
Dead silence.

The crystal ball in the battlefield sky, the golden vertical eyes looked motionlessly at the overall trend of the battlefield below.

It was clear that the Orc Empire had completely failed and was defeated by a mere 20,000-strong mortal army.

The Central Magic Empire is among the Magic Towers.

Eleven black-robed magicians with maskless faces stared at the crystal mirror in front of them.

Everyone fell into a long silence and shock.

Half a million orc legions, against twenty thousand mortal troops.

As a result, after the battle began, the 500,000 orc legions completely collapsed, and all the orc soldiers fled like crazy.

This result deeply shocked this group of self-righteous and proud magicians.

“Five hundred thousand orc legions, with our strength, how many people we want to send to defeat them.”

After the silence, Tonk made a sound under his maskless mask with black patterns.

And Tangk’s words seemed to have dropped a bomb in a pool of calm stagnant water, causing an uproar among the group of magicians.

“500,000 of the most elite orc empire legions! Just like that, he lost to an ordinary mortal army of less than 20,000!? ”

“You see no, see no! Weapons of those mortals! How can it have such power, there is no ah, there is no magic fluctuation at all! ”


Suddenly, the picture on the crystal mirror trembled, and then the picture disappeared instantly.

“What’s going on?!”

“Could it be that those mortals found our crystal ball?”

A magician shouted in shock.

“Impossible! Our crystal ball is at an altitude of a thousand meters, how can there be an attack. ”

Another magician shouted in retort.

“Don’t earn it, the final data shows that the crystal ball was indeed beaten down, and it was damaged in an instant.”

At this time Cizel made a sound.

All the magicians were quiet again, and then they let out cries of disbelief.

“Mortals actually have weapons that can attack crystal balls that are a thousand meters in the air?!”

“This! This means that even dragons can be attacked by them?! ”

“Hurry up and count it for me! I want to know how many people and what it costs our army to defeat this legion of half a million orcs! ”

At this time, Tonk burst into a loud drink, interrupting the voices of these magicians.

Immediately, the magician sprang into action.

A moment later he stood and shouted.

“Worked it out!”

Suddenly, all the magicians’ eyes were attracted by him.

“Calculate it, our army needs to completely annihilate this orc legion and cause the same killing effect as these mortal armies…”

Saying this, he swallowed, as if he couldn’t believe the data he calculated.

“What is needed! Say it quickly! ”

The magicians hurriedly urged.

“We need a thousand dragon knights to deal with the enemy’s fifty thousand griffin legions, and ten thousand unicorn beast knights to attack their corrupting wolf knights.”

“It takes another two thousand magical troops to inflict long-range damage on them, and finally… Finally, we need 50,000 troops of knights wearing magic rune armor to attack their heavy infantry. ”

“In the end, to completely annihilate these 500,000 most elite orc legions, our troops still need to pay the price of more than half of the casualties…”

Finally, all the magicians fell into a deathly silence.

Sixty thousand troops, to defeat these 500,000 troops who are the most elite in the entire orc empire, they still have to pay the price of more than half of the casualties…

In this way, that is to say, these 20,000 ordinary mortal troops can completely annihilate their troops very easily just like defeating these orc legions, just by paying a small price!

With such strength, is that still mortal?!

The reason why mortals are mortals is because their magical talent and strength growth are very poor, and they are extremely bad!

Being in the Middle Domain, where magic elements are the strongest, they have always had a full pride in their hearts for humans in other realms.

There is even a part of the extreme among the magicians who believe that mortals and the magicians of their middle domain are two species at all.

But now a mortal army has suddenly appeared, and without any trace of magic power, it can crush their arrogant army like a slash and cut vegetables.

This result makes them who have always had a lofty psychological attitude towards those mortals unacceptable.

And what is the principle of the various weapons that appear in the mortal army, the strange individual weapons with great firepower, all made of steel, powerful chariots, and the artillery troops that can send out long-range attacks beyond the magician array!

And it seems that this unit has been present for a long time, but why, why did they not hear the wind at all before.

Why is it as if they woke up and suddenly found that those mortals had turned the sky overnight!

Cizer kept staring at the crystal mirror, which had no picture at all.

This result also shocked him in his heart.

The reason why he would bet on the mortal army to win is also a feeling in the underworld, in fact, he does not believe that the mortal army can win at all, and if he loses, he loses, anyway, he lost some small money in the gamble, but now this result completely shocked his heart.

He never thought that those mortal armies would be able to defeat a full 500,000 orc legions with a mere 20,000 troops!

And this result also made them find that their identity as magicians they had always been proud of had always made them very proud, and they felt that the invincible imperial army in the world was so ridiculous in front of these mortal armies that they might face in the future.

“This country!”

At this time, suddenly a magician called out.

“What is the name of the country of this army!”

“Perhaps, maybe these armies are not mortal armies! Instead, what method was used to cover up the magic fluctuations! ”

“Yes! What country does this army come from, and will they be some latest secret force studied by the Demon Empire or the United States of Slok! ”

All the magicians began to shout in self-deception.

Obviously, if this force came from the Magic Empire or the Slok United States, which were also magical countries, they would feel very good in their hearts.

Although there was some hostility between the three nations, it was better than letting them accept the fact that “a group of mortals had weapons that could easily slaughter magicians.”

“This army comes from the Kingdom of Los and the Kingdom of Los is a complete mortal country in the Western Regions…”

This sentence of Cizel completely shattered all their delusions!

Mortals, are you really going to turn the sky over…..

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