Tanjiro in the room stared at the handball flying towards him.

Take a deep breath, calm yourself down, and quickly analyze these handballs in your mind, they are flexible and can suddenly change their trajectory.

Even if they dodge, they will change direction and fly over again.

Tanjiro emptied himself and thought about the ten types of water breathing, which one could resolve his current situation.

The fastest jab technique among the ten types is…

Breathe in full! Breath of water! Qizhi type, Shizuku ripple stabbing song.

Hitting the curve from the bevel eased the power of the ball, and the knife stabbed one of the handballs, and a ripple like water appeared in front of it.

Zhang Qingshan outside felt that it was time, no longer just to avoid these balls, it was time for Zhu Samaru to taste the power of his handball.

One rolls over and jumps up, fully focused on breathing! Breathe of Light! Three shapes, dance of light.

Although the speed of these handballs is fast and the trajectory of the flight can change, they cannot accurately catch Zhang Qingshan, and at most they can only chase behind.

It’s just chasing, can’t really hit.

Zhu Shamaru’s eyes desperately wanted to lock on Zhang Qingshan, but his steps had no regularity to follow.

With a moment, Zhang Qingshan suddenly disappeared from her eyes.

Yes!!! What about people?

Zhu Samaru turned his head left and right, running in front of him all the time, why did he disappear all of a sudden?

“Hey! What are you looking for? I’m behind you! ”

The words sounded in her ears, and Zhu Samaru didn’t have time to turn her head and look back, and her three arms on one side were abruptly interrupted by her own handball.

Zhang Qingshan knew that her handball could change the trajectory, which was controlled by the blood demon technique of the arrow ghost Yawa Yu, so it could be flexible, but it could not be absolutely flexible!

The corners of his mouth raised a confident arc, and he deliberately used the breath of light! The three-way is to let these handballs run after them.

Finally, he took the opportunity to come to Zhu Samaru’s side again, close to her, and dodged when the handball was about to hit him, so that as long as the handball was a little bit wrong.

Then the person who was hit was definitely Zhu Samaru himself.

“Ah!!! Yawa Yu !!! What are you doing? Orochimaru roared angrily at Yawa Yu.

Yawa Yu on the tree frowned, he was actually tricked, which made him a little annoyed.

Zhang Qingshan waved the knife in his hand, and a blade light flashed, and all the arms on the other side of Zhu Shamaru were cut off and fell to the ground.

“Be symmetrical on both sides! Don’t thank me~”

One jumped and returned to the roof on the side, and through the big hole in the roof, he saw Tanjiro below.

“Tanjiro! Come out, the handball ghost is handed over to you, and I will meet the arrow ghost. Saying that, his gaze fell on Yawa Yu on the tree.

Tanjiro was about to rush out when he was stopped by Yushiro.

“Hey! Stupid ghost hunter, can you see the arrows on the handball? ”

Tanjiro was slightly stunned, “Huh? Arrowhead? ”

Yushiro frowned a little disgustedly, “I’ll lend you my vision now!” He said, pulling out a piece of paper with a spell drawn on it from his arms.

“Then you should be able to cut off the head of that ball girl!” The paper flashed a pale blue light and flew towards Tanjiro’s forehead, sticking to his.

Zhu Shamaru was angry, she was despised by Zhang Qingshan, the blood vessels on her face bulged, she was twelve ghost moons, she was actually despised like this.

“Do you think that as the Twelve Ghost Moon, I am capable of this?!”

In an instant, the arms on both sides grew out again.

Tanjiro’s whole person was a little trembling, and this growth rate was much faster than those ghosts he had encountered before;

After You Bean moved the injured woman to the basement, she also rushed out of the house.

Tanjiro, who can see the arrows, understands that handball is powerful, but mainly relies on the guidance of those arrows, then the arrow ghost may be even more powerful!

“Thou beans! You help Senior Brother Aoyama deal with the arrow ghost, and I’ll leave it to me here!” ”

“Hmm!” Thou beans focus on the head.

Zhang Qingshan on the roof didn’t have time to stop it, when he saw that Your Bean had rushed over, he quickly jumped off the roof.

This Tanjiro really is… Find a beating!

Rushing over, Bean kicked the arrow Oniya Yu, but was blocked by him with his arm.

“Damn it! Don’t raise dust, dirty to death! ”

Aim your palms at your beans, and suddenly all the eyes in your palms are closed.

Your bean was driven by the arrow and flew backwards.

Zhang Qingshan quickly jumped up from the ground and caught You Bean in mid-air, because of the impact, when he fell to the ground, his feet slid back for a distance before stopping.

“Huh, are you so afraid of dirt?” Zhang Qingshan spoke coldly, and began to plan in his heart.

Yushiro in the room pointed outside and said, “Lord Sushi! Now that there are them out there procrastinating as bait, let’s run away now! ”


Miss Zhu Shi’s whole person was shocked, and her gaze changed when she looked at Yu Shilang.

“I’m kidding!”

Quickly made a remedy and changed what he had just said.

Yawa Yu on the tree jumped down from the tree, thinking that Zhu Samaru alone could solve it all, and sat on the tree himself so that the dust would not fly on him.

Unexpectedly, the opponent he met this time was not as simple as he imagined.

Tanjiro borrowed Yushiro’s eyesight to see his arrowhead, but the man in front of him, he seemed to be able to see at the beginning.

PS: Hello Xiaomengxin! Daily shouts! Ask for flowers, evaluations, collections, etc.~

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