Marijoa, Celestial Dragon Family, Astoria Mansion.

A young girl in a black and white maid dress, holding a tray with a pot of water and a teacup on it, slowly walked towards the man in the courtyard.

It can be seen that the girl is not very skilled in this kind of thing, and her strength is a little weak, and she can't even put the tray down steadily.

But she still tried her best to stay calm, and after gently putting down the tray, she gently grasped the hem of her skirt, and then bowed deeply to the handsome man beside her.

The movements seemed a little unfamiliar, but the overall etiquette gave people the feeling of a professional maid.

"Lord Ivan, please, please have some tea~"

"Well, I have learned very well, but there is no need to be so anxious, Robin, there is still a long time ahead.~"

"It doesn't matter, after all, I live here, I still have to work hard to be useful to Lord Ivan~"

In response to the man's words of relief, she did not relax because of this, but shook her head with a chuckle, Then he put on a very mature look.

Compared to what he looked like before, he was much more mature.

Alas, the environment really allowed people to grow up. They were naturally Robin and Ivan.

Not long after arriving at the Navy Headquarters, he came back with Robin and the others.

Of course, Saud stayed there and was imprisoned, and after the report came out, it was said that he should have been sentenced to about ten years. In fact, according to the situation in the original work, even life imprisonment or even death penalty is not certain.

But in this world, he is still much calmer after all. He did not attack the navy (actually he punched, but it was empty). Secondly, I didn't know any special secrets, and thirdly, it was because I was deceived... Of course

, the most important reason was that Ivan interceded for him.

How heavy it must be, but even after the real order came down, they still didn't dare to do anything.

The matter of Saud was actually a big or small matter, because after being in the navy for so many years, there was no internal understanding of the situation in the navy.

Saud is also very fond of this matter.

Now it is said that he will be imprisoned for ten years, but in fact, he can also have various reductions in sentence for good behavior.

After all, he is a person like this.

, there is actually no point in being locked up.

And Robin was brought back by him, and became his maid in name.

Well, there was no need for it, since he already had a lot of maids.

He Ren, Hancock and the others were actually his maids, serving tea, cooking, changing clothes, etc.

But they were not wearing maid uniforms.

But she put it on directly.

This was not something he asked for, but something she took the initiative to say that since she wanted to live in his house, she should do something.

Originally, this was not a bad thing.

After all , if she wants to enter a new environment, she can really try to change her mentality.

However, her title has been changed from"Big Brother" to"Sir Ivan", which makes him a little bit dumbfounded.

He still prefers the former title because it's more intimate, but Robin...

may still have some grudges in her heart.

Although she knows that she didn't appoint someone to destroy O'Hara, he is after all.


If he had no idea at all, it was probably impossible.

In fact, Ivan himself had thought about bringing Robin over before.

Rationally speaking, he understood that this was not a good idea..

It was not good for him or Robin, but in the end emotion defeated reason.

After all, people are emotional creatures, and Ivan himself is also an emotional person.

Fortunately, Robin himself did not want to investigate those historical texts, so there was no danger, at least safety was guaranteed.

"Speaking of which, Lord Ivan, where have Sister Nin and the others gone?"

But at this time, Robin still showed a somewhat curious expression, and then looked around.

She just went to get some coffee, but now when she came over, she found that Master Ivan was the only one left.

"They went to try on clothes. Every week at this time, a batch of new clothes would be delivered, and they would go to take a look."

"Yeah? Did even Miss Albedo go?"

It would be understandable if it was Sister Ren who took the three sisters there.

Miss Albedo usually acts like she doesn't let in strangers and only gets close to Lord Ivan. Will she also go with her? ?

"Well, she actually likes to go shopping, but she just doesn't want to admit it, so she was dragged away by Hancock and the others just now.~"

"Ahahaha~ This is so interesting~"

Miss Albedo, is this the kind of person she is? I'm so surprised!~

"How about it? If you like it, I can take you to see it too, right?"

"That’s not necessary. Actually, I’m……"

"How come there is no one to greet me? Are they all away? No manners at all!"

But at this moment, a irritable voice came from the door, and at the end of the sentence, there was a familiar strange habit, which made Ivan laugh after hearing it, and also made little Robin tilt his head in confusion.

(The third summoned girl is about to appear, guess who it is~)

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