[ps: Today’s first change! ] And six more! 】

“Your Majesty, there is nothing in the land of the devils, a poor mountain and evil water, why should we attack them?”

Lotis looked at Gu Yuan puzzled and asked.

“Good question.”

The corners of Gu Yuan’s mouth gently hooked, and a mysterious arc appeared.

“My goal is this!”

Gu Yuan suddenly clicked on the map, and it was a point on the demon portal marked on the map of the sea area.

Gu Yuan’s target is the demon portal, not the demon itself!

Demon portal, a magical thing that can travel through two worlds.

With such a magical thing, Gu Yuan naturally wanted to bring it into the control of the empire.

Study the Demon Portal!

Even if it is impossible to cross space and cross the world now, it is always right to grab and study first.

Although the Los Empire is now very advanced compared with other countries on the Roryland continent, its industrial level capabilities, the Los Empire can only be regarded as the level of the thirties and forties of the twentieth century on the earth.

Still at the level of World War II.

Although the magicians on the continent of Roryland and the demons of the other world have magic, if they have to be said by standards, they are at a level between low demons and medium demons (with a nuclear bomb-like forbidden spell, but it is equivalent to suicide attacks), and the flesh is also still in the category of human flesh, afraid of thermal weapons.

The Los Empire can still run rampant in this world.

But if you can go to other worlds and accidentally open the portal of a high demon world, then Gu Yuan will not be finished.

So Gu Yuan plan, first snatch the demon portal down!

Then conduct research, wait until the strength of the Los Empire has increased to a certain extent, and then go to open the space door and go to other worlds.

In the coastal port of the Los Empire, twenty huge battleships were moored on the sea.

And under the sea, there are ten submarines ready to go.

The naval fleet of the Los Empire is about to depart.

A huge fleet of twenty battleships up to 190 meters long was enough to sweep any enemy who stood in their way.

The Demon’s battleship standard was only sixty meters long, not even a third of the length of the battleships of the Los Empire.

Middle Domain Magic Empire.

“Prepare to send troops.”

“We are allies on the agreement, and we must help the Los Empire.”

The Middle Domain Magic Empire Star Sage Council.

The First Sage said in a deep voice.

“Then let’s discuss the number of troops?”

“However, I heard that this time the demon attacked from the sea, and we don’t have naval power, how can we help the Los Empire?”

A Star Sage questioned.

“We can help the Los Empire defend the coastline.”

“The coastline of the Los Empire is not short, maybe when there will be demons directly ashore, and at that time, if the Los Empire cannot be attacked by demons on the sea, they can also return to land, and we will help them handle.”

A Star Sage said.

“Yes, you’re right.”

The other Star Sage immediately nodded and said.

“Well, then prepare, half a million troops.”

The First Sage pondered for a moment and said.

“Five hundred thousand, will it be a little less?”

“Yes, this is a demon.”

“500,000 troops, do you want to add more?”

As soon as this number was out, the Star Sage immediately questioned it.

After all, it is against the devil, with only 500,000 troops, it may be a little difficult.

“We also have an ally the Los Empire, if the demons invade, the first time to invade is their homeland, we have a lot of 500,000 troops, it is enough to help them defend the mainland.”

The First Sage said in a deep voice.


“You’re right.”

The other Star Sages all nodded.

Tianluan sat in place and smiled, and suddenly she felt a tightness in her chest.

What’s going on?

The eyebrows under Tianluan’s mask were slightly wrinkled.

Is she sick?

Impossible, she is a Star Sage, how can she get sick!

What was that strange feeling that I felt just for a moment?

Lind clan.

A very grand, huge dark palace perched on a huge volcanic crater.

The entire huge crater is five kilometers in diameter.

The crater is covered by a cross-lined dark road.

In the middle of the dark road, this is a huge platform, rocky, as if it were all natural.

On this huge rock, there is a dark and magnificent palace.

There are demon guards standing guard at the gate of the palace.

Here, is the residence of the demon Lind female emperor, Sif.

At this moment, Sif was lying under the gray curtain resting, and on either side stood a maid of the succubus.

The bed under the curtain is so large that it can accommodate ten people to lie together at the same time.

Sif suddenly opened her eyes, and she covered her heart.

Frowning: “What’s going on, how can you suddenly have a strange feeling?” ”

“Your Majesty.”

The succubus maids on both sides saw that Sif was awake, so they stepped forward to serve.

Sif waved her hand, a thoughtful expression on her face.

Just now she will definitely not have that strange feeling for no reason, there must be some reason, she has to find the reason!

“Your Majesty! The fleets of the three races of the Ster, Hart, and Lan Scales have gathered, forming a huge fleet of twelve hundred warships, which are now heading for the otherworldly portal. ”

At this time, outside the door, the voice of a demon guard sounded, and he said.

“Hmph, those three races really have a kind, twelve hundred warships, which is really a huge number.”

“Okay, let them touch the tip of the Los Empire and see if the tip of the Los Empire is hard or not.”

Sif waved her hand and said casually.

She was still more concerned about the strange feeling that had just flashed in her heart.

She has lived for ten thousand years, she is the Demon Emperor, it is impossible to get sick, what happened just now?

Central Magic Empire.

At the top of a three-hundred-meter-high tower, there was a lightning rod-like point, and at this moment, the lightning rod was topped with a black magic ball.

Suddenly, it shines!

With a hurry, a shrill alarm sound spread throughout the capital of the Central Magic Empire!

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