I still love you, dear brother-in-law

103 chapter 103 : How are you mother?

the next day, lily left from early morning.

Marie and Mose just found out about it at breakfast, told Mr. Jason. if lily goes alone, mose won't be surprised, but hears her going to be picked up by randy with his motorbike.

mose brow furrowed, why does nobody tell him?

why can someone take he family away from he residence?

and why is her daughter seeing strange to he, now?

"Daddy, if you don't like Mom going on dates with other man. You should say" said the princess of Nolan's residence. no one can deny the girl's words. in fact, his famous cold father could only be silent.

"I never said I didn't like it, only they left without saying hai to me." mose said as he cut the sandwich.

his daughter just nodded while drinking milk in her glass. [whatever you say, everyone also knows you're jealous, pa!] Marie thought in her mind.


Lily left that morning with randy but not for a date, but instead bought a motorbike. If Lily asks for a mose, Lily can point to all the motors she wants.

but Lily wants to buy her own motorbike, after an hour choosing assisted by Randy. a dark blue motorbike with a cool silver stripe. this motor speed is equivalent to a randy motorbike because it's the same type.

Lily gets a fullface helmet with the same color as the motorbike. after finishing all the lily administration and Randy tested the new lily motorbike. Lily darted quickly on the road leading out of town, randy followed from behind and sometimes took the lead in turn, like a brotherhood.

after an hour they arrived at the beach and bought fruit flavored ice cream in a small shop. staring at a large sea on a long bench. they were both like schoolboys playing truant, looking lazy in the sun.

Randy glanced at the sleepy-looking lily beside him.

Randy knew today Lily was sadness when Randy see her. Randy no said nothing, Lily say she wanted to take her for a walk and they ended up buying a motorbike and going to the beach.

"Are you better?" Randy asked suddenly.

"when I not good?" asked Lily.

suddenly a mobile phone rang.

Randy's eyebrows furrowed, but he caught the phone. after talking for a while, the look of randy turned serious but a smile remained on his face. "I have to leave immediately, work problem" said Randy with a guilty face.

Lily didn't blame her and nodded to let the man leave.

not long after randy left, Lily also went to go too. but, the place where the lily is headed is not the residence of Nolan but the residence of Mrs. Ruby, her mother.

the lily motorbike stopped a few meters from his mother's large residence. Lily's memory in that place felt strange, where she grew up with her sister Maria.

when they were small, her mother always smiled warmly at her, climbing herself and Maria with homemade cakes. every evening with all three of them eating the cake in the war. Mr. Ho butlers pour fragrant tea from the teapot into the lily cup, occasionally taking their photos.

in the big tree, Lily once climbed and fell. his mother and brother took care of his wound, lily still remembered when he woke up they both slept on his side hugging him, how happy lily was at that time.

when she was four years old, she went to a stately home rather than his home. her sister, maria was sick so she didn't participate.

The silent lily finally got lost in the house, when she almost cried. She met a handsome young man who was very friendly and drove back to his mother's place.

besides the young man there was his butler Mr. Jason who still looks young and handsome. the butler told who the little girl was to he young master and gave lily a packet of cake that was very tasty.

right, the young man is a mose nolan, at that time little lily fell in love with him.

twenty years later, mose nolan married his sister Maria, a year later Maria died after giving birth to Marie. three years she lived with the person he loved as well as his brother-in-law. then Lily was expelled from the residence of mose nolan and returned to his mother's residence.

there is no longer the shadow of his friendly and gentle mother. the lily sees memory about is a middle-aged woman who is almost crazy to kill her.

after a year, how are you mother?

the last time I could see you with a man who had killed me. did you tell he to kill me?

too guilty do I love my brother ini law, mother?

Lily's heart felt tight, tears trickling down her cheeks. Lily glanced once again at the residence, then left with her dark blue motorcycle.

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