[PS: Chapter six, there is one more. 】

[ps: In the previous chapter, it was blocked.] Be all abroad. 】

The very center of the explosion will reach an extremely terrifying temperature of 50 million degrees Celsius!

Whatever it is, it will melt it all! And instantly!

The two mushroom bombs were combined together, and the power formed continued to ripple around.

The two mixed mushroom clouds instantly rose, and in an instant the height of the mushroom cloud knocked down the height of thousands of meters!

The huge sound and vibration also spread out instantly.

Even the Los army, which had evacuated a hundred miles away, felt a strange shaking on the ground.

“What’s going on?!”

In a village outside the Golden Lion City, many peasants were shaken by the shock caused by the nuclear bomb explosion, some were buried under the house, becoming victims of the aftershocks of the nuclear bomb, and some were lucky enough to leave the house, wide-eyed, looking at the huge mushroom cloud rising in the Golden Lion City in disbelief.

The height of thousands of meters at every turn seems to destroy the heavens and the earth!

“What’s wrong! What’s wrong! What happened?! ”

A fortress dozens of kilometers away from the Golden Lion City, a sudden earthquake swept through them.

Dozens of soldiers in the castle fell to the ground in seven crooked ways, and they prayed in horror, don’t collapse, don’t collapse!

But fortunately, after all, it only shook, and the castle did not collapse.

This made the soldiers in the castle breathe a sigh of relief.

A knight appeared above the castle in panic, shouting loudly, with endless fear in his voice!

“Come up and see! Golden Lion…. Golden Lion City…..”

“What’s wrong with Golden Lion City?!”

Countless soldiers were shocked, they rushed to the head of the castle, and as soon as they went to the head of the city, they saw a mushroom cloud rising in the direction of the Golden Lion City.

“This power has spread for tens of miles…..”

“It also makes us feel…”

Countless soldiers, knights looked at the mushroom cloud with great fear.

Is such a powerful attack really what humans should have?

“Golden Lion City! Is the Golden Lion City destroyed?! ”

The knight officer shouted in a bitter voice, he still has his wife and children in the Golden Lion City!

“Help! Hurry up, everyone set off, hurry up and rush in to save people! ”

Suddenly, hundreds of troops in this castle began to run out of the castle like crazy and ran towards the Golden Lion City.

Golden Lion City.

After about half an hour, Yu Wei finally passed.

The prosperous Golden Lion City before, at this moment, the area of several kilometers in the center of the city has been razed to the ground.

The rest of the inhabitants were also affected, all burned alive by the horrific heat.

More than half of the two million residents of Golden Lion City died on the spot under this terrifying attack!

The villagers outside the Golden Lion City who were shaken by the vibration generated by the explosion and collapsed their houses, and the farmers were also staring at the Golden Lion City with wide eyes, extremely shocked to see the Golden Lion City, which was still in ruins at this moment!

The thirty-meter-high wall no longer exists at this moment, leaving only a little foundation to hit the ground.

The countless houses in the city have naturally turned into ashes, and you can barely see the appearance of a building.

“This, this….”

After two hours of hurrying, the knight who finally arrived here widened his eyes and looked at the large ruins in front of him in disbelief.

He couldn’t believe that this ruin was the magnificent Golden Lion City in the past!

He was already there when the Golden Lion City was first established.

Even when the Golden Lion City has just been established and the unfinished buildings are everywhere, it is much more complete than this ruin!

The city, which had been established for decades, was destroyed and returned to the flattened appearance of decades ago.

The two mushroom bombs together can be said to cover more than ten kilometers around, shrouding the entire Golden Lion City.

Steady, not at all bad.

Not a single resident ran out.

“Hurry up and save people!!”

The knight’s mournful shout sounded, and suddenly all the stunned knights and soldiers woke up like a dream, and they were terrified, and they stepped on this land that seemed to be cursed.

Chest tightness, dizziness.

“Hurry up! There is also a living one here! ”

A soldier shouted in surprise, and he jerked the man out of the rubble.

But this look is miserable.

The man was on the verge of exploding, but suffered third-degree burns.

The skin all over his body was scorched and scorched.

The whole person already has air out and no air intake.

It’s almost dead.

The knight collapsed.

He knelt on the ground, his armor clanging.

The ground, is hot.

“More than two million people in Golden Lion City, it’s over!! Finished!! ”

He knelt on the ground and cried.

The voice was as harsh as the mournful cry of cuckoo crying blood.

But suddenly, he felt a warmth leave from his nose.

He touched his hand.


He had a nosebleed?


A hundred miles away, countless Los soldiers gathered, and they looked at the mushroom cloud that they could see within their line of sight even if they gathered for a hundred miles.

“Is this the order of Your Majesty…”

The steel helmets moved in unison, and they all had shock in their hearts.

Even they themselves were frightened by the weapon used by the Empire.

“Your Majesty has an order! All evacuated, everyone is not allowed to step within fifty miles of the Golden Lion City for fifty years! ”

“Your Majesty has an order! All evacuated, everyone is not allowed to step within fifty miles of the Golden Lion City for fifty years! ”

An officer shouted loudly, passing the voice, and everyone looked at each other and began to evacuate.

The destruction of the Golden Lion City undoubtedly shocked the mainland.

If the use of the Forbidden Spell Scroll outside of Los City was predictable and would not surprise people too much, then the destruction of Golden Lion City was a completely shocking existence!

When did mortals also possess such a weapon that was extremely terrifying, even more terrifying than the forbidden spell power released by the Star Sage himself?!

When the Golden Lion City was completely destroyed by the Los Empire, the news that almost none of the two million soldiers and civilians in the city were spared returned to the Middle Region.

The entire Middle Domain Magic Empire was shaken up and down!

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