[ps: I didn’t expect me to update in the morning! ] Actually, I didn’t expect it either. 】

[ps: Today’s first change, there are six more]

“Me~? I’m just ~a traveler~~~”

She let out a burst of chuckles, and her voice was so charming that it seemed to be demagogic.

And he speaks with very strange hyphenation, as if he deliberately did not speak well.


Angelina looked at her suspiciously.

Ya’er snorted next to him and said, “Who to fool, you are from the Middle Domain, I don’t believe that one of the famous twelve star sages of the Central Magic Empire of the Middle Domain will be idle and travel around the continent, and also come to our Los Kingdom.” ”

“Actually~by the little sister~you~I saw it~”

She seemed surprised, and said.

“Come out to deceive people without even changing a piece of clothing, and look at your strange way of speaking…”

Before Ya’er could speak, she was suddenly covered by Angelina and pressed down hard.

“Don’t worry, you are the Tianluan Sage, one of the Twelve Star Sages.”

Angelina finally pressed down the struggling Ya’er and said to her.

“Ahhh~I~have so~obvious~~”

Tianluan Sage said in surprise, his voice was intermittent and extremely charming.

“Legend has it that the voice of the Tianluan Sage has great magic power and can easily demagogue people, and you are the only one among the twelve star sages who can speak like this.”

Angelina said with a slight adoration in her eyes.

Tianluan Sage is the only female Star Sage among the twelve star saints, and is the object of worship of all female magicians in the continent, and Angelina, as a female elf magician, naturally has a longing for the Tianluan Sage.

Angelina’s vision is different from the worship of ordinary female magicians, Angelina hopes that she can one day reach the level of the Star Sage like the Tianluan Sage.

“It seems that ~ the name is too prosperous~~ is not ~~ what a good thing ~ ah~”

Tianluan Sage chuckled twice and said.

However, longing for longing, a star sage came to the Kingdom of Los at this juncture, naturally it is impossible to come to see and travel casually.

There should be some vigilance Angelina, she looked at the Tianluan Sage and asked, “I wonder what happened when you came to our Los Kingdom?” ”

“We~Kingdom of Los ~”

“But~I remember you~Looks like this~Appearance features~You are ~Golden Spirit City~The elf~”

“How can it be ~ the people of the Kingdom of Los ~ ~ the elf princess of the Golden Spirit City ~ Your Highness ~ ~”

Tianluan Sage said slowly, and then raised his hand like mutton fat jade and pinched Angelina’s little face.

“Ah, I…..”

Angelina stammered suddenly.

“I want you to take care of it!”

Compared to Angelina, Ya’er is very fierce, she spat out her tongue at the Tianluan Sage, and then pulled Angelina away: “Your Highness ignore her, let’s go back.” ”

Ya’er did this, she was also very sure that the Tianluan Sage would not be angry, and the Tianluan Sage’s temper was famous among all the Twelve Star Sages.

After Angelina was pulled away by Ya’er, the voice of the Tianluan Sage sounded behind her.

“Shouldn’t it be ~ in this ~ mortal kingdom ~ found ~ belonging~”

The voice is charming, but with a hint of cunning.

It seemed that this Tianluan Sage still had this girl’s thoughts.


Angelina, who had her back to the Tianluan Sage, instantly turned red with a small face.

At the same time, the image of Gu Yuan appeared in his mind, and when he thought of Gu Yuan, Angelina’s face became like a red fruit.

“Okay ~ little sisters ~ I can, in the name of my star ~ sage ~ swear ~ ~ ”

“I’m ~ won’t do ~ anything out of line ~ things ~ won’t even ~ endanger ~ the kingdom of Los ~”

Tianluan Sage laughed softly, even if she wore a mask, she could make people feel the feminine charm that was exuding from her body all the time.

As the words of the Tianluan Sage spoke, a magic array suddenly appeared in front of the Tianluan Sage, which seemed to lock in something, and then merged into the body of the Tianluan Sage.

This is the lock of the oath.

Star Sage-level magicians do not swear easily, and once they swear, they cannot be violated.

Turning around and seeing the Tianluan Sage Oath Lock appear, Angelina was relieved.

What she was afraid of at the moment was that the Kingdom of Los would attract the attention of the Central Magic Empire, and then the Central Magic Empire would not allow such an ordinary mortal kingdom as the Kingdom of Los to appear.

But at this moment, the Tianluan Sage appeared and locked the oath, then Angelina’s little heart could be put down.

It seems that she came to the Kingdom of Los really not with ulterior motives.

Outside Los City, Angelina and Ya’er walked hand in hand, while the Tianluan Sage followed quietly like this.

The pedestrians along the way seemed to ignore the Tianluan Sage who was dressed very differently from them.

“Is this the capital of ~the Kingdom of Los ~~”

The Tianluan Sage stood under the city gate, looking at the Los soldiers standing guard at the city gate, and the 98K they were carrying behind their backs.

There is also an MG42 machine gun and a 14.5 mm high-level dual-purpose machine gun mounted on the city wall.

Almost every ten meters there is a machine gun mounted, and every fifty meters there is a 14.5 mm high-level dual-purpose machine gun.

On the city wall, there are also soldiers of the Kingdom of Los patrolled by squads, which can be described as patrolling and guarding, armed to the teeth.

“Such ~creation~ even I ~ can’t see ~ come out ~ principle ~ ”

Tianluan Sage had an exclamation in her heart, but her special tone was assertive that people couldn’t feel her surprise.

Angelina faced a Star Sage, they didn’t have the slightest way, even if they didn’t lead the way, the Tianluan Sage would find Los City by themselves.

Moreover, the Tianluan Sage had just used the Oath Lock.

She could only be allowed to come to Los City.

However, as soon as Angelina entered the city, she directly notified the guards at the gate, asking them to inform Gu Yuan that such a big man had come to Los City.

Hearing Angelina’s report, ordinary soldiers did not understand what the Star Sage meant, but he still reported it truthfully.

The defenders outside the city all touched the 98K on their backs, and they looked very vigilantly at the Tianluan Sage standing at the gate of the city like that.

And Gu Yuanyi in the city knew that one of the twelve star sages of the Central Magic Empire came to find him.

Gu Yuan’s first reaction was to take the nuclear bomb out!

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