[ps: The author suddenly has something, today’s update is worse, let’s do it first! ] Dear readers, I’m very sorry!!!! 】

“It’s this Los Empire again!”

The Second Demon Emperor said fiercely.

Previously, the Los Empire had already attacked the land of demons from the sea, and countless races were defeated under the powerful offensive of the Los Empire.

And now the Second Demon Emperor thinks that the situation will finally be better, and the mainland will let those Los Empires attack, anyway, the last thing to give up, as long as you stand firm in the Middle Domain.

But what the Second Demon Emperor didn’t expect was that the troops of the Los Empire also appeared in the Middle Domain, and the battle situation was the same as in the Demon Mainland, and the troops could not resist the troops of the Los Empire at all, and they were pushed all the way.

How much land they had lost before this, how much land they had now been taken back by the Los Empire.

“Big brother, second brother, simply I’ll go directly, release the forbidden spell on a large scale, and kill all those damn humans!”

The Third Demon Emperor said fiercely, with a fierce glint in his eyes.


The First Demon Emperor reprimanded violently and said angrily: “Our forbidden spell magic is no better than the human Star Sage, although the power is the same, but it has an inevitable black curse, large-scale release, what do you want to do, do you want to make the Roryland continent uninhabitable again?” ”

“That kind of land full of black curses, barren, and red land, is that still the Roryland continent we want!”

“Aren’t you just creating a new world of our homeland!”

The First Demon Emperor reprimanded loudly and glared angrily at the Third Demon Emperor.

“I’m sorry, big brother…..”

The Third Demon Emperor was silent and said in a low voice.

“In short, we absolutely can’t do that, if the Roryland Continent is destroyed, then what else do we want the Roryland Continent to do, we can’t even have a place to survive and settle.”

The First Demon Emperor said seriously.

“Then, big brother, what to do with these abyssal substances.”

The Third Demon Emperor looked at the rushing, ocean-like substances in the distance, and he asked intently.

“What else can I do, the old way, drink!”

The First Demon Emperor shouted violently and said to the other two Demon Emperors: “Second brother and third brother, strike together!” ”

Suddenly, the three purgatory demon dragons flying and circling above the sky, and the three demon emperors standing above raised their hands with magic light, and then each of their two beams hit the ground, unexpectedly directly penetrating the ground and reaching the depths of the ground.




The three demon emperors drank violently and used their magic power in unison.


The earth shook violently, and the ground rose sharply!

It was as if an endless distant mountain range had appeared out of thin air.

A 100-meter-high, I don’t know how long the earthen wall slowly rose directly from the ground.

It was like a natural city wall, blocking the black abyss substance.

The three demon emperors turned pale and sat on the back of the demon dragon like a prostrate.

With the magic power of the three of them, even if they were combined, they couldn’t create walls that blocked all the abyss matter at once, but they just built thousands of miles and ended up exhausted all over their magic power.

“When the magic power is restored, it should be almost the same to build it a few more times.”

“Those black substances spread unfast, and this hundred-meter-high wall can block it for at least a year.”

The First Demon Emperor said in a deep voice.

“Then we’re going to have to figure it out this year.”

The Second Demon Emperor also said.


Looking at the wall they had created in front of them, the three of them fell into a deathly silence.

Half a month later.

Magic Empire.

“The devil is coming! The devil is coming! ”

“Everyone, run!”

In a village and town, countless residents fled in all directions with screams, and the 250,000 demon troops led by Trip, the Prince of Bullhead, finally came to the Demon Energy Empire after a long journey, relying only on one pair of feet.

“Don’t chase them, let’s quickly replenish our food, and then continue on the road!” We can’t waste time, we have to run to a new home! ”

One by one, the demon generals conveyed orders in the army.

“Look! Distance! ”

“Heaven’s edge!”

At this time, the demons who suddenly rested exclaimed.

Everyone looked to the distant sky in the east.

I saw that in the far sky in the east, there was a hazy black and gray wall that reached the top of the clouds.

The wall was tall, obscured by clouds and mist, and it seemed that there was no end on both sides, and when you looked at both sides, it was as if it extended infinitely to both sides.

“That’s the Heavenly Scourge Mountain Range…”

Countless demons looked at the black wall that was infinitely long in the sky, as if it was built in the sky.

Is such a mountain really a natural formation!

This question arose in the minds of countless demons.

“This afternoon, let’s move on! We already see hope, and when we reach the Heavenly Scourge Mountain Range, we will be able to leave the Roryland Continent and continue to the East! ”

Tripp said to the group of demon generals.

And the demon generals are very excited, in their opinion, the mountain range of heavenly punishment, since the mountain is high and low, it is always impossible, all the places are high on one side, the long border of the Roliland continent, even if it is the mountain range of heavenly punishment, it cannot really be like a wall, the entire Roland continent is the mainstay.

There was always an exit, so the demons continued their journey.

They are about to arrive, that for ten thousand years, no one has dared to touch, the mountain range of heavenly punishment…

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