[ps: Chapter six, there is one more! ] 】

Soon, the car left the airport and onto the highway.

The First Sage looked at the surrounding scenery through the glass.

The outside is exactly a grain base.

Wheat is growing in large tracts of arable land.

There are also quite a few farmers who are carrying something like a backpack and holding a long pole in their hands, and the water that constantly seems to rain begins to spray from the head of the long pole.

Falls on those crops.

This is a special liquid fertilizer that is beneficial for the growth of crops.

There are also quite a few machines that travel between fields.

“How can’t the Los Empire be strong, even their low-level farmers have all kinds of magical creations to help them, so thinking about it, I really envy the farmers of the Los Empire.”

The First Sage couldn’t help but look at it, and he admired it from the bottom of his heart.

The First Sage knew that although these farmers looked ordinary and these crops were also very ordinary, all this was the feedback of the strength of the Los Empire.

Look at whether a country is strong or not, just look at their bottom people.

“The low-level peasants of the Los Empire are much better off than the bottom-level people of our country.”

The First Sage thought.

At this time, there was a car speeding by on the road.

Skimmed the car in which the mission was riding.

“Is this kind of creation possessed even by ordinary people in the Los Empire?!”

Seeing the car speeding by, the First Sage was surprised.

He also thought that such a creation was specially taken out by receiving their embassy, and perhaps only the emperor of the Los Empire could use it in normal times.

“Well, cars are now produced by domestic private manufacturers, and civilian ones are sold to the domestic people.”

“But it’s expensive, and only rich people can afford it.”

The officer driving the car looked at the road without squinting and answered.

“So it is.”

The First Sage nodded, indicating that he understood.

It seems that there are still many things in the Los Empire that cannot be seen by the outside world, waiting for him to discover ah…

The First Sage glanced at Tianluan on the other side, and saw that Tianluan seemed to be a little excited, and the First Sage couldn’t help but feel a little strange.

Tianluan, what are you expecting?

Soon, the mission arrived at the city of Los Angeles.

At this moment, Los City has undergone a lot of changes compared to a month ago, first of all, the port was successfully built a month ago, and the workers have returned to continue to build the buildings in Los City.

Many high-rise buildings have been built, and it can be said that they are full of the atmosphere of the fifties and sixties of the twentieth century.

“There are such tall buildings in Los City, and there are more than one.”

“Such dense high-rise buildings are only available in the capital of our empire.”

“I used to think that the architectural scenery of our imperial capital was the only one in the whole continent, but now it seems that we have not seen it.”

“The prosperity of Los City is not lost to our capital in the slightest, and even has the appearance of surpassing! It can only be said that it really deserves to be the imperial capital of the Los Empire. ”

Along the way, the three sky mages all looked at everything in Los City with wide eyes, and the more they looked, the more frightened they felt.

Because at the beginning, he thought that the Los Empire was just a mortal country with powerful weapons.

But when he arrived, he found that there were countless things in this world that he had not seen, and even what he saw along the way made him discover.

The living standards of the civilians in Los City seem to be even better than him, the Sky Archmage!

This couldn’t help but shock him.

Although his status in the Central Magic Empire is not too high, under the Star Sage, he is the most powerful Sky Mage, and he is also considered the top among the Sky Mages, and his life is colorful, which is impossible for ordinary mortals to look up to.

But now he suddenly found that he, the sky mage, was not as comfortable as an ordinary civilian in Los City!

Isn’t that a bit too shocking!?

Port of Los Empire.

Over here, Los City is receiving the mission.

Let’s turn our gaze to the sea.

Above the endless ocean, on a small deserted island.

A pitch-black sheep’s foot lightly stepped on the ground.

The lower body of this person is like a sheep animal foot, and the upper body is exactly the same as that of a human, with some kind of fluff on his face and two giant horns on his head.

His eyes were scarlet, and he exhaled a long breath, a turbid breath coming out of his mouth.

“Is this the human world?”

“I’m finally here.”

He closed his eyes and felt the sun shining in the sky.

“How warm, how beautiful!”

“That sun, the sun that our family longs for!”

The horned demon knelt on the ground, stretching his hands towards the sky, constantly grasping at the sun, as if he wanted to hold the sun in his hands.

He had an incomparably obsessive look on his face.

After basking in the sun for about half a day, he stood up comfortably, only feeling warm and incomparably comfortable.

After moving the muscles and bones, a series of “crackling” sounds were heard all over the body.

“Get ready to get to work.”

“That group of hateful humans, no matter how many spatial doors the great female emperor opens, they will always be destroyed.”

“Damn it.”

“But they must not have imagined that we have developed a new one-person transgression technique, although it is extremely unstable, the three hundred demons in the experiment seem to be the only one who succeeded, but as long as I succeed alone!”

The corner of the horned demon’s mouth hooked an extremely evil smile, and he took out a black round object from a small backpack on his lower back, like an egg of something.

“As long as there is this thing, when the egg of the space door hatches, it can grow into a real space door.”

“At that time, it will be the day of the arrival of our army.”

The horned demon said, taking another deep breath of pure air, and his face was full of intoxication: “This intoxicating air smells much better than the smell of sulfur.” ”

“And the incomparably beautiful, mesmerizing sun in the sky!”

“Ah! So beautiful! ”

“All of this will be great to my clan!”

“Weak humans, wait for us to conquer, hahahahahaha!”

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