[ps: Meow, the last chapter was actually blocked, what did I write??? 】

[PS: But chapter 80 has been restored, and you can go and watch it. ] 】

[ps: The sixth change, there is another one. 】

After Gu Yuan gave the order to build the port, all the engineers and construction talents in the country began to mobilize towards that small fishing village.

The port construction area on the map is still just a small fishing village with a population of less than 200!

On this day, Tian Luan saw it for the first time, it turned out that the mobilization power of mortals was so terrifying!

I don’t know how many trucks pulling construction materials are driving towards the coast.

A new railway route was also chartered, and the construction of railways through the port began.

Countless workers, even soldiers on the battlefield, were pulled to the planned area of the port in whole trucks.

Then, under the command of the engineers, the construction machines, cranes, excavators, etc. began to work enthusiastically.

Tian Luan looked down in mid-air, and he could see the ant-like workers on the coast working enthusiastically, and Tian Luan had never seen workers with such enthusiasm for work before.

Its action and speed are against the sky!

In less than ten days, the basic foundation of the entire huge port area has been finalized, and now it is almost built directly upwards.

It seems that it is really not blowing to build it in more than a month.

Tianluan naturally can’t be bored here, watching others build houses for ten days.

She also has to work, which is to help her “lover” Gu Yuan improve the magic flight device.

Some of the devices in Gu Yuan’s hands were still those taken from the orcs.

The orcs’ magical attainments are extremely low, and the things they build are also rough, simply randomly put together, before Gu Yuan just replaced some key parts with fine parts produced in the Los Kingdom, and the performance was greatly improved.

And now, Tian Luan, a twelve-star sage-level star mage, personally helped Gu Yuan improve this device!

In about half a month, Tianluan put two much simpler pitch-black fine boxes in front of Gu Yuan, and then looked at Gu Yuan with an expectant face.


Gu Yuan looked at her.

“Magic Supply Device ~Yo~”

Tian Luan was next to Gu Yuan, and his voice was like glue.

Mana Feeder?

But how do I look at this thing, how does it look like a three-dimensional mobile device?

“You can experiment first~down~yo~”

Tianluan said, put his head in front of Gu Yuan, and wanted to kiss Gu Yuan again.

Gu Yuan stretched out his hand to block it, and then picked up the two rectangular pitch-black boxes on the table.

Two pitch-black steel boxes, held together with special belts, and a belt tied around the waist.

“Make sure it’s okay.”

Gu Yuan walked out of the door and glanced at Tian Luan.

“No problem.”

Tian Luan replied with a smile.

Gu Yuan fastened two belts, and two pitch-black steel boxes hung on either side of his legs.

Each pitch-black steel box also has a crimson dragon head tattooed on the outside.

As soon as Gu Yuan put on this device, all of a sudden, the corner of the pitch-black steel box lit up with a dark red light.

Then a shield immediately lit up, shrouded in Gu Yuan’s face, and a moment later, the shield was hidden in the air.

If an attack comes, the shield will automatically appear to resist.

“This thing still gives me a sense of déjà vu of a three-dimensional motorized device.”

Gu Yuan looked left after putting on the device, looked again, and muttered in his mouth.

“Three-dimensional motorized device? That’s ~what~”

Tian Luan leaned over and said.

“No, nothing.”

After Gu Yuan put it on, he didn’t feel anything and took it off.

After all, he is a human being, and he is not fully wearing this device, but only hanging shallowly on his body to activate the shield function.

If it is completely put on, Gu Yuan will not be able to use this thing, after all, it is something made for a half-orc girl whose body can accommodate magic power.

Gu Yuan is not a half-orc girl.

“This thing is immediately scheduled for testing, and if the experimental results are satisfactory, then mass production can be arranged.”

Gu Yuan nodded, he personally felt very good.


An officer walked in from the doorway and picked up the three-dimensional maneuver that had been put back on the table with both hands….. Ah no, it’s a mana supply device.


In the test ground.

A half-orc girl with many stitches on her skin stood on the field, and behind a bulletproof glass next to her were several researchers led by doctors.

“Tanya, put the device on your body, I taught you how to wear it before.”

The sound was broadcast through loudspeakers in this square-like room.

Tanya looked at the mana supply device next to her expressionlessly, and then nodded.

Most of the half-orc girls that the Kingdom of Los rescued from the testing ground of the Orc Empire became cold and ruthless because of the experiments of the Orc Empire.

And the Kingdom of Los took them away from the Orc Empire testing ground and treated them well, and in their opinion, the Kingdom of Los was their new master.

Tanya put on the mana supply device step by step.

The belt was tied around the waist, and two pitch-black steel boxes hung on the sides of the legs, while the two rectangular steel boxes were also loaded with a steel plate attached to the back.

This piece of steel attached to the back is tightly attached to Tanya’s back, and the magic is transmitted from here.

The two boxes were attached to the two legs, and the exoskeleton-like steel all the time held the legs, and then linked to the thick-soled steel boots on the feet.

“Ready to start experimenting.”



After a start, I saw a magic power flashing on Tanya’s body, and the whole person instantly rushed to the sky, and then quickly thought about sweeping ahead.

Stimulated by magic, Tanya flew in mid-air, and five humanoid targets suddenly appeared on the side wall.

At this time, Tanya suddenly took out the 98K that was attached to the steel box.

The whole person made an extremely graceful turn in the air, and 98K aimed at those targets.





Shooting at a rapid pace, pulling the bolt, in the shooting.

After a series of five shots, the five humanoid targets on the opposite side were instantly shot in the head and then dumped to the ground.

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