It was completely dark.

Led by the crow, the group came down from the mountain and stopped in front of a large mansion.

In the middle of the gate, the family pattern of wisteria flowers is printed.

“Rest! Rest! Those who are injured can rest here until they heal! ”

The crow in Tanjiro’s hand spoke in a husky slightly shrill voice.

Zhang Qingshan was on the side, touching his chin with his hand, feeling that this crow, as if he thought that there were two more people, began to speak with confidence.

It’s like, a guest comes to the house, a well-behaved child, and suddenly disobedient feeling, this is someone fighting ~

The first time he heard that the crow would say something other than the mission, Tanjiro didn’t believe his ears a little, holding the crow and asking, “Can you really rest?” I fought this time, but I was wounded in the fight. ”

If you let rest early, you should not be able to, old injuries are not good, and new injuries are added.


Sure enough, it’s a long temper!

Zhang Qingshan’s eyes flashed a fine light, stepped forward, deliberately bumped his shoulder against the mouth Heinosuke, let him get close to the crow, and did not forget to shout in his mouth: “Hey, I’m hungry~ If you don’t eat, you don’t want to compete.” ”

Hearing Zhang Qingshan say that he was willing to compete, he clenched his fist and faced the crow, “Eat it!” ”

His gaze fell on my wife’s little sparrow again, and he pointed and said, “Eat it too!” ”

The crow was frightened and quickly flapped its wings and flew in the air, and when the little sparrow saw this, he quickly flew away.

If you don’t go again, you may pluck your hair and become a barbecue.

The door was slowly opened from the inside, and behind the door came a small, white-haired old woman who led everyone towards the courtyard.

Looking at the magnificent courtyard, Zhang Qingshan couldn’t help but think that living a life without shame and shame with You Bean here, then there should be…

“Senior Brother Qingshan, why don’t you speak?” Tanjiro asked.

Zhang Qingshan frowned, his face showed displeasure, he was just about to think about it, he interrupted, what to do, a little urge to strangle him.

Hands on chest, constant tapping….

Be kind, don’t be impulsive, the world is so beautiful, why am I so cranky, this is not good, not good….

Seeing that Zhang Qingshan had been stroking his chest, he was still slightly excited, and his mouth was flat and Inosuke was like a learner.

The hand patted his undressed chest, snapped, and smiled at Zhang Qingshan, showing eight teeth.

“Look! You will, and so will I! Hey. ”

Tanjiro put his hand on his forehead, what to do, this person is considered helpless;

Walking behind, pulling Tanjiro’s clothes, my wife Zengyi felt hairy in her heart, in his opinion, how can a woman grow like this, old like this, it should be a youkai!

“Tanjiro, she’s a youkai mother-in-law!”

His head was muffled by Tanjiro’s fist, temporarily closing his mouth.

This mansion is dedicated to the members of the Ghost Killing Team, and the reason for this is because their head has been plagued by evil spirits, and it is the ghost hunters of the Ghost Killing Team who help solve the problem of evil spirits.

Therefore, the head of the family ordered people to repair the mansion and serve the ghost hunters specifically.

After dinner, the old woman brought a doctor to treat everyone.

Zhang Qingshan sat on the side, watching the doctor treat them, and couldn’t help but think of the words that the crow said before flying away, ‘The injured rest until they heal’.

Just eat it yourself, there is no injury at all, can you let people serve here for a long time?

After the doctor’s diagnosis, the three of them, my wife Zengyi broke two ribs, Tanjiro broke three ribs, and Izuhira Inosuke broke four ribs.

“Wha! I have more broken ribs than you! ”

Hearing this, my wife Zengyi and Tanjiro looked at Hiranosuke’s eyes changed, this person can’t be a second fool, right? Is a broken rib something to be happy about?

Izuhira Inosuke ignored the eyes of the two, jumped up and pointed at Zhang Qingshan, “Quick, show him!” He will definitely not break more than me! ”

The doctor came forward with a stethoscope to diagnose it, and Zhang Qingshan reached out to stop it.

“Don’t bother, I just diagnosed myself, I have suffered a spiritual injury, an unspeakable pain!”

The air suddenly quieted down, and everyone looked at Zhang Qingshan, and no one present had heard of this disease he said.

Izuhira Inosuke grabbed the doctor’s collar, “Hey! What kind of pain does he have in his heart, do I have it? Ah, you show me, I must have it! ”

He yelled at the doctor’s ear and almost didn’t shock the doctor to death.

In this way, because of the fork of the mouth Hirai Inosuke, this disease, did not continue to watch.

It’s late at night!

Under Zhang Qingshan’s ‘suppression’, everyone was lying well, only Zhang Qingshan sat in front of the wooden box, waiting for Your Beans to come out of it.

My wife Shanyi’s gaze fell on the wooden box, and she said seriously: “Hey, Aoyama-senpai, this is the wooden box that Tanjiro is carrying, and there are ghosts hidden in it, I can hear it, why did you allow him to carry ghosts?” ”

He didn’t take your beans with him, and he would have flown solo happily.” These were Zhang Qingshan’s inner words, but it was impossible to say them.

There was a faint sound in the wooden box, and my wife Zenyi suddenly jumped out of the bed and hid behind Tanjiro.

“There is a voice…”

The wooden box ‘creaked’, and the door of the wooden box was pushed open a little.

“Tanjiro… Why don’t you lock it…” My wife Shanyi’s voice began to tremble.

No one will be afraid except my wife Shanyi, and immediately you beans will ask for kawaii to come out!

Awsl! Awsl! Awsl!

PS: Xiaomeng Xin greets the family every day! Prepare a picture today to express your wishes.

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