“It’s started, it’s started!”

“I swear this fight will not last more than ten minutes.”

The magicians cheered.

With a long life, they are very interested in everything that can interest them.

“There are too many enemies, if you want to defeat these orcs, I am afraid that there may be some casualties in this battle.”

In the rear artillery position, Gu Yuan held a telescope to watch the situation of the orc legion.

The scene of half a million orc legions charging in unison was extremely shocking, but the position of the Los Kingdom was chosen to be on a hillside, and to rush up this hillside, there was only an open low-lying area below, which was like the entrance of a gourd.

The army of the Kingdom of Los only needs to hold this gap, and the orc army cannot cause damage to the army of the Kingdom of Los , the only thing to worry about is the air force of the orcs, the griffin cavalry.

Up to fifty thousand, that’s too much.

“Artillery ready! Aim at the orc legion and fire! ”

During this time, one after another armaments were delivered, including 155 mm guns and sixty T34 tanks.



Sixty 155mm guns raged and shells instantly fell into the charging orc legion.


One shell after another exploded in the dense formation of the orc legion, and their formation was instantly destroyed, and countless orcs were thrown into the air with a scream.

When it fell, only the stump and broken arm remained.

“Damn it! How could these humans have such an attack! Did they set up a magic attack array?! ”

Rondangor saw that his orc legion was beginning to be attacked from a distance, and he slammed the armrest of his seat.

And at this time, the Gryphon Legion in the sky arrived!


An officer roared, and suddenly, the anti-aircraft machine guns set up on the entire position roared sharply into the sky!

The muzzle of the raging tongue of fire spewed out, and the huge caliber bullets shot into the sky one by one.


The orc griffin legion howled from the sky and launched a charge, but they were like encountering an invisible barrier in the air, unable to see how the enemy attacked, only a huge sound, and then saw the body of the companion around him was instantly torn apart, blood, feathers in the air like scattered flowers.

Under pressure, some MG42 general-purpose machine guns also turned their muzzles and began to shoot at the countless griffin cavalry in the sky.

Suddenly, the griffin cavalry in the sky suffered a devastating blow!

“Javelin! Can’t charge at close range, throw down the javelin! ”

An orc griffin cavalry legion leader roared angrily, and the constant loss of his companions around him made him furious.

The next moment, a 14.5 mm caliber bullet instantly hit his skull, and his bird head exploded like a watermelon.

But his words also reminded the other griffin cavalry, who, under pressure, threw down scarce javelins while their companions were constantly dying.

Most of the javelins that fell from the sky plunged into the ground, and only a few injured the soldiers of Los in the trenches.

But it was also the first time that their entire legion had inflicted damage on the soldiers of the Kingdom of Los .

“Are these humans all magic weapons, how can there be such a powerful and dense attack!”

Longdangol watched the griffin cavalry in the sky in the distance continue to fall, he couldn’t bear it anymore, and roared angrily at an orc wizard behind him: “Prepare for a big array!” ”

“Your Majesty, but…”

The orc wizard was stunned, he wanted to say something, but looking at the furious Longdangor, he swallowed his saliva, still did not say it, and could only go down and prepare to go.

Before leaving, he glanced at the griffin cavalry in the sky and secretly said, “I’m sorry.” ”

What Longdango asked him to launch was a long-range attack magic array composed of three hundred meters of orc wizards.

Once attacked, I am afraid that it will be accompanied by the griffin cavalry above the human position.

But now Londangor is furious, and he is about to attack without hesitation!

Now Londangor has only one thought in his mind, that is, to completely crush the humans on the mountain ahead!


“Kill these humans!!”

An orc heavy infantryman, wrapped in iron armor, with a long-handled axe in his hand, roared and rushed to the position of the kingdom of Los .

But in the next instant, the iron armor on his body instantly became fragments, and countless blood gushed out.

His body fell.

He is not a special case, next to him, countless orc heavy infantry are instantly harvested by the powerful fire of MG42 general-purpose machine guns.

“These damn orcs!”

Gritting his teeth, a machine gunner controlled the MG42 to burst into powerful firepower, and the front sight was constantly aimed at the densely packed orc infantry.

In one sweep, a large number of orc heavy infantry were killed like cutting wheat.


At the command of a platoon commander, mortars loaded with shells burst out instantly.

The more than ten Los soldiers around immediately covered their ears.

“Bang! Bang bang! ”

The shell instantly fell into the incomparably dense orc heavy infantry below.


The explosion sounded, and countless orc heavy infantry were blown into the sky by the explosion, and the corpses fell to the ground in fragments.


A javelin fell from the sky and instantly penetrated the breastplate of a Los soldier, nailing him to the ground.

A griffin cavalry swept past in the sky, but the next moment a 14.5mm bullet instantly pierced him along with his mount griffin beast.

The body fell from the sky.

In the orc legion in the rear, the huge magic array presided over by three hundred wizards instantly stretched out, and the fiery red magic array exuded a scorching aura.

“Give it to me!!”

The next moment, with the furious roar of the orc emperor Longdangor, more than ten fireballs with a diameter of one meter formed on the magic array, and then instantly swept into the sky!

Dragging its red slender tail in the air, it fell into the position of the Los Kingdom on the top of the mountain like a huge fiery red tadpole.

Several of the more than ten fireballs hit the griffin cavalry who were still in the sky, screaming and burning, and falling in flames.


The rest of the fireballs fell on the position and burst instantly, splashing flames, and one of the huge fireballs fell into a trench.

The seven or eight Los soldiers in the trench were instantly covered in flames, and they fell to the ground screaming.

This was the first battle in which the army of the Kingdom of Los had encountered more than double digits in its own casualties.

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