[ps: The first change, there are six more! ] Today’s update seems to be a little late. 】

Ten kilometers away from the town, where the dragon knights were stationed, there were scattered tents in this clearing, and hundreds of behemoths were crawling on the ground to rest, not snorting.

“My lord! Look at the town, our troops are under attack! ”

Suddenly, a dragon descended from the sky, fanning the wind, and a loud roar came from above.

Five hundred dragon knights, five hundred dragons, because the minimum size of the dragon is more than ten meters long, so they can’t live in the town at all, and the dragon knight has to stay with his own dragon, so they are not stationed together.

“Our troops have been attacked!”

“What’s going on, who is attacking us?”

The dragon knight who was resting in the tent immediately ran out, all shocked.

“It must be those damned mortals in the Los Country who dare to take the initiative to attack us!”

“Let them know our anger!”

The leader of the Dragon Knight Legion sneered, he jumped directly onto his dragon, pulled the reins, and shouted angrily: “Offentos Fenris! Let’s go! ”


The dragon’s wings flapped violently.

This behemoth flew directly into the sky.

Immediately after that, countless dragons soared up.

They formed a series of huge dark clouds in the sky, and a large area of black pressure in the dark night was terrifying.

A place in the middle of the Dragon Knight Garrison and the army town.

There are hundreds of trucks parked here.

Each truck carries a 14.58 mm twin high-level dual-purpose machine gun.

There were also soldiers carrying bazookas in strict formation, each of them silent, none of them making a single movement, nor a trace of light.

“Here it is.”

An officer looked at the dark cloud-like shape of the sky.

Even here he could feel the gust of wind coming from the sky.

The scene of five hundred dragons flying in the sky is terrifying, and they are stretched far apart, so it looks overwhelming.

“Obey my orders!”

The officer spoke over the intercom.

Suddenly, the soldiers on the truck who controlled the 14.5mm twin-mounted high-level dual-purpose machine gun were all in strict formation, and the deputy shooter next to him was constantly checking the ammunition.

“No problem.”

The deputy shooter gave a thumbs up to the machine gunner.


The machine gunner nodded with a steel helmet and iron face, and immediately set up the machine gun and aimed it at the sky.

“Legion Commander, look below.”

In the sky, a dragon knight rode a dragon and shouted at the legionnaire not far away.

“A piece of black pressure below, it seems that there is something!”

He shouted.


The corps commander looked down.

I saw that the ground in the distance was indeed a piece of black pressure, with different ups and downs.

“Don’t worry, do you think those lowly mortals have the strength to stop us?”

“Hahahaha, don’t kidding, we are dragon knights, and those on the ground are all hillside shapes.”

The Legionnaire laughed and responded.

“You think too much about Otto, those below look like some hillsides, and they can’t be mortal armies.”

“The army of mortals cannot have such a large weapon.”

The other dragon knights also laughed.

“Now what we need to worry about should be to go to the town to support our troops, everyone don’t be distracted, hurry up, we fly above the sky, those damn mortals can’t beat us!”

The legionnaire shouted, and the voice spread through the sky.


An officer on the truck below who was lying on the truck seat with a large-brimmed military hat covering his eyes suddenly provoked a smile at the corner of his mouth.



In an instant, the first anti-aircraft machine gun fired!

A raging flash of fire suddenly flashed on the ground.


A dragon roared in pain, and a large piece of flesh and blood on its body spilled down, and the entire dragon began to fall downward.

“What’s going on!!”

The dragon knight roared.

The trucks below moved, hundreds of trucks moved together, and the sound of the engine was heard far away in the dark night.

At the same time as the truck moved, the anti-aircraft machine guns loaded on the truck also roared.

“Enemies below!!”

A dragon knight let out a thrilling cry.



A bullet passed by in an instant, and his head with a covered iron helmet instantly exploded like a watermelon, and the headless corpse fell directly on the back of the dragon.

Hundreds of anti-aircraft machine guns opened fire on the ground, and the five hundred dragon knights riding flying dragons in the sky suffered heavy casualties in an instant.

“Damn it!”

A dragon knight roared, and he swooped down towards the ground on a wyvern, a mouthful of fiery flames brewing in the throat of the dragon head.

“Phew! Shout! Shout! ”

Suddenly, several rockets carrying tail flames rose into the air, and the dragon that swooped down collided with several times the rockets.


An instant explosion sounded in the air, and the dragon fell from the sky with a wail.

The Legion Commander covered his left shoulder with his right hand, and his left arm had just been scraped by a bullet and had been completely broken.

“Spread out! All in the scattered opening point! ”

He roared, his voice expanding.

“They want to disperse, thinking we won’t disperse?”

Officer Los looked at the dragon knights who began to spread out in the sky, and he gave the order: “Drive all the cars for me!” ”

The engines of one or two trucks roared, and they began to scatter, chasing the dragons in the sky on the ground!


A truck flicked its tail and fell from above a slope, and a raging flame spewed down from the sky, spraying onto the ground, illuminating the surrounding sky.

The machine gun controlled by the soldier on the truck also flicked sharply with the tail of the truck, and his whole person immediately turned the muzzle and fired sharply into the sky where the flames had just spewed out.

A raging tongue of fire spewed out, and the 14.5mm large-caliber bullet instantly hit the sky, tearing the dragon’s flesh and blood.

The dragon spilled vast expanses of blood and scales and fell from the sky with a wail.

“Oh yes, ——!”

The machine gunner and deputy shooter on the truck immediately stretched out one hand and cheered and high-fived.

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