Tanjiro lowered his head and hesitated to answer.

Zhang Qingshan asked again, “Do you want to try it?” If you don’t compare, don’t disturb me to sleep and rest! ”

Sleep more during the day, and only at night will the spirit head go down the mountain; It’s almost time to count, they participate in the selection, and you beans should wake up soon.

He has a selfish heart, you beans wake up, the first person to see is himself, I don’t know what will be.

Tanjiro no longer spoke up, after all, strength did not allow him to do so.

And he, Senior Brother Aoyama, even Mr. Taki won’t say much.

“Senior Brother Qingshan, can you teach me how to maximize my strength?”

Tanjiro said this because he had not yet split the rock with a knife that was trapped with thick hemp rope, and Aoyama had already cut the rock that belonged to him in half with a random slash.

What he was lying on now was half of the rock.

“Why don’t you make what Mr. Taki taught you your own!”

“Huh? Become… Tanjiro muttered softly, ran forward, and asked, “How can I become my own?” ”

Zhang Qingshan rolled over and jumped down from the rock, patting his shoulder with his hand, “Wait, someone will teach you, but it’s definitely not me.” ”

Evil smiled, turned to leave, the time was almost up, the meal had arrived, I don’t know what Mr. Taki made delicious today.

Tanjiro patted his head with his hands, he didn’t understand, on this mountain, only he, Aoyama, Mr. Taki and his sister, who had been sleeping, had never seen anyone else.

Who else will teach themselves?

Two days later.

What to do? Still can’t cut the rocks, everything that can be done, but…

I’m going to throw in the towel! Do your beans die like this?


Tanjiro hit the rock hard with his head, he was very annoyed, it was clear that Senior Brother Aoyama easily cut open a boulder larger than himself.

Why can’t I do it all the time!

“It’s noisy!”

A teenager wearing a fox mask suddenly appeared on the rock.

“Don’t shout blindly, it’s ugly!”

Tanjiro below looked up at the boy above, and he was shocked in his heart, he didn’t notice when the boy appeared, even his usually sensitive nose didn’t smell the teenager’s scent.

“No matter how painful it is, endure it in silence.”

“The premise is, if you are a man!”

“If you were born as a man.”

The boy slowly got up with a wooden knife in his hand, jumped up from the rock, raised the wooden knife, and made a chopping motion, a leg-raising flying kick, and kicked Tanjiro out.

“Sluggish, weak, immature! That’s not a man at all! The boy crouched on the ground, spitting out the words clearly.

Not far away, Zhang Qingshan leaned crookedly on the tree, his eyes looked at the two of them, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, sure enough, the rabbit appeared, and immediately the Zhenjing girl was about to appear.

Tanjiro was a little annoyed, and the boy who suddenly appeared suddenly beat himself up.

“You, what are you doing all of a sudden!”


Tanjiro suddenly turned his mind around, didn’t Senior Brother Aoyama say that someone would teach him two days ago? Could it be the person in front of you?

“Hey~ how long are you going to sit on the ground, don’t put on a good pose, come, let the horse come!” Rabbit hooked his hand and signaled Tanjiro to hurry up.

The thirteen of them watched Tanjiro in the dark for so long, but he couldn’t cut the rock for a long time, and he was really anxious for him, so he came out to help him.

Hearing him say this, Tanjiro immediately understood that this person should be the person that Senior Brother Aoyama said to help him.

Grip the knife in hand and get ready for battle.

Zhang Qingshan raised his hand to block his eyes, and what he followed was Tanjiro in seconds, and the current Tanjiro was not the opponent of Tanjiro at all.

I feel sorry for Tanjiro for a second, not for one more second.

When Zhang Qingshan lowered the hand that was blocking his eyes, Tanjiro had already been beaten down by the rabbit.


I still come back later, at least until the Zhenjing girl appears and comes again, watching the two old men fight, I really don’t have any interest.

Mr. Taki may have been brought by Zhang Qingshan, a foodie, and used to eat as if he was okay and not hungry; Now it’s different, if you don’t eat something good a day, it’s uncomfortable.

No, in the evening, the fish that Zhang Qingshan caught from the river was roasted, and a large pot of broth was stewed, and the whole room was filled with fragrance.

In the room, Zhang Qingshan sat next to Your Bean’s futon.

“Bean, listen to me, you should wake up, ha, today Rabbit and Zhenjing have appeared, you should also wake up, start our happy life of slashing ghosts.”

Just after muttering the words, there was the sound of Mr. Taki shouting for dinner outside.

“Coming, coming!”

Zhang Qingshan promised in his mouth, and then put the little hand of your bean into the futon.

After eating and drinking, Mr. Taki remembered one thing, that is, Tanjiro had not returned yet, and looked at the little broth in the pot and the two small fish left on the shelf.

Is this enough for Tanjiro to eat?

Zhang Qingshan saw what Mr. Taki was thinking, and said, “Add some water to the broth and boil it, I’ll go and ask Tanjiro to come back for dinner.” ”

Add two bowls of water to the thick broth and boil it into thin broth, and you should be able to get enough water to deal with it.

Now that’s all there is to it, Mr. Taki got up and went to scoop water.

Zhang Qingshan went to the forest with brisk steps, and the real girl must be there at this time! When I am full, I just talk to the real girl, which can be regarded as a food.

PS: The fifth chapter of the new book is uploaded, and the family supports it! Thank you ~ flowers, evaluation or something, support a wave!

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