When Zhang Qingshan decided to leave, Mr. Taki had not yet figured out the reason.

But for Zhang Qingshan, the matter of the knife becoming heavier is no longer so important, what matters is how he sees things.

Late Taki explained some things again, and when Aoyama was leaving, he brought a box of ointment to Aoyama.

“You fight ghosts and are prone to injury, bring more ointment I made to heal the pain, just in case.”

Zhang Qingshan took the ointment, put it in his luggage with a smile, and before leaving, he whispered a word in Mr. Takig’s ear, and after speaking, he ran away.

“I’m leaving! See you next time, Mr. Taki Zhang Qingshan waved his hand, with a triumphant smile on his face.

Taki took a deep breath and yelled, “You are not allowed to come back next time!!! ”

The figure in front of him disappeared, Taki Zuo turned around and walked into the house, Aoyama, this kid, sure enough, is not a good boy!

It took a lot of time to go back and forth to the Narrow Mist Mountain, and when Zhang Qingshan returned to the Wisteria Flower Family Mansion, Tanjiro and several of them were almost healed.

The old woman carefully invited the doctor to examine several of them again, and the doctor announced that all of their injuries had been healed.

Hearing this news, Tanjiro breathed a sigh of relief that he was finally able to set off again; On the contrary, it is about to set off, which is completely bad news for my wife Shanyi.

“Na Na, do you want to check me again, I feel that my body is still a little painful!”

My wife Shanyi ripped open the clothes in front of her chest and insisted that the doctor examine him again.

Zhang Qingshan got up, grabbed my wife’s Shanyi’s collar, and showed his usual smile at the corner of his mouth.

“Shanyi, do you want the senior to personally check it for you?”

My wife Shan Yi shrunk her neck and shook her head repeatedly, “No, no, Aoyama-senpai, I feel better, there is no problem with my body at all!” ”

Tanjiro sat up, sure enough, the only person who could make Zengyi serious and honest, so far, was only Senior Brother Aoyama.

The crow crossed the courtyard wall, flew into the house, and retracted its wings, “Northeast North, Northeast North, the next place is Northeast North!” Aoyama-kun and everyone, please get ready to hit the road! ”

After changing clothes, my wife Shanyi began to step back, and the crow came to report the message, and then he was about to meet those hateful and disgusting guys.

As if sensing my wife’s intentions, the crow continued to shout, “You all have to go!” Tanjiro, Aoyama-kun, Inosuke, my wife Zenyoshi! All going to Nata Spider Mountain! Nata Spider Mountain! ”

The group left the mansion and began to move towards Nata Spider Mountain!!!

As we got closer and closer to Nata Spider Mountain, the sky gradually darkened, and a bad premonition occupied my wife’s heart.

Before entering the mountain, he suddenly squatted on the ground and refused to move forward.

“Shanyi, what’s wrong with you?” Tanjiro asked with concern.

Zhang Qingshan clasped his arms with both hands and glanced at him, this guy had nothing but fear.

“Aren’t you afraid? The mountain in front of you is dark and dark, and the closer you get to your destination, the more terrifying it feels! “Weak, pitiful and scared hugged together.


Izuhira Inosuke made a sound, his hands pinched his waist, and although he couldn’t see the look on his face, he must be mocking this timid fellow.

Tanjiro frowned slightly, “Zen-yi, are you really not leaving?” ”

“Don’t go, don’t go! Something terrible must be happening in this mountain that you can’t all feel? Yes! Can’t feel it?! ”

Lai refused to leave in place, and his voice was quite loud.

Zhang Qingshan shrugged his shoulders, spread his hands, and said, “Let’s go~ Let’s go~ Let’s go, since Shanyi doesn’t want to go in, let him stay here, Tanjiro, don’t force him.” ”

“Aoyama-senpai… You’re so nice…”

My wife Shanyi was particularly moved, and the two of them either persuaded themselves to go in or mocked themselves, and only Aoyama’s senior let him stay.

“But Senior Brother Qingshan, this is the task of the four of us? How can you let Shanyi stay alone~”

Tanjiro didn’t mean anything else in his words, but he felt that everyone was together, they could help protect each other, and let Zenyi stay alone, and they couldn’t help if they encountered any danger.

My wife Zengyi didn’t feel Tanjiro’s concern, and felt that he was saying: Die, everyone dies together!

“Tanjiro, no matter what you say, I won’t go! I’m

not going, not going, not going, not going…”

Suddenly, there was a smell from the mountain, Zhang Qingshan, Tanjiro, and Inosuke all turned their heads to look behind them, and my wife Shanyi subconsciously closed her mouth, holding her body and trembling slightly.

“Hey! How, eh? Why don’t you talk? ”

The three of them ran towards the road ahead at the same time, and when my wife Shanyi saw this, even if she was afraid, she had to follow behind, her calves and stomach trembling all the time.

A ghost-killing team member was lying in the middle of the road ahead, heard footsteps, and reluctantly raised his head, “Help, save… Save me…”

Zhang Qingshan, who was in front, walked forward, and was about to reach out to pull the person on the ground, but saw that there were several transparent silk threads connected to his body, and the silk threads instantly straightened, pulling the person up from the ground.

“Ah, too! I’m also connected!!! ”

Zhang Qingshan did not hesitate, quickly jumped up from the ground, reached out and grabbed this clothes, and he himself was pulled into the mountain with this person.

“Ah!!! Aoyama-senpai, Aoyama-senpai were taken away, and were taken away!!! ”

My wife Shanyi instantly collapsed and shouted, in his heart, the most powerful person in their group is Aoyama-senpai, and now Aoyama-senpai is taken into the mountain, so a few of them go in, isn’t it…

PS: Xiaomeng Xin daily greetings. Please support your family and make more efforts.

Thank you.

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