
The whole train is caught in the ‘sweet dream’ he created, and the plan is about to succeed, and if you fulfill the orders of Lord Oni Tsuji no Misery, you will be able to give more blood and gain more power!

In another carriage.

The prostrate-looking flight attendant knelt on the ground and pleaded with a ghost hand with eyes and a mouth on the ground to put him asleep too.

“Please! Let me fall asleep quickly, I have done as you ordered, checked the ticket and put them all asleep. ”

“Please let me fall asleep too, so that I can see my dead wife and daughter, please, hurry up and put me asleep…” the flight attendant repeatedly pleaded to bring himself to sleep.

“Alright! You did a great job. The ghost hand opened his mouth on the back of his hand and spoke.

“Sleep, have a good dream of getting together with your family~”

With a ‘go sleep’ the conductor fell into a deep sleep on the corridor of the train.

In the seat, Zhang Qingshan, who was already asleep, moved his fingers slightly at this time…

“Excuse me…”


Seeing that the flight attendant was asleep, there were several awake boys and girls on the side, making weak voices.

The ghost hand jumped around, looked at the children in front of him, and instructed: “After a while, the sleep will deepen, you guys wait here first.” ”

“The people of the Ghost Killing Team sometimes wake up because of the murderous or ghost breath. When you get closer, be careful not to touch their bodies when tying the rope. ”

These boys and girls listened carefully to the explanation of the ghost hand, they were human subordinates controlled by Nightmare, and they specialized in doing things for Nightmare.

Using the special rope made by the nightmare, sneak into the spiritual level of people’s dreams, destroy the people’s ‘spiritual core’, and the person who destroys the ‘spiritual core’ will lose the ability to resist, and at that time, he will not resist if he slaughters it casually.

The train continued to roar forward.

The group of boys and girls began their operation, tying this special rope to the hands of the Ghost Killer Squad.

According to the instructions of the ghost hand, they carefully tied the rope to the people of the ghost killing team, and the other end of the rope was tied to their wrists.

Next, count out loud so they can fall asleep quickly, and then use this special rope to invade the dreams of the Ghost Killers and destroy their ‘spiritual core’.

In Zhang Qingshan’s dream, he was in front of the rocks of the Narrow Fog Mountain, surrounded by Shinka, Youdouzi, Butterfly Shinobu, Kanahu, Kanae and others.

Everyone had lovely smiles on their faces, and even Kana, who was not good at words and did not speak easily, became very good at conversation.

Looking at the happy people, You Bean quietly approached him, holding his hand with a blushing face…

“You… Beans…”

Zhang Qingshan looked down at Your Bean’s cheeks, but with a peach-like pink, cute people want to taste it.

Feeling a strange aura appear around them, Zhang Qingshan raised his head around, and the expression on his face became serious, he couldn’t sink here.

A teenager came to the unconscious spiritual realm, which should have been a blank place, and the moment he stepped in, things began to appear around him.

“Ah! How…… How so? The boy exclaimed.

“Of course! Do you think I’m an ordinary person? Hmph,”

Zhang Qingshan appeared behind the young man and pulled out the Nikki knife hanging from his waist, with a sharp flash on the blade.

“Whatever reason you have to do things for ghosts, I will not be pitiful and sympathetic.”

The body moved instantly, and the knife in his hand slashed directly into the boy’s body, and a burst of white light blurred his vision…

Zhang Qingshan opened his eyes sharply, the rope in his hand broke off by itself, and the boy connected to the other end was also brought back to reality.

Experiencing a death in a dream, his shivering clumps shrank together, and the awl he was holding to pierce the ‘spiritual core’ fell to the ground.

At this time, the unconscious Purgatory Kyoshiro, obeying the behavior of his body, tightly pinched the neck of the girl connected to his dream.

Zhang Qingshan subconsciously waved the Nikkiro knife in his hand, wanting to cut off the rope connected to Purgatory Kyoshiro’s hand…

At the top of the train, a smile appeared at the corner of Nightmare’s mouth, cut it off! Cut the rope.

The Nikki knife was raised in the air, Zhang Qingshan stopped, frowning slightly, he couldn’t do this, no matter what aspect, this ghost wanted to succeed a little.

Retracting the knife in his hand, he turned around and slapped Tanjiro, who was still asleep, on the head, without responding at all.

There was a slight sound from the wooden box, Zhang Qingshan bent down and opened the door of the wooden box, “You beans.” ”

Your bean came out of the wooden box, jumped on the ground, and returned to its normal size.

Zhang Qingshan smiled and raised his hand on the top of her head, “Do yourself a favor, burn these ropes, and let everyone wake up!” Please. ”

“Hmm!” (Okay. )

Thou bean waved his little hand and nodded heavily.

Tanjiro, who had always had a smile on his lips, suddenly burst into tears from the corners of his eyes, and in the dream, he was woken up by himself and told him that everything was a dream.

And he must wake up from his dream!


Zhang Qingshan opened the door of the train to the outside, and one rolled over to the roof of the car, the strong ghost breath, the ghost that made dreams was on the roof of the car.

Wei Meng heard the sound and slowly turned around, “Huh? How did you wake up, is the dream not wonderful enough? ”

“It’s not reality, no matter how wonderful the dream is, it doesn’t appeal to me at all!”

Zhang Qingshan stepped forward with the Nikkawa knife in his hand, and his gaze fell on Wei Meng’s body, the ghost of the next string.

Wei Meng saw the face of the person who came clearly, overlapping with the picture in his head, the head that Lord Ghost Mai Tsuji wanted, one of them was the person in front of him!

“Hahaha, I’m really lucky! Can I get your head so fast. “Put your hands together and feel happy from your heart.

In this way, Lord Ghost Mai Tsuji will give himself more blood, and he can challenge the upper string and advance to the upper string!

Zhang Qingshan sneered, “You said the opposite, your head, I want to cut off!” ”

Wei Meng did not panic at all, and slowly spoke: “Blood Ghost Art!” Whispers of forced lethargy hypnosis. Stretching out your arm, a mouth is created on the back of your hand, and this mouth utters the word “sleep.”

Listening to the voice, Zhang Qingshan frowned slightly, he wanted to force himself into sleep, but he thought about it!

“All concentrated! Breathe of Light! One type, flash”

The body quickly dodged up, cutting off the head of the nightmare standing in front of him, and there was no sound in his head that the usual system prompted the reward.

Zhang Qingshan turned to look at the head that fell behind him, and was not surprised. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – receive

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