The time for treatment here should take a long time, Zhang Qingshan decided to go back to the Narrow Fog Mountain by himself, he still had one more thing to do.

Tanjiro didn’t expect that Senior Brother Aoyama suddenly said that he wanted to go back to Mount Sawmisi, he wanted to go back together, after being out for so long, he also wanted to go back and see Mr. Taki Taki .

He made his words several times, either rejected or ignored.

“Senior Brother Qingshan, can’t I really go back to the Narrow Mist Mountain with you? I think you Bean must also want to see Mr. Taki again! ”

The bean standing on the side clenched his hands into small fists and nodded heavily, “Hmm~” (Yes.) )

Zhang Qingshan raised his hand to touch the head of Your Bean, but still refused.

“Tanjiro, don’t say anything more, I will definitely come back until you are healed, and…” His gaze fell on my wife Shanyi on the side.

“Keep him away from Your beans!” There was a faint murderous aura in his eyes.


Sure enough, Senior Brother Aoyama is most worried about his sister You Bean! The expression on Tanjiro’s face stiffened a little.

My wife Shanyi, who was pointed, subconsciously hid back, facing the cute bean, can’t get close, isn’t this asking for his life?

Aoyama-senpai, it’s too cruel! There was a small resentment in his eyes.

Zhang Qingshan raised the corners of his mouth slightly, walked towards my wife Shanyi, and patted his shoulder with his hand, “Shanyi, remember the words of your seniors, don’t disturb You Bean, your life will definitely be as good as possible.” ”

In the crisp sound of ‘clucking’, my wife Shanyi’s face turned a little pale, and her arm was dislocated.

“Ah!!! Doctor, doctor! My arm, my arm is broken! ”

My wife Shanyi threw his dislocated arm that had been pinched and dislocated by Zhang Qingshan and jumped all over the house, and the old woman walked out of the room very calmly to ask the doctor to come.

Tanjiro’s eyelids jumped unnaturally twice, and he didn’t say anything more, sending Senior Brother Aoyama away.

Izuhira Inosuke saw that Zhang Qingshan did this, and said that he would pinch and dislocate the other arm of my wife Zenyi, and he could do it himself.

In an instant, the chickens and dogs in the house jumped and turned over.

Leaving the mansion of the wisteria flower family, Zhang Qingshan set off on the way back.

The raven hovered overhead, as if it had something to say, but without Tanjiro by its side, it did not dare to fall down easily.

Zhang Qingshan raised his arm slightly and said, “Come down!” ”

With Zhang Qingshan’s permission, the crow trembled and landed on his arm.

“Gaa No unauthorized departures allowed! Aoyama-kun, please go back, please go back. ”

Zhang Qingshan lowered his arm, and the crow immediately fluttered its wings and flew in the air, “Qingshan-kun, please go back!” Please go back! ”

With noisy ears buzzing, Zhang Qingshan bent down, picked up a stone, threw it up and down twice in his hand, and said, “Do you fly away by yourself, or do I beat you down and make a barbecue?” ”

The crow’s frightened feathers fell down several times, and before flying away, he did not forget to say one last word, so that he could return to the team early.

Seeing the crow fly away, Zhang Qingshan threw away the small stone in his hand and continued to walk forward.


At night in a dilapidated house that no one lived in, Zhang Qingshan decided to take a break for a while.

Just lying down in the house, a disgusting smell filled the house, Zhang Qingshan touched the knife on his waist, his eyes did not open, and he continued to pretend to be asleep.

There was a slight rustle on the roof, and it was supposed that a demon had jumped on the roof; The stench at the door of the room is relatively strong, and this evil ghost should have eaten a lot of people.

Only the ghosts who eat more people have emitted an unpleasant and heavy breath.

The roof suddenly collapsed, and Zhang Qingshan quickly turned over, jumped to the side, and stood against the wall.

“Hehe, I didn’t smash you directly!”

Falling from the roof was a four-eyed man with fangs and a horn on his head, lying on all fours on the ground with a stout tail dragged behind him.

The door was directly broken in half by the big hand that stretched in, and what squeezed in was a burly ghost with strong and powerful limbs.

In Zhang Qingshan’s view, the evil ghosts lying on the ground should belong to the flexible type; This big guy belongs to the strength, but in contrast, the movement is slow.

“You guys… Want to eat me? Zhang Qingshan asked, his gaze wandering over the two ghosts.

“Eat you?”

The ghost’s gaze at the door fell to the ghost lying on the ground.

Obviously, among the two ghosts, the one with a little brain is the ghost on the ground.

This scene Zhang Qingshan saw all in his eyes, it seemed that to get rid of it, he must first get rid of this ghost lying on the ground.

“Eat you, haha, of course you have to eat, but keep your head, the adult wants.”

Zhang Qingshan frowned slightly, my lord, Ghost Dance Tsuji is not miserable?!

“Oh, your adults are really careful, didn’t I cut off a corner of his clothes last time, and actually sent two stinky garbage to collect debts?”

The expressions of the two ghosts changed, and the young man in front of him actually cut off the adult’s clothes…

The evil ghost on the ground turned around and threw his tail behind him towards Zhang Qingshan by the wall, wanting to use his tail to directly slap people on the edge of the wall.

How could Zhang Qingshan let him succeed, quickly pulled out the knife, erected the knife, the blade was outward, and when the tail was close, he directly cut the tail in two with the blade.

Blood sprayed on the ground, and the broken tail left the body and turned into ashes.

The already dilapidated log cabin, after some fighting, only one wall stood there alone.

However, when he went outside, Zhang Qingshan had more space to exert, and the two ghosts blocked him one after the other.

Zhang Qingshan looked at the two evil spirits, the two of them are very good at cooperating with each other, he must get rid of one of them first, which one to get rid of first?

His gaze slowly fell on the ghost lying on the ground, since he had some brains, let him die first.

Zhang Qingshan’s expression became serious, he tightened the knife in his hand, his body quickly ran to the side, and out of the corner of his eye, he saw that the sensitive ghost chased after him.

After running some distance, he suddenly stopped, turned around, and a line of gap appeared in his gaze connecting the head of the ghost who was chasing him.

Breathe in full! Breath of water! Two-type, watermill.

The knife in his hand appeared in waves, his body rotated three hundred and sixty degrees, and when the blade touched the ground, the ghost’s head had been cut off.

“How… Suddenly… Stop it… Turn around?! ”

This ghost was not blind, obviously he was about to catch up, biting off his neck from behind, Zhang Qingshan’s sudden turn and counterattack, making him unexpected, let alone have no chance to dodge.

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