"lily?" the sound of mose nolan awakens the lily from her blank.

"hmm?" lily asked to mose who was handsome with his dark gray cardigan, mose wearing casual clothes, white shirt and soft gray cloth pants.

Lily didn't realize she was leaning on another man, in a car with a strange man making her mose gaze sharp and cold.

mose opened the car door and grabbed the half-conscious lily, the mose sure lily wasn't drunk why did the girl become like a dazed person like that?

on the contrary the man in the car only lookedmose took the girl and held her in the house.

stinging coffee from Lily's body, this girl drinking coffee or spilling coffee?

mose glancing at the pattern of the white brown and black lily shirt, who dared to water her with coffee?

who was the guy who delivered earlier, I think I've seen it before?

mose wondered what had happened in Benankny but, her lips were tightly closed when she flew to her room.

"Are you okay?" asked mose after putting the lily on his bed, the mose measured the temperature of the girl with his head, not hot.

Lily shook her head slowly, "I'm fine" while pulling the blanket over her head. Lily is confused, what she sees is reality. Lily felt a warm mose palm rubbing her head.

feeling lily lost instantly, lily knew this feeling must immediately disappear from his heart. she could not continue to put his heart to the mose nolan.

"mose" said Lily in a very small voice.

mose is still sitting beside the lily bed. Lily's head is still hiding behind the blanket. "I miss Maria".

Mose's eyes were visible at a glance, surprised, Lily never said this in front of mose. "I miss her, too," said the mose in a deep voice.

the man didn't know what was happening, there must be something that made lily sad like this.

"Do you want to tell me something?" asked mose softly.

it was late fortunately marie had fallen asleep today, there was a raindrop from the window. mose pulled his dark gray cardigan, the air felt colder in the lily's room.

Lily opened the blanket that covered her head, she saw her cute face, Lily's eyes looked very sad. "me, me, I saw ..." Lily seemed to want to tell something, mose waiting for Lily to say it. but then Lily looked at him as if remembering something.

the girl lay down on the bed again and covered herself with a blanket. mose knew the girl didn't believe he so she didn't say anything.

"sleep" said the mose then, while warmly pressing the blanket's lily-covered shoulder. then turn off the light, mose knows Lily is sleeping without light, after turning off all the lights in Lily's room, he slowly closes the door to Lily's room.

mose sighed, he wanted to know what lily saw, but he also didn't want to force the girl to tell a story. mose wants lily to tell her everything, mose wants her to be a brother who can be a place for lily to rest and take refuge.

even though he knew he was only his brother-in-law's brother but, they had lived together for 5 years and met for 20 years.

Are there any other feelings that have existed in her heart for lily? mose didn't realize all this time. but, when mose saw Lily die in the car a week ago, mose knew he felt more sad than losing maria 4 years ago.

mose enters his office, and takes whiskey and pours it into a glass glass. mose sat facing the window which showed the darkness of the night and the heavy rain that night. the dim light above the table glanced in the office.

when the lips of mose want to raise a drink in a glass, mose hears a sound besides the sound of rain.

"I saw my mother with he ..." a sad voice from behind mose sat heard. mose can hear that lily's voice.

"My mother is with a man ..." Lily's voice was interrupted, broken up, mose looked back, surprised at how pale the lily's face was and how sadness her eyes are.

mose immediately put down the glass and grabbed the trembling lily's body. afraid if she collapses at any time. under the arms of mose, the voice of the lily came back

"the man who killed me" said Lily looking at her, a drop of tears fell from the lily's defense.

Lily stares at he a like a puppy being thrown away by the her owner.

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