[ps: the third change, there are four more]

The Central Magic Empire of the Middle Domain had just thought of supporting the Los Empire, but as a result, another group of demons directly opened the Otherworld Portal and descended on the Middle Domain!

This demon race, I don’t know what method was used, so that the otherworldly portal was not buffered, and it was opened directly when it came, but it seems that such a portal can only open one, otherwise it is time to open a few more doors.

At this moment, the army of the Central Magic Empire was caught in a bitter battle.

They were powerless to pull out their armies to help the Los Empire.

But in fact, the Los Empire did not need their help.

The battle on the sea, although the people of the Central Magic Empire do not have a navy, they only have an air force like a magic guide, but it is useless, the number is too small, and the power of magic to attack the demon warship with a magic shield is like tickling.

Even if those Magi supported the Los Empire, they could only come and cause chaos.

Now, the fleet of the Los Empire consisting of twenty huge battleships is about to reach the Demon Portal!

And below the surface of the sea, there are these ten submarines lurking silently.

“These demons, look, the surrounding sea is dyed red.”

On a battleship, a captain sighed and said to the adjutant next to him.

I saw that the sea area they entered at the moment was just an ordinary azure sea area in one day, but now, in less than a day, it turned bloody red.

The ocean of the human world is polluted by the sea of demon blood on the other side of the portal.

“How’s it going, are you ready?”

On the side of the huge demon portal, above the incomparably wide, flat blood-red ocean, countless dense, gathered together a long dragon-like demon warship moored here.

The hemp pole demon asked.

He was a prince of the Hart group.

“Almost, we can set off to conquer humanity!”

The fat devil, a prince of the Stern clan, waved his hand and said.

“Look, see! What a huge and magnificent fleet, such a fleet, which mankind can resist? ”

The hemp pole demon stood on the observation platform, overlooking this spectacular scene like a long dragon, and his heart was full of pride, and he shouted loudly.

“Another little lady leader of the Linde tribe has long become very cowardly!”

“Even the human race is afraid, and even the human race cannot be defeated.”

“It’s all a bunch of waste, useless things.”

“But we’re different.”

The two identical demon men went one after the other, and finished these four sentences very reasonably and normally.

The four of them stood together, with incomparably strong confidence on their faces.

Their Hart group, Stern group, Lanlin tribe, and the combined fleet of the three tribes, full of more than 1,200 warships.

How could it not be possible to conquer those humans?

In these three thousand years, even if human beings develop a navy, can they still be stronger than them?!

And Sif was still waiting for a few of them to stop her from running mines, how could she tell them how Prince Brad had lost.

Therefore, several of them did not know anything about the battleships of the Los Empire.

Everyone has a honey confidence in their hearts.

“All of them, set sail! We conquer humanity! ”

The Demon Prince roared loudly, and special magical devices carried his voice throughout the fleet.

Suddenly, all the pitch-black demon battleships shone with dark red light, and their magic engines used the same as the Lind clan.

It’s basically the same.

It’s just that the ship type is different, the Lind warship Tomahawk-type bow, while the Hart tribe is a square-headed bow, and the entire battleship of the Steer tribe is like an arrow, with a very sharp arrow prismatic bow.

As for the Lan Scale Clan, it was the race of the fat devil, and their battleships were in line with their image and were semi-circular.

The whole thing floats on the surface of the sea like a cut egg, very flat on the top and round on the bottom.

The warships of the three clans have different postures, but the number is dense and intimidating!

Countless warships moved in unison.

At the moment, the periphery.

Twenty battleships were also preparing to sail towards the Demon Portal.

“We are going to defeat the Demon Homeland, and we in the Los Empire will be the heroes of humanity.”

On the battleship, countless naval soldiers began to cheer themselves up, after all, this time they went not to other countries, nor to other continents, but to another world.

Belongs to the world of demons!

Many soldiers grew up listening to the legends of demons, and now they face such a legendary race, so the psychological pressure for a while is actually not small.

Guyuan’s flagship, the Emperor.

The Emperor was no different from other battleships, no special livery, no special color, very ordinary, and even no larger than other battleships.

The flagship may seem to others to be the largest, but Gu Yuan doesn’t think so.

The flagship is the head of a fleet, their command center, and the command center, naturally, the more low-key the better, if it is too high-profile, it will be directly knocked out in the first round, then how will the battle after that be commanded?

Therefore, Gu Yuan ordered that those moths are not allowed, his flagship, ordinary will do, it is better to put it in a dozen battleships and cannot find it.

“Prepare for a round of bombardment inside the Demon Portal, so that all warships begin to turn, side to the Demon Portal, and all naval guns begin to prepare.”

Gu Yuan looked at the huge demon portal in front of him and gave the order.

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