

“Very good!”

A cruel look appeared on Danergu’s face, he wanted to return the humiliation he received in Suno City yesterday ten times to those human troops!

“The Gryphon Legion dispatched, first to attack the camp, and then I personally led people to storm their camp.”

“Slaughter them all!”

Danergu raised his hands for a moment and roared.

Finally, finally find those damn humans!

“Kill all those humans!”

“My axe hasn’t been stained with human blood for days.”

Several orc generals each roared, and they all suppressed their anger in their hearts!

And their target is the army of the Kingdom of Los .

“Bad ——!”

In the orc camp, densely packed griffin beasts fluttered their wings into the sky, and the strong wind stirred up countless dust on the ground.

“Hahahaha! Kill all those humans! ”

“Fly, those humans can only wait for our slaughter!”

Most of the griffin cavalry had hideous bird heads, and they had five-meter-long spears in their hands raised, bows and arrows on their backs, and javelins and arrows on griffins.

“Get me moving! Can’t lag behind to give them the Gryphon Legion! ”

“March! Later, those humans were killed by the people of the Gryphon Legion. ”

“Hahahaha, we won’t fall behind to the Gryphon Legion.”

In the barracks, an orc soldier wearing steel armor, with various appearances and hideous abnormalities, armed with long-handled axes, sharp double axes, giant axes and other weapons, roared into the sky.

One by one, they suppressed their anger in their hearts, vowing to give those humans a blow in the head to avenge the hatred in the city of Suno.

“Towards the human camp, forward!”

Tangu was wearing heavy armor, and he held a long-handled giant axe with an axe blade as wide as a person in his hand, and his face roared fiercely.

Los Barracks.

The soldiers of Los were carrying ammunition and erecting positions.

Inside the camp, ZPU-2 twin 14.5 mm high-level dual-purpose machine guns were erected and equipped with ammunition in the ammunition boxes.

Several T34 tanks also took action, located at the front end, and when the orcs charged, they were first used as mobile batteries, and the orc legions were in pursuit after the rout, and they were moving.

After all, there are no oil fields in the country, fuel is still purchased and then processed, and tank fuel can only be saved.

These T34s were pulled by trucks when they came.

After all, in the absence of oil fields in the country, tanks can only be used sparingly.

A large number of MG42 general-purpose machine guns, ZPU-2 twin-mounted 14.5 mm high-level dual-purpose machine guns, and 120 mm P-3 mortars were also erected in the trenches, waiting for the arrival of the enemy.

“Hahaha, there are those human camps in front.”

“Let’s rush down and kill them!”

In the air, a griffin cavalry roared excitedly, and they picked up a five-meter steel spear hanging from the griffin.

True, they are not going to throw javelins in the air and do not intend to shoot arrows.

What they enjoyed most was riding a griffin beast to fall violently from the sky, and the five-meter spear hanging would directly pierce the humans on the ground, and then soar into the air.

At this time, the humans pierced on the spear will be carried into the air together.

They often did this when they slaughtered the inhabitants of Suno City, and it was one of their pleasures to watch the wails of pain before the tragic death of the undead humans who were hung on spears and carried into the air.

And they are also ready to do this to the Los army below!

“Ready! Here they are! ”

A junior officer shouted at his soldiers.

The soldiers returned to their posts, controlling twin anti-aircraft machine guns aimed at the smiling griffin cavalry in the sky, their faces cold under the iron mask.

A griffin cavalry swooped down ferociously from the air.

“And dare to play dive.”

Gu Yuan stood at the door of the camp tent and sneered, he looked at the griffin cavalry in the sky that swooped down.


The officers gave an order.

Anti-aircraft machine guns, MG42 universal machine guns fired hundreds of machine guns at once!

The MG42 general-purpose machine gun is not only a flat-fire machine gun, but also an anti-aircraft machine gun, and when it comes to this, I have to admire the power of the Germans.

The fire that burst out in an instant was extremely terrifying and terrifying.

One by one, the light bullets showed the trajectory, and for a moment, you could only see that the sky was densely packed with flying bullets!

A griffin cavalry screamed and was shot through the flesh and blood by a bullet.

And the ZPU-2’s 14.5 mm horror caliber firepower was fully opened, and everywhere it went, all the gryphon cavalry who were shot, even the orcs with griffins, were all shattered!

This smash is a smash in the true sense of the word!

The bullet passed through the body, and the powerful force directly broke the body and divided it into two, and during this period, the bullet hit again, the flesh and blood continued to be shattered, and when their bodies fell to the ground, only countless minced meat remained!

Thousands of griffin cavalry wanted to dive down densely, but they were instantly torn to pieces by countless barrages!

The griffin cavalry at the bottom could not even scream, and died tragically in an instant.

And the griffin cavalry at the top could only let out a terrified scream, looking in horror at the companions below who inexplicably turned into pieces and died tragically.

Finally, driven by the desire for survival, he fled with the griffin beast under his seat.

After a round of battle, the thousands of griffin beasts that attacked fled less than twenty!

At this time, the orc land legion had not yet arrived.

“The Orc Air Legion is over, First Regiment Commander, I order you to lead the soldiers of your regiment and ten tanks to annihilate those orc armies that have not yet arrived!”

“I must immediately lead my army through the Kingdom of Qisi and invade the territory of the Orc Empire! It is urgent to capture the oil fields in the territory of the Orc Empire. ”

Gu Yuan immediately gave an order, the oil fields in the territory of the Orc Empire are too important for the Luos Kingdom, and he must personally lead the team!

And a major officer immediately stood up and saluted, and replied loudly: “Please rest assured, Your Majesty, the humble position will definitely complete the task!” ”

At the border of the Guttons Alliance Empire, a huge wyvern soared in the sky, leaving a shadow on the ground that obscured the sky.

Under the Golden Lion Duke, Dragon Knight Allen was riding a wyvern with full worry in his eyes.

Although the Golden Lion Duke did not order people to look for Rusya who had not returned, the dragon knight Allen was very worried, he liked Rusya, so this time he disobeyed the Golden Lion Duke’s order and rode the dragon alone to find it.

“Is there the kingdom of Los in front….”

Dragon Knight Allen has inexplicable hatred in his eyes, in his opinion, Rusiya has not returned in the Kingdom of Los and if something happens, it is all to blame in the Kingdom of Los !

“Rusiya, I’m looking for you.”

The wyvern flapped its wings, a strong wind howled, and the dragon knight Eren flew towards the territory of the Kingdom of Los .

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