In the past, human beings have always had a deep hatred for their demons, not to mention giving them a piece of land to live in, even if they snatch a piece of land, those humans will fight to the death to grab it.

But now, Gu Yuan wanted to take the initiative to give him land!

As for the conditions Gu Yuan said, the Third Demon Emperor thought that it was all fine, if there was no need to fight, there was land to take, then who was willing to fight.

Originally, the goal of the entire demon clan was to live on the continent of Roryland and get rid of the suffering demon land.

“So, where do you want our native land?”

The Third Demon Emperor was silent for a moment and asked.

The Third Demon Emperor did not expect that Gu Yuan was willing to ask for their native land, no matter how Gu Yuan opened his mouth, he would give it!

“I want the whole abyss wall!”

Guyuan Road.


The Third Demon Emperor’s first reaction was this.

Abyss Wall.

It was some time ago that the three Demon Emperors of them rose together to resist the walls of the Abyssal Material Sea.

If it is occupied by the Los Empire, it is equivalent to the life thread of their entire clan in the hands of the Los Empire!

Of course, the Third Demon Emperor would not agree.


The Third Demon Emperor fell into deep thought.

If you don’t agree, sooner or later, the abyss substance will spread throughout the mainland, and the demon race will definitely start a life-and-death battle with the humans of Roryland.

If it was only to face the Central Magic Empire and other magic empires of the Roryland Continent, the Third Demon Emperor would certainly not be afraid.

At most, be careful not to be blown up by the Star Sage’s suicide forbidden spell attack.

However, the Third Demon Emperor had learned about the Los Empire when he was in the Middle Domain before.

From some defeated magicians of the Central Magic Empire, I learned that the Los Empire has a weapon that can be cast from a long distance and is even more terrifying than ordinary forbidden spells!

Nuclear bomb!

It was precisely because of this fear that the Third Demon Emperor was very hesitant.

If you really throw forbidden spells at each other and throw nuclear bombs, then everything will be ruined.

Let’s not talk about whether this result can be accepted by the Los Empire, even the Third Demon Emperor himself is impossible to accept.

They are not for destruction, but for survival.

“I’m going to go back and discuss this.”

The Third Demon Emperor was silent and finally said.

“I’m waiting for your reply.”

The corners of Gu Yuan’s mouth gently hooked.

There is no need to fight this battle, and it has already hurt the demon race.

Although Gu Yuan’s current killing value is only more than 80 million, it is less than 100 million, which is still far from Gu Yuan’s target of 120 million.

But Gu Yuan, has found another way to brush the kill value!

How many eroded abyssal creatures can there be in the entire huge sea of abyssal matter?!

These abyssal creatures are the best places for Guyuan Brush Killing Value!

There is no need to fight the entire demon clan.

The Third Demon Emperor held the Second Demon Emperor who had not yet woken up, he stood up straight, and the next moment made a move that shocked all the Los soldiers.

The Third Demon Emperor actually lowered the proud head of the Demon Emperor, bent down, and bowed deeply to these ordinary Los soldiers!

This move also made Gu Yuan and the others who transmitted the image through the camera stunned for a moment.

Sif covered her mouth in surprise.

She is a demon race, and she was also born on the world demon tree, she knows the three demon emperors best, she did not expect it at the moment.

The Third Demon Emperor would actually salute the soldiers of Los Angeles.

“Emperor Luos, I know you can see that this gift represents my personal gratitude to you, thank you!”

The Third Demon Emperor raised his head again and said.

The Third Demon Emperor saw hope in the Los Empire.

And this hope is among this group of ordinary soldiers of the Los Empire!

The special steel armor they wore on their bodies, although the Third Demon Emperor did not know how the soldiers of the Los Empire did it, but this steel armor could effectively avoid the abyss substance.

The three demon emperors have been fighting against the abyss substance for more than 20,000 years, and they have been exterminated by dozens or hundreds of races, but they still cannot fight the abyss matter.

And today, the Third Demon Emperor suddenly discovered that a group of ordinary soldiers of the Los Empire could actually make those abyssal substances that devoured everything fearful, and everywhere they went, the abyss substances automatically avoided!

“We’ll meet.”

After the Third Demon Emperor finished speaking, the magic power on his body fluctuated: “Boom!” With a bang, the whole person instantly rose into the sky, and soon, it disappeared without a trace.

Middle Demon Kingdom.

The First Demon Emperor stood on the abyss wall they had built, looking at the sea of abyssal matter that was constantly wriggling below.

Listen to the roar of countless polluted abyssal creatures in your ears.

A touch of sadness suddenly appeared in the First Demon Emperor’s heart.

These abyssal creatures, ten thousand years ago, were all living people in their race.

“Big brother!”

A shout sounded from a distance, and the Third Demon Emperor came here with the Second Demon Emperor in his arms.

“Second brother?! What happened to him?! ”

When the First Demon Emperor saw the Second Demon Emperor who was held in his arms by the Third Demon Emperor, he was stunned and said in surprise.

“Big brother, here’s the thing.”

The Third Demon Emperor quickly told the First Demon Emperor what happened at the World Demon Tree.

After hearing this, the First Demon Emperor fell into a deep shock.

Because of this matter, the impact on him is too great!

All their ethnic groups, more than a billion people, against the ever-spreading abyss material ocean, after 20,000 years, the population has not increased at all, but has decreased to less than 200 million.

Of the ten demon emperors, only three of them remained.

And now, on the continent of Roryland, an empire with strange weapons and all mortals saw the hope of defeating the matter of the abyss.

“Shall we promise them?”

The Third Demon Emperor asked.

“Promise, why not.”

“For 30,000 years, I only hope that we can live a peaceful life, even if we want to be held by Emperor Los to hold our lifeline, even if we can be exterminated by them at any time, but they have no reason to exterminate us, right?”

“We really don’t die, we can only die together, the weapons in the hands of both sides, the power of forbidden spells are too terrifying.”

The First Demon Emperor sighed and said.

“It’s up to you to go to the Rory Land Continent to meet Emperor Ross.”

“By the way, when you go to see him, give this to him.”

As soon as the First Demon Emperor stretched out his hand, he easily cut the armor on his chest, dug out the flesh and blood, and took a drop of purple blood on the heart.

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